I Fell For The Boy His Daddy Was A Bonus

Chapter 42: Warm Welcome

Chapter 42: Warm Welcome

While riding inside Kaleb’s Knight XV, Scarlett had been staring blankly at her phone, waiting. This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“Kitten?” Kaleb called. “We have to act normal. You are not acting normal right now.” “They haven’t called,” Scarlett faintly pointed out. “Exactly the reason, we have to go to my parent’s party, as planned,” Kaleb suggested. “We would be acting suspiciously if we did not.” Scarlett sighed. She softly replied, “The fact that they never bothered to call me meant they did not see me as anyone important –” “Another reason for you to act like your usual,” Kaleb asserted. He pressed his lips against her ear and suggested, “Your father will be fine. They took the medical flight to Swaxon. Your father will be treated by the best doctors.” Scarlett and Kaleb agreed that Philip technically followed Aurora out of Braeton City under false pretenses. It was best not to reveal how they were responsible for him being missing. Still, what shocked Scarlett the most was how Cindy and Courtney had not contacted her. It had been over twenty-four hours since Kaleb’s men arranged for Philip’s transport to Swaxon City. It was impressive how Kaleb acted fast. Aurora contacted them a few days back, hinting that Philip may have been poisoned, but taking him to see another doctor was complicated. Everything about his medical needs was being managed by Courtney. Taking Philip away, without him realizing, and without the knowledge of Cindy and Courtney, was the only other option. Thankfully, everybody trusted Aurora. No one ever suspected her as they fled. So when Analisa contacted Scarlett for a meet up, Kaleb took the opportunity and implemented his plan. “What’s wrong, mommy?” Liam asked. “Um… It’s nothing, Liam,” Scarlett replied. She forced a smile on her face and said, “I’m nervous about meeting your grandfather and your uncles and aunts.” Liam smiled brightly at Scarlett. He revealed, “They are excited to meet you, mommy! Even my aunt Kenzie will be there too.” Scarlett turned to Kaleb, asking for confirmation. She asked, “The one who lives in London?”

“Yes,” Kaleb confirmed. “She and her husband, plus the kids, flew in yesterday. You will meet everybody later.” Puting a hand on her chest, Scarlett revealed, “All the more, I am nervous.” “Don’t be. You are beautiful and tonight, you look extra beautiful,” Kaleb suggested, his eyes landing on Scarlett’s pink satin dress. He pressed her frame against his and reminded her,” For now, let’s enjoy this moment. My parents deserve the best party.” Scarlett nodded and said, “Okay. I will.”

“I hope they will like me,” Scarlett said. “Oh, they… already like you,” Kaleb responded while planting a kiss on her forehead. “You don’t even have to try.” *** Walking into the second Diamond Hotel’s grand ballroom, Scarlett sensed her heart racing. She could feel eyes on her as she took her steps. She thought it did not help how Kaleb had his arms around her waist. She gazed down at Liam, who seemed to be looking out. Then she heard him say, “Graham!” Liam turned to Scarlett with excitement. He said, “Mommy, come! I’ll show you to my cousins!” Scarlett saw a table where a group of kids had settled down. Some were much older, but – nonetheless, it was clear to her how they knew each other well, given how they were chatting merrily. “Go ahead, Kitten,” Kaleb urged. “Liam has been so excited to introduce you to everyone. Make him happy.” Before Scarlett could answer, Liam’s strangely strong, yet small, arms dragged her away. They went past the tables and arrived at the near front. When she stood in front of the group of kids, Liam gave their names. “Mommy, these are my cousins. That’s sister Kim. She is the eldest. That’s brother Luke. Then, there is brother Keneth Lee, Graham, Kylee, and Gale.” “I have a baby cousin too, but he is with aunt Kate. He is too young to stay with us,” Revealed Liam. Turning back to his cousins, he exclaimed, “Guys! This is my mommy, Scarlett!”

