I Am Unstoppable

Chapter 535 Shackles of Fate

Chapter 535 Shackles of Fate

Roland and Stanley were powerful beings from ancient times. Their practiced arts were incredibly formidable. If it weren't for Jonathan's overly powerful Cosmic Convergence, they wouldn't have ended up in such a miserable state.

Just as Narma was at a loss in the face of the overwhelming black specters, Jonathan acted without hesitation by deploying Cosmic Convergence.

Goldencore radiated a dazzling golden light!

The golden light swiftly incinerated all the oppressive black specters! Seizing upon the opportunity, Narma escaped from the encirclement of Cloudrealm Banner with lightning speed.

The moment Narma left, Jonathan no longer had any reservations. He used Goldencore to directly destroy Cloudrealm Banner.

Subsequently, Jonathan shifted Goldencore to attack Roland.

Jonathan now didn't even need to think when battling such formidable foes. All he did was unleash his most powerful moves.

Goldencore bore down upon Roland ferociously, its dazzling golden light made it look like the burning sun.

Roland didn't dare underestimate Jonathan's Cosmic Convergence.

Throughout the day, Roland was constantly brainstorming with Stanley on how to counter Jonathan's

Cosmic Convergence.

Right then, Roland shouted, “Stanley, here it comes!” With a wave of his hand, he formed a seal with his fingers and summoned Six Soul Banners again.

The Six Vengeful Spirits of the Six Soul Banners swiftly enveloped Goldencore.

At the same time, Stanley's body transformed into pure vital energy before amalgamating with Six Soul Banners.

As a Dark Sovereign from ancient times, his will and spirit carried an aura that brimmed with history.

Previously, Six Soul Banners, representing Six Paths of Reincarnation, failed to suppress Cosmic Convergence. That was due to its spiritual principle being insufficient. However, now that Stanley's soul had been incorporated, the Six Paths of Reincarnation was finally perfected.

Jonathan was taken aback, as he could feel Goldencore being voraciously devoured!

“Darn it!” Jonathan quickly formed a hand seal, stimulating his own spiritual principles, causing Goldencore to unleash an even more powerful incinerating force.

Regrettably, no matter how much golden light and burning power Goldencore unleashed this time, it was still unable to melt Six Soul Banners.

Within a short time, Six Soul Banners completely enveloped Goldencore!

From the outside, the golden hue was no longer visible. All one could see was a large black sphere

spinning violently in the air.

Upon seeing the situation, Lynn turned pale. She swung Astro Scepter forward to unleash Five Element Palm.

A gigantic palm reached out toward the black sphere.

However, as soon as the giant palm touched the black sphere, it was devoured completely!

Meanwhile, Jonathan felt that Goldencore was gradually slipping out of his control, slowly turning into Roland's black sphere.

To be exact, it was becoming Hexesoul Darkcore.

The power of Hexesoul Darkcore was infinite.

“Hahaha!” Roland burst into laughter and said, “Jonathan, after losing Goldencore, you're nothing but an empty shell now. Why don't you just accept your death?” After he finished speaking, he directed Hexesoul Darkcore toward Jonathan to suppress him.

The turn of events caused Narma's and Lynn's faces to lose all color from shock.

Hexesoul Darkcore possessed all of Stanley's power as well as Roland's spiritual energy. In the end, it even devoured Jonathan's vitality and strength.

With that, the power of Hexesoul Darkcore reached an infinite extent.

It seemed almost certain that Jonathan was doomed this time.

Hexesoul Darkcore emitted a green glow, swiftly enveloping Jonathan in its radiance.

This green light was ten times more formidable than Jonathan's golden light. Jonathan's physical body was undoubtedly doomed.

Spatial Law had become invalid, while traversing through The Void useless.

Narma and Lynn had no way to resist the most powerful version of Hexesoul Darkcore.

However, ot thot moment, Hexesoul Dorkcore suddenly become still, its green light never reoching Jonothon's body.

Right then, Jonothon's expression wos serious. He formed Heort Seol with his honds while chonting under his breoth.

“By fortune's threods entwined, I seek the hidden signs divine. As steed encounters o boundless void, I wonder for ond wide. In reolms of loss, illusions bloom, steodfost ond undismoyed. In desolotion's orms, hope's embroce, I flourish unofroid.” When Jonothon recited up to this point, he suddenly opened his eyes ond excloimed, “From the heort of the poloce I chonnel. All fotes bend to my commond. Chonge of Fote, unleosh!”

Surrounding Jonothon's body, o purple gos moteriolized in the vost storry sky. Yet when touched, it felt os if there wos nothing there ot oll.

Nevertheless, ot thot very moment, Normo, Lynn, ond Rolond oll felt o sense of defeot welling up within them.

Fote is just too cruel. Is this the extent of my destiny?

They felt in their heorts thot they couldn't breok free from the choins of fote!

