Hot Night With CEO

A Cup of Coffee


“Next week, we’ll go to Surabaya together with Mr. Darian and Mr. David,” Fahira revealed during dinner with Ariel. The 18-year-old teenager stopped chewing her food in surprise. She quickly swallowed the mouthful and washed it down with a gulp of warm tea to clear her throat.

“Are you serious, sister Fahira?” Ariel replied, stuttering in disbelief. He had longed to visit his parents’ graves for a while. However, he had kept this wish to himself, not wanting to burden Fahira with his thoughts.

“Yes, I’m serious. It’s a school holiday for you anyway,” Fahira continued with teary eyes. She felt the same longing. Missing her hometown, cherishing memories with her parents and friends.

“Are you sure it’s safe for us to go back?” Ariel asked, his smile fading as he remembered the foreign letter they found when they woke up in the apartment they currently lived in.

Fahira smiled and nodded reassuringly, “I’m sure it’s safe. We should finish our meal.”

They continued to eat their meal, savoring each bite while discussing their upcoming trip to Surabaya. Fahira and Ariel were excited and anxious at the same time. They had missed their hometown and wanted to visit their parents’ graves, but they couldn’t help but worry about the past events that led them to leave Surabaya in the first place.

As the days passed, Fahira and Ariel prepared for their trip to Surabaya. Fahira informed Darian and David about their plans, and both men agreed to accompany them. Darian wanted to support Fahira and ensure her safety during the trip, while David wanted to continue his investigation into the mysterious events that had been happening.

Finally, the day of the trip arrived. Fahira, Ariel, Darian, and David boarded a flight to Surabaya. The journey was filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Fahira and Ariel were eager to be back in their hometown, but they couldn’t shake off the lingering worries.

Upon arriving in Surabaya, Fahira and Ariel were greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of their hometown. They felt a rush of emotions as they stepped foot on their native land after a long time.

The first stop was their parents’ graves. Fahira and Ariel stood in front of the tombstones, tears streaming down their faces. They poured their hearts out, sharing their hopes, dreams, and fears with their departed parents. It was a cathartic moment, and they felt a sense of closure and peace.

Throughout their stay in Surabaya, Darian and David ensured Fahira and Ariel’s safety. They accompanied them on their visits to old friends and family members. Fahira and Ariel were grateful for the support and protection they received.

As the days passed, Fahira and Ariel felt a renewed connection to their hometown. They were reminded of the love and memories they had with their parents. Slowly, the worries and fears of the past began to fade away.

By the time they returned to Jakarta, Fahira and Ariel felt stronger and more determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead. They knew they had each other, as well as the support of Darian and David, to lean on.

Life continued with its ups and downs, but Fahira and Ariel faced the future with courage and hope, knowing that the love of their parents would forever guide them. And together, they would find the truth behind the mysterious events and secure a bright future for themselves.

Sweat drenched Fahira’s face as she breathed heavily. Her hands clung tightly to the bedsheets, and her lips moved as she called out to her parents.

“Father, Mother!” She mumbled in her sleep.

“My dear, take care of yourself and your brother, alright? Your father and I are happy here, seeing you surrounded by good people. Your father and I believe that you and Ariel are strong and brave children. God willing, one day we will be reunited by Allah. Don’t forget to take care of your prayers and always send us gifts. Your father and I love you! I love Fahira, Ariel.”

“Father, Mother!” Fahira shouted as she woke up suddenly.

“Sister Fahira!” Ariel, who couldn’t sleep and was busy chatting with Rania on WhatsApp, jumped up from his spot and rushed into Fahira’s room.

“What’s wrong, sister?” Ariel said anxiously as he saw Fahira’s face, filled with sweat and tears. He immediately embraced his trembling sister to comfort her.

“Father, Mother, brother!” Fahira sobbed as she held Ariel tightly in her arms.