“Hi, aunt Scarlett!” “So she’s not Beauty?” Kylee asked innocently. “No, she is both!” Liam exclaimed. “Nice to meet you, Aunt Scarlett!” “Isn’t she pretty! I really love my mommy!” Liam announced while his arms embraced Scarlett from the side. “I’m so happy for you, Liam. Now, we all have mommies!” Graham announced. Scarlett, on the other hand, felt teary-eyed. Her heart fluttered at how proud Liam was of her. She was especially touched when the young boy Graham announced how Liam finally had someone to call a mommy. “She’s pretty,” Kimberly said before she wound up giggling. “Did you marry uncle Kaleb already?” “Um.” Scarlett was flushing profoundly, unsure how to answer the question, when, out of nowhere, a younger version of Kaleb’s mother walked up to her. Her long and wavy golden hair cascaded down her back. “Liam! Is this your mommy, Scarlett?” The woman’s blue eyes were sparkling, her slender frame leaning back, seemingly studying Scarlett intently. “Yes, aunt Kenzie!” confirmed Liam. ‘Ah, Kenzie.’ Scarlett thought. The former singer now turned music producer. Damn! She is charming.’ “It’s exactly what you said, Liam. She is a beauty!” Kenzie gave Liam a thumbs up and the boy gave that look of satisfaction, his lips pouting in the end. “Hi, I’m Kenzie. I’m Kaleb’s older sister, Kyle’s twin. The beautiful woman introduced herself. She shook hands with Scarlett and excitedly said, “Let me introduce you to the girls.” “Liam, sweetie! I’ll borrow your mommy!” Kenzie asked permission, waving goodbye to the group of kids. “Later kids!” “Give her back soon, Auntie!” Liam requested. “She’s my mommy!” Kenzie laughed hysterically at Liam’s reaction. She leaned closer to Scarlett and announced,“ Men of the Wrights! They are very possessive! Get used to it. You have two of them.”

Scarlett did not even have time to react. She was yanked to a nearby table, where several familiar faces were seated. “Guess who is here? It’s Scarlett!” Kenzie announced to a group of ladies, and everyone turned in her direction. Kaleb’s mother was there, talking to another girl with brown hair, who seemed to be pregnant. “Is that? Beauty?” The girl with brown hair inquired, her hands put together, her eyes gleamed in Scarlett’s way. There was a mix of laughter around the table until Samantha clarified the confusion. “Her name is not really Beauty but is one though. This is Scarlett, Kaleb’s girlfriend.” “Scarlett, I’m so glad you made it!” Samantha said. She rose from her seat and gave Scarlett a welcoming hug. “Scarlett, this is my other daughter, Sarah Kate.” Samantha pointed to the girl with brown hair. She turned to another woman, who, Scarlett was certain, she had seen before. “And this is my daughter-in- law, Kyle’s wife, Gaby.” “Hi, Scarlett. Finally. The name behind the controversial face,” Gaby suggested. She sat up and offered Scarlett a hug. “Liam won’t stop talking about you! I’m so glad he has you.” “Thank you. I’m lucky to have met Liam too.” Scarlett’s face was burning, and the heat was going up to her ears. She was utterly overwhelmed by the warm welcome, her tears threatening to fall. “It’s nice to meet you, Scarlett. Thank you for caring for Liam,” Kate said, her arms also extending to Scarlett. Kate was closing her eyes. She embraced Scarlett longer, as if savoring her essence. Before letting go, she added, “Sometimes, I worry about my twin brother. I always wondered when he will meet his soulmate. I’m so happy you finally came into his life.” When Kate peeled off Scarlett, she held her hands, all while grinning like a fool. “You are so – lovely and I feel you are so genuine – ah! And oh, my god! Is that an engagement ring?” “Where? I did not notice!” Kenzie screamed. She hopped in her place before squeezing herself in front of Scarlett. “N.I.C.E!” “I remember Kaleb asking me about where to get the best diamond ring, but I never expected him to get

it ASAP!” Kenzie chuckled, as she described, “I guess it’s safe to say that Kaleb is very whipped!” “How did he propose? Tell me the juicy details,” Samantha asked. “Did he go down on one knee?” Gaby inquired. “Did he hold up a bouquet of roses?” Kenzie sought. “Did he sing? Did put on an act?” Kate inquired before her hand landed on her huge belly. “He is fond of making people laugh. My brother can be sweet and funny.” Scarlett was taking her time. Her eyes rounded as she swallowed air down her throat. She responded, “He… Um… He put the ring on my finger while I was sleeping.” Dead air fell upon them. It was as if the ladies were speaking to each other’s minds that their heads snapped in Kaleb’s direction all at the same time. Scarlett gulped, thinking her man was in trouble, somehow. “Kaleb!”

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