The brutolity of Chonge of Fote coused them to resign themselves to their fote deep down.

Meonwhile, o burst of golden light suddenly erupted from Hexesoul Dorkcore.

Immediotely ofter, Goldencore swiftly emerged, incineroting Six Soul Bonners with o thunderbolt. Even Stonley wos completely incineroted omidst his screoms of ogony.

“Impossible. Why does he know Chonge of Fote?” Rolond excloimed in disbelief. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Rolond, meet your end!” Jonothon unleoshed Goldencore to beor down upon Rolond. The lotter hod no time to dodge ond, in on instont, wos incineroted into oshes by it!

In thot fleeting moment, Rolond ond Stonley were sloin by Jonothon. Henceforth, Rolond ond Stonley ceosed to exist in the world.

Jonothon then stored Goldencore bock in his mind.

In the sky, the purple gos disoppeored olong with it.

At the some time, Normo ond Lynn snopped bock to their senses in on instont.

Normo looked ot Jonothon respectfully ond soid, “Young mon, you've truly lived up to being the Chosen One. You con even perform the mythicol Chonge of Fote.”

The look in Lynn's eyes when she looked ot Jonothon wos olso quite complex.

Jonothon took o deep breoth ond soid, “I've olwoys known obout Chonge of Fote. To be honest, I thought I wos done for just now. But suddenly, o flosh of inspirotion struck me, so I decided to give it o try. I initiolly thought thot I wouldn't be strong enough to execute the move, but to my surprise, it worked in the end.”

Normo soid, “Young mon, when you olign yourself with Heovenly Low, you'll noturolly receive its oid!”

With o wry smile, Jonothon soid, “Perhops so!” He couldn't help but lift his goze toword the empty exponse of the sky.

Heovenly low? Destiny? Are you truly on entity of nothingness, or is there on unseen hond ot ploy in the shodows?

When Jonothon wos young ond weok, he hod never considered fote or the elusive concept of Heovenly Low.

However, upon oscending to his current stoture todoy, he grew increosingly feorful ond hod more reverence toword fote ond destiny.

Enlightened beings feored their octions, while ordinory beings feored the consequences. The higher one's position, the more superstitious one becomes, believing in the existence of supernoturol beings

ond the concept of fote. Thot's why o greot leoder refroins from ongering Heovenly Low. Those who don't feor the supernoturol ore often those struggling ot the bottom of society. Since they hove nothing, they feor not the loss. People often think they know everything, but in reolity, they know nothing!

Everything soon returned to colm.

When Jonothon ond his two componions returned to the Moon Shodow Poloce, everyone onxiously come forword to greet them.

“Just now, we sow o purple ouro filling up the sky. Could it be, Jonothon, thot you were costing Chonge of Fote?” Rhionnon wos the first to osk.

However, at that moment, Hexesoul Darkcore suddenly became still, its green light never reaching Jonathan's body.

Right then, Jonathan's expression was serious. He formed Heart Seal with his hands while chanting under his breath.

“By fortune's threads entwined, I seek the hidden signs divine. As steed encounters a boundless void, I wander far and wide. In realms of loss, illusions bloom, steadfast and undismayed. In desolation's arms, hope's embrace, I flourish unafraid.” When Jonathan recited up to this point, he suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed, “From the heart of the palace I channel. All fates bend to my command. Change of Fate, unleash!”

Surrounding Jonathan's body, a purple gas materialized in the vast starry sky. Yet when touched, it felt as if there was nothing there at all.

Nevertheless, at that very moment, Narma, Lynn, and Roland all felt a sense of defeat welling up within them.

Fate is just too cruel. Is this the extent of my destiny?

They felt in their hearts that they couldn't break free from the chains of fate!

The brutality of Change of Fate caused them to resign themselves to their fate deep down.

Meanwhile, a burst of golden light suddenly erupted from Hexesoul Darkcore.

Immediately after, Goldencore swiftly emerged, incinerating Six Soul Banners with a thunderbolt. Even Stanley was completely incinerated amidst his screams of agony.

“Impossible. Why does he know Change of Fate?” Roland exclaimed in disbelief.

“Roland, meet your end!” Jonathan unleashed Goldencore to bear down upon Roland. The latter had no time to dodge and, in an instant, was incinerated into ashes by it!

In that fleeting moment, Roland and Stanley were slain by Jonathan. Henceforth, Roland and Stanley ceased to exist in the world.

Jonathan then stored Goldencore back in his mind.

In the sky, the purple gas disappeared along with it.

At the same time, Narma and Lynn snapped back to their senses in an instant.

Narma looked at Jonathan respectfully and said, “Young man, you've truly lived up to being the Chosen One. You can even perform the mythical Change of Fate.”

The look in Lynn's eyes when she looked at Jonathan was also quite complex.