“Calm down, sister. Did you dream about Father and Mother again?” Ariel said, taking a deep breath and gently stroking Fahira’s head. Ariel could already guess that Fahira always dreamed and sleep-talked whenever they talked about their parents. That’s why Ariel chose to sleep on the floor in front of the TV, just in case his sister woke up in the middle of the night.

“Father and Mother are happy up there, sis. If you keep feeling like this, they will be sad. Trust me, Father and Mother are always with us.” Ariel continued, releasing the embrace and smiling as he wiped away the remaining tears on Fahira’s cheeks.

“You should pray, it’s already 3 a. m. Thank you, dear. Why haven’t you slept yet?” Fahira said, her eyes scanning Ariel’s still fresh face. She was sure he hadn’t slept.

“Hehehe… I was busy chatting with Rania on WhatsApp!” Ariel replied, forming a forced smile while scratching the back of his head, which wasn’t itchy.

“Rest! Remember Dr. Gavin’s advice, you need enough rest, no staying up late!” Fahira admonished as she got up from her bed and tied her long hair casually.

“Yes, yes, sis Fahira is bossy. I’m going to sleep.” Ariel laid down on Fahira’s bed and quickly closed his eyes.

A perfect smile spread across Fahira’s face as she saw Ariel’s peaceful expression. She could hear soft snoring escaping from his lips, indicating that the teenager had fallen asleep.

Fahira immersed herself in her long prayer until the time of dawn.

After performing the dawn prayer, Fahira woke up Ariel. Though it took a bit of coaxing, Ariel finally woke up. The teenager quickly performed the dawn prayer and went back to sleep. This time, he moved to his own room so as not to be disturbed, wanting to change his sleeping schedule from the previous night. Of course, Ariel took advantage of his time off as he didn’t have any plans to meet up with his close friend, Ariel.

After arranging the dishes on the table, Fahira pulled a chair and sat down, enjoying her favorite hot chocolate. The warm rays of the sun brought both warmth and serenity to her heart. The morning air felt so refreshing after last night’s rain. Her mind wandered back to the past, and occasionally, a smile formed on her lips, quickly replaced by a melancholic look.

Tet… The sound of a bell shattered her reverie. Fahira set down the cup of chocolate she was holding and immediately got up.

“Good morning, Honey!” greeted the chocolate-skinned man, who was now standing at the doorway with a beaming smile. Fahira’s eyes widened in surprise as she saw her boyfriend here at her house so early in the morning. The man’s handsomeness multiplied several times with his casual style. Dressed only in black jeans and a white t-shirt, Darian looked even more handsome and youthful.

“Hi!” Darian greeted again, waving his hand in front of Fahira’s still-frozen face.

“Uh, Mr. Darian, why did you come to my house so early?” Fahira asked formally, with a surprised expression. Darian let out a frustrated sigh and folded his hands in front of his chest.

“Darian, umm, just call me Darian,” he corrected, which instantly made Fahira realize the informality, causing her to smile in amusement. To her, it still felt strange and funny that a man with a stoic face like Optimus Prime’s was now smiling at her more often. The usual freezing atmosphere that accompanied her had now transformed into warmth in her heart.

“Okay, Darian, my dear! Please come in!” Fahira teased as she swung the door wide open, inviting Darian into her house.

“My dear?” Darian repeated, following Fahira’s steps toward the dining area with a smile. For the first time, a woman other than his mother called him “dear.” Instantly, his heart fluttered, accompanied by a warm feeling that ran through his veins. Darian couldn’t describe the emotion that now strongly occupied his heart, but one thing he understood was that he wanted to make Fahira happy for the rest of his life.

Darian pulled a chair for himself and said, “I came here because I missed your homemade coffee!”

“Alright, I’ll make it for you, but after you finish the coffee, you have to leave right away. After all, you’re just here for my coffee!” Fahira replied as she turned on the stove to boil some hot water.

“Don’t tease me! You must have already known why I came here so early, my dear!” Darian said irritably, still not taking his eyes off his beloved as she prepared his coffee.

