I’m the contracted bride of the billionaire

Chapter 42

The post-quake tremors of Amelia’s hazardous ploy undulated through the compound, the stunning thunder giving way to a frightful quiet that appeared to press in from all sides.

As the residue settled, Philip wound up encompassed by the disintegrated leftovers of what had once been Cambel’s internal sanctum, the strengthened walls diminished to minimal more than dissipated heaps of rubble.

His look promptly searched out Amelia, alleviation flooding through him as he saw her crouched structure mixing in the midst of the garbage.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

Disregarding the fights of his battered body, he raced to her side, supporting her in his arms as he delicately brushed away the residue and grime that stuck to her highlights. “Amelia,” he mumbled, his voice thick with a combination of concern and pride. “Are you okay?” She gestured, her eyes gradually recovering their concentration as she enrolled the obliteration that encompassed them. “I… I suspect as much,” she answered, her words bound with a quake that gave a false representation of the internal strength that had driven her activities.

As Philip helped her to her feet, a development grabbed his attention, and he turned with perfect timing to see Cambel rise out of the destruction like a wrathful phantom.

Her clothes were torn, her features were twisted into a mask of unbridled rage, and her once flawless appearance was marred by streaks of grime and soot. “You discourteous blackguard!” As she glared accusingly at Amelia, she spat, her words tinged with venom. “Do you know what you’ve done?” Amelia’s jaw rose, her eyes igniting with a disobedient fire that appeared to surprise Cambel. “I’ve stopped your bent plans,” she countered, her voice consistent regardless of the quakes that actually flowed through her body.

“No more lies, no more controls. It’s finished, Cambel.” Cambel’s lips turned into a horrible scoff, her self-control recaptured as she overviewed the destroyed remaining parts of her previous fortification. “Over?” she repeated, her voice bound with a ridiculing giggling that creeped Philip out.

“Gracious, my dear, this is only the initial salvo in a conflict that will shake the actual underpinnings of this city.” With a twist of her hand, Cambel delivered a smooth, metallic gadget – a remote or some likeness thereof, its motivation mysterious yet without a doubt loathsome. “You might have managed a catastrophe for my tasks here, yet my compass stretches out a long ways past these measly walls,” she proclaimed, her eyes sparkling with a frenzy that appeared to seep into her words.

“And I will not rest until I have torn down everything you hold dear, until your precious legacies are reduced to ashes at my feet,” the admonition reads.

Cambel pressed a button on the device, and the compound burst into a cacophony of sound and light before Philip could react.

Emergency lights flickered to life, bathing the scene in an eerie, pulsating glow, and alarms blared, their shrill wails cutting through the dust and debris. “What have you done?” Philip requested, his voice pitched to continue the noise as he naturally stepped before Amelia, protecting her from anything new revulsions Cambel had released.

Cambel’s giggling rang out, an unforgiving, grinding sound that appeared to deride Philip’s urgency. She said, her features twisted into a rictus of mad triumph, “I’ve set the wheels in motion, my dear stepson.”

“Right now, my representatives are getting the message out, painting your dearest Amelia as a tricky temptress, a lady with a bad reputation whose main point is to trap you in her snare of duplicity.”

Philip felt his heart plunge, the ramifications of Cambel’s words crashing over him like a tsunami. With a couple of deft strokes, she had released a bedlam of outrage and insinuation, one that took steps to inundate Amelia as well as the actual groundworks of Philip’s heritage and his case to the administration of Waller Interchanges.

As though detecting his unrest, Cambel’s smile broadened, her eyes glimmering with a ruthless yearning that sent a shudder hustling down Philip’s spine. “Gracious, don’t look so shocked,” she insulted. You must have been aware that your precious Amelia would be haunted by her past.

Did you truly figure you could clear away the shameful subtleties of her previous existence with a couple of pretty words and a transitory hug?” Amelia recoiled, her fingers fixing around Philip’s arm as though looking for consolation despite Cambel’s tenacious invasion.

Philip, on the other hand, continued to stand firm, keeping his jaw in a straight line as he met Cambel’s gaze with unwavering defiance. “Your falsehoods and controls won’t work this time, Cambel,” he pronounced, his voice ringing with a conviction that appeared to resound through the actual groundworks of the destroyed compound.

“Reality will win, and when the residue settles, it will be you who is left with only the worn out remainders of your broke desires.”

Yet again cambel’s chuckling rang out, a ridiculing rhythm that ground against Philip’s detects like nails on a blackboard.

“We will see, dear stepson,” she murmured, her highlights bending into a brutal jeer. “We will see.” With a spin of her worn out shroud, Cambel dismissed and stepped, her structure vanishing into the twirling dust storms trash that actually waited following the blast.

Philip watched her go, his heart pounding in his chest as he battled to deal with the ramifications of her splitting words.

Next to him, Amelia’s slim casing shuddered, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears as she wrestled with the heaviness of Cambel’s statement. “Philip, I…” she started, her voice trembling with a delicacy that pulled at his heart.

With a gentle touch, he silenced her by gently rubbing her cheek with his fingers. He murmured, “It doesn’t matter,” and held her gaze with unwavering intensity. “Anything lies Cambel attempts to spread, anything that mysteries from your past she endeavors to bring up, they won’t change how I feel about you.” Amelia’s lips separated, yet before she could answer, the pop of a radio transmission slice through the air, its critical tones requesting their consideration.

Philip frowned as he heard the frantic voice on the other end as he took the device out of his tactical vest.

“Sir, we have what is going on,” the employable detailed, his words bound with a direness that sent a chill down Philip’s spine. “Cambel’s representatives have been occupied.

The media is going crazy with tales about Amelia’s past, painting her as a… indeed, you can envision the shameful subtleties.”

Philip’s grasp fixed on the radio, his knuckles brightening as a flood of fierceness flowed through his veins.

Cambel had burned through no time in releasing her disgusting effort, her venomous lies previously saturating the public cognizance like a threatening toxin. “It deteriorates,” the employable proceeded, his voice stressed.

“There are rumors that Waller Communications is preparing for a coup. It appears Cambel has been developing her own group of supporters, and they’re taking actions to hold onto control following these shameful disclosures.” Philip’s jaw held, his eyes solidifying into steely spheres of assurance.

There was no turning back now that the battle lines had been drawn and the gauntlet had been thrown.

Cambel had pronounced war, and Philip realize that he would need to address her difficulty with each ounce of his purpose and vital clever. “Sound the meeting,” he told, his voice ringing with a clearness that brooked no contention.

“Assemble our partners, our confided in agents, and any other person who remains with us. We’ll make it through this storm, and when the dust settles, Cambel’s deceitful reign will only be a footnote in history.”

As the usable recognized the request, Philip went to Amelia, his highlights relaxing as he took in her delicate structure. “It will deteriorate before it improves,” he cautioned, his tone bound with an inauspicious genuineness.

“However, I guarantee you, Amelia, I won’t let Cambel’s untruths and controls destroy us. We’ve made significant progress, persevered excessively, to permit her turned plans to win.”

Amelia gave a nod, her eyes shining with a renewed resolve that seemed to extinguish the lingering gloom and dread.

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