I Fell For The Boy His Daddy Was A Bonus

Chapter 48: Thrown Under The Bus

Chapter 48: Thrown Under The Bus 

"Stop! Don’t drink anything from her!"

Courtney and Cindy’s heads snapped in the direction of the familiar voice.

It shocked them to see who came barging into their tea session, looking like she was in a frenzy.

‘Why is she here? What is the meaning of this?’ Courtney felt her skin crawl, sensing this was not going to end well for her.

"Analisa? What brings you here at this hour?" Cindy asked with a brow raised.

"Don’t drink that tea, Cindy!"

Analisa formed a full frown on her face and tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.She turned to her daughter and said, "I’m sorry, I just could not stand it anymore.You have gone mad, my daughter!"

Feeling her heart racing, Courtney yelled back, "What? I’m mad?"

Turning to Cindy, Analisa reported, "Cindy, Courtney intends to poison you! She wants to kill you!"

Blood easily drained from Courtney’s face.

Never in her wildest imagination did she expect her own biological mother to put the blame on her.

Analisa was throwing her under the bus! She screamed, "You!!!! You lying bitch!"

"What are you saying, Analisa? This is our daughter we are talking about? Why would she do that? You are spouting nonsense." Cindy questioned.

She rose from her seat and suggested, "I think you need to leave."

"Drink the tea," Analisa suggested.

"I dare you to drink the tea, Cindy, and you won’t ever find out if what I am saying is true.Tomorrow, you’ll be dead."

"Or better yet!" Analisa shifted her gaze to Courtney.

She suggested, "Why don’t you drink it, Courtney? Prove to your mother Cindy how I am lying."

"I found out many things today, Cindy, including how my own daughter slept with Luca’s father, how she had been poisoning Philip all along!" Analisa disclosed.

More water streamed down her face as she added, "I’m so disappointed in her.If only I had raised her on my own!"

"What?" Cindy’s eyes widened.

"That’s – that’s crazy!"

"No, mother! She is lying!"

Courtney countered.

She wanted to tell Cindy many things, but how could she explain that what Analisa said was also true? She was involved in the crime, one way or another

"And I’m telling you, she is trying to kill you with that tea!" Analisa pointed out.

Cindy wound up looking at the teacup.She returned her attention to Courtney and saw fear in her daughter’s eyes.She asked, "There would not be poison in this tea, right, Courtney?"

"Let her drink it! Let her drink it and you will know," Analisa insisted.

"Drink it!"

It was because Cindy saw the reluctance in Courtney’s expression that she also followed Analisa’s lead.She said, "Courtney, you know, dear.Just prove a point.Drink the tea Drink… my tea."

Courtney’s lips trembled. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

For seconds, she repeatedly gulped.

Her hands form into fists and ultimately, she screamed, "No!"

She pushed away both teacups and announced, "It was mother Analisa! She told me to poison you! She did it! She was the one who gave me the poison!"

"Oh, my god, Courtney! What has become of you? Allthis because you wanted all the money to yourself? Whose fingerprints are in those cups? Is it mine? If the police were to search your room, will they not find any more poison?"

Analisa howled in tears while defending herself, whereas, Cindy felt utterly heartbroken.

Time stopped for Cindy Barnes.

At first, she was unaccepting of the truth.

Her precious daughter, one that she cherished and put first before her own biological daughter, was planning to kill her? Cindy was aghast! How was it that she had been raising a snake all these years? She felt her chest becoming heavy, her blood boiling and her eyes watering.

While Analisa and Courtney continued to put the blame on each other, Cindy ran, all while ordering the maids to call security.

The moment Cindy made it to her room, she locked the door behind her and called the person whom she had loathed for so many years.


She could hear the commotion outside her room.

The maids were trying to hold back Courtney and Analisa, all while the mother and daughter continued to argue about who did what.

"Call the security and let both of them out of this house!"

Cindy ordered behind the door while gripping her mobile tight.She kept wishing and hoping for Scarlett to answer her call.

After what it felt like forever, Scarlett finally answered, "Mother? How are you? Kaleb and I are in Swaxon -"

"Scarlett! Scarlett, Analisa said Courtney tried to poison me.Courtney asked me to have tea and then Analisa came in and told me Courtney put poison on my tea!" Cindy reported in a panic, her voice went off the roof.

"I don’t know.I don’t know!"

"I don’t know what to do.I can’t believe it, but Courtney admitted and said it was Analisa’s doing -"

"Mother, calm down.Kaleb had requested the military to go to your house.In fact, they are on their way to you right now.When Kaleb and I land in Braeton, I will go see you right away!" Scarlett revealed.

"Tell me, where are you?"

"I’m in my room.I – I locked the door behind me bec – because I don’t know what to do," Cindy replied.

Her body, at that point, was shaking from all the shock.

"Wake up the other maids, call the security.They are the closest to you, right now, mother, and the best people to protect you.Keep the doors locked until the military arrives," Scarlett suggested.

"The plane is leaving.I’ll call you when we land.Be safe, mother."

It took only thirty minutes for the military to turn up.

Their priority was to secure Cindy Barnes.

One female soldier put her at ease, reassuring her she was safe.

Still, she remained in her room, not knowing who to trust.

Courtney and Analisa were held in separate quarters until such time Scarlett and Kaleb finally arrived.

It was already in the wee hours that the couple made it to the Barnes’ estate.

Only then did Cindy come out of her room, crying and seeking her other daughter, the real one this time.

"Scarlett! Scarlett! Thank god you arrived!"

She was howling in tears at that point.Her body continued to shiver.She went straight to embracing Scarlett.

Soothing her mother, Scarlett urged Cindy to sit in the living room with her.She maintained to caress her back, saying, "Everything will be fine.Everything is fine now, mother."

"How is it fine? Scarlett, someone tried to kill me and maybe your father too -"

"I know, mother.I know.That was why we had to take father to Swaxon for treatment.Aurora suspected that he was being poisoned by Courtney.I’m sorry we had to keep it from you,"

Scarlett finally confessed, and it was because of her words that Cindy broke down completely.

While Cindy was being attended to by Scarlett, Kaleb walked in with police officers, serving a warrant.

"Misses Barnes, this is a warrant to search your entire estate.We have reason to believe that more contents of the poison are being hidden in your home."

Soon, Courtney and Analisa were brought outside after being detained in one room.

"Thank goodness, Scarlett, you are here!" Analisa called.

"Courtney tried to poison Cindy, and she has been poisoning Philip for a long time!"

"I can’t believe you! You are a lying bitch!" Courtney screamed.

"This was all her idea in the first place! She forced me to do it! It was all mother Analisa!"

"That’s why we are here to serve a warrant," said one police officer.

"Courtney Barnes, you are under arrest for an attempt and conspiracy to commit a crime."

When the warrant was handed to Courtney, everyone saw the relief look on Analisa’s face.She then screamed, "Serves you right for biting the hand that feeds you! I’m so ashamed of you – "

"Analisa Rivera, rather, Melissa Hernandez, as it is your real name," said the police officer.

“You are also under arrest for attempt and conspiracy to commit a crime… You have the right to remain silent.Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.You have the right to an

attorney.If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?"

‘What?’ Analisa stood frozen in her stance, shocked at how her identity came to light.

Her eyes panned from Kaleb to Scarlett, speculating about who dug up her past.

"Just so you know, father Philip is getting better," Scarlett revealed.

"Your plans failed!"

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