Fahira chuckled and handed a cup of coffee to Darian. The chocolate-skinned man savored the still steaming aroma of the coffee, closing his eyes briefly.

“Where’s Ariel?” Darian asked after scanning every corner of the house and not finding Ariel.

“Asleep, he stayed up late playing WhatsApp with Rania!” explained Fahira, successfully making Darian’s heart suddenly race.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Are you still in touch with Galih?” Darian probed, staring sharply at Fahira. Fahira’s eyes narrowed in response to Darian’s gaze.

“Of course, Darian, my dear. I still need to consult about Ariel’s health issues. Besides, Dr. Gavin is just normal, he often asks about you!” Fahira replied with a smile, trying to hold back her laughter at Darian’s jealousy.

“I don’t like you being close to Gavin again, he might flirt with you!” Darian retorted sarcastically, taking a loud sip of his coffee, deliberately expressing his protest to Fahira.

“What’s wrong with that, Darian? Moreover, soon Gavin will be my cousin too,” Fahira said irritably, getting up from her seat and moving to the sink to wash the dirty kitchen utensils.

Silence fell, with only the sound of clashing utensils accidentally colliding in Fahira’s hands.

“Don’t be mad!” Suddenly, Darian was standing behind Fahira, holding both her shoulders and turning her to face him. He turned off the still-running tap water and looked into his beloved’s deep black eyes.

“You look even more adorable when you pout like this!” Darian coaxed, then playfully pinched her nose.

“Damn, watching this old teenage drama early in the morning!” Ariel cursed in his heart. He woke up upon hearing a man’s voice talking to his sister inside the house. Ariel should have guessed who the other man was, besides Darian, who often came to their house.

“I’m hungry!” Ariel’s hoarse wake-up voice prompted Darian to end their romance. He returned to his seat.

“Wash your face and brush your teeth first! Wait for me, we’ll have breakfast together,” Fahira said, to which Ariel only nodded his head. Ariel briefly stared flatly at Darian before entering the bathroom.

After breakfast, Darian accompanied Fahira on her weekly shopping, as he had done before. He still felt awkward and shy around the neighbors they happened to meet and pass by. In contrast to Darian, the man seemed relaxed and thoroughly enjoyed his time with Fahira. They appeared like a newlywed couple shopping for their basic necessities together.

Because he was bored, Ariel, who was at home, decided to take over Fahira’s chores. He turned on the washing machine, which was filled with soaking dirty laundry. While waiting for the washing machine to finish rinsing and drying the clothes, Ariel cleaned the house and mopped the floor. He then dragged the floor mattress to the balcony to dry it. Feeling satisfied with the cleanliness, Ariel lay down on the sofa and occupied himself with his phone. There was nothing much to do except surfing the virtual world. He opened Rania’s Instagram account and left a comment on her latest IG story, a smile forming on his lips.

Meanwhile, Fahira and Darian were currently at a mall for shopping. This time, Fahira gave in and decided not to shop at the traditional market and her regular grocery store. Darian didn’t want to go into a messy and smelly market, not because he felt superior, but rather to save time and energy. Although the prices were higher, they could find all the household necessities conveniently available in one place.

“All because of you, now we’re like celebrities!” Fahira grumbled when she noticed some people giving them strange looks as they saw her with her boss.

“Let them be, I don’t care!” Darian whispered while adjusting Fahira’s face mask.

Before leaving, they had both put on face masks for not only hygiene purposes but also to avoid unnecessary disruptions, like reporters or Darian’s employees spotting them together. Darian didn’t want to cause any discomfort for Fahira by becoming the subject of office gossip or media attention.

“How about after shopping, we stop by the Civil Registry Office?” Darian teased, giving her a sly wink. Fahira burst into laughter and playfully left Darian to head towards the cashier.

Not far from where they were, someone was observing their interaction while talking on the phone. “Sir, it seems like it’s time for Miss Fahira to know everything!”

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