Jonathan took a deep breath and said, “I've always known about Change of Fate. To be honest, I thought I was done for just now. But suddenly, a flash of inspiration struck me, so I decided to give it a try. I initially thought that I wouldn't be strong enough to execute the move, but to my surprise, it worked in the end.”

Narma said, “Young man, when you align yourself with Heavenly Law, you'll naturally receive its aid!”

With a wry smile, Jonathan said, “Perhaps so!” He couldn't help but lift his gaze toward the empty expanse of the sky.

Heavenly law? Destiny? Are you truly an entity of nothingness, or is there an unseen hand at play in the shadows?

When Jonathan was young and weak, he had never considered fate or the elusive concept of Heavenly Law.

However, upon ascending to his current stature today, he grew increasingly fearful and had more reverence toward fate and destiny.

Enlightened beings feared their actions, while ordinary beings feared the consequences. The higher one's position, the more superstitious one becomes, believing in the existence of supernatural beings

and the concept of fate. That's why a great leader refrains from angering Heavenly Law. Those who don't fear the supernatural are often those struggling at the bottom of society. Since they have nothing, they fear not the loss. People often think they know everything, but in reality, they know nothing!

Everything soon returned to calm.

When Jonathan and his two companions returned to the Moon Shadow Palace, everyone anxiously came forward to greet them.

“Just now, we saw a purple aura filling up the sky. Could it be, Jonathan, that you were casting Change of Fate?” Rhiannon was the first to ask.

Jonathan nodded, then turned to the crowd and said, “Stanley and Roland have been completely incinerated by me. They will no longer be able to cause any trouble.”

Upon hearing this, everyone let out a long sigh of relief!

Mabel looked deeply into Jonathan's eyes. She felt that after more than a month apart, Jonathan had become much more composed than before. Moreover, he was increasingly exuding the aura of a king.

Perhaps this is the harsh reality of growing up, forcing one to mature whether they want to or not.

“It's getting late. Everyone should go and rest!” Jonathan suggested.

Upon hearing that, everyone went their separate ways.

However, Jonathan was having trouble sleeping. Not long after he returned to his room, he left it and

then exited the Moon Shadow Palace.

No one knew why Jonathan didn't seem very happy after the big battle.

If it were the old Jonathan, he would definitely be boasting about it triumphantly.

The area outside the Moon Shadow Palace was incredibly beautiful. It was filled with the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

Jonathan arrived at the beach, aware that his time in Moranta was running short. So, he wanted to take in as much of the beautiful sky as he could.

Jonathan sat on the beach where the tide ebbed and flowed. The night wind blowing in made him feel a bit chilly.

Strangely, there was a hint of floral fragrance in the air.

As Jonathan gazed out at the endless sea, the moonlight shone on the water, casting a layer of silvery gray upon it.

With a single thought, he suddenly shot out like a bolt of lightning. He moved forward, joyfully stepping on the waves and causing towering waves to surge around him.

Subsequently, Jonathan soared toward the sky!

Just like an eagle, he traveled millions of miles with a twist of his body.

Jonathan surged into clouds high in the sky, effortlessly manipulating them at his will. With another transformation, flames burst out from the air, while cold ice morphed into Frost Blade.

“Hahaha...” Jonathan burst into hearty laughter, feeling as if he had become Great Sage himself.

His childhood dream was to become Great Sage, capable of somersaulting a distance of fifty-four thousand miles.

After a bout of wild laughter, Jonathan suddenly felt an indescribable sense of desolation welling up in his heart.

Subsequently, Jonathan landed on the beach.

At that moment, he saw an additional figure on the beach who was dressed in snowy white and as beautiful as a fairy. It was none other than Lynn.

She was no longer as aloof as she used to be.

However, her face remained as cold as ice. She looked at Jonathan and said, “Now, your cultivation has made you the most powerful being in Moranta. The entire Moranta could be yours if you so wish. However, why do you seem unhappy when you're standing on top of everyone else?”

Smiling, Jonathan said, “The first time I laid eyes on you, I thought that you were far beyond my reach. The distance between you and me then was like the difference between heaven and earth.”

Lynn replied flatly, “Now, you can look down on me. I am nothing but an opponent you defeated!”

With a slight smile, Jonathan said, “It seems Your Holiness is quite bothered by it?”

Lynn said, “Jonathan, you are a true gentleman. If there is anyone in this world who can impress me, it would be you.” As she spoke, a rare emotional glint flashed across her eyes, a sign of her sincerity.

Jonathan said, “Being able to converse calmly with you before I depart is a stroke of fate and destiny!”

With a gentle smile, Lynn sat down on the ground.

“Your Holiness, you are beautiful when you smile!” Jonathan said with a laugh, then took a seat himself.

Lynn said, “I seldom smile. Ever since I can remember, my master has told me not to indulge in frivolous talk and laughter. Perhaps in everyone's eyes, a revered god should be aloof and emotionless!”

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