His'(Crazy Erotica)


Sophia blushed and nodded. “I said I want to get a tattoo. Please take me to a tattoo shop,”

“Are you out of your mind?” He asked. “Do you even have any idea what you’re saying?”

She shrugged like it was no big deal. “I know what I’m saying. I want to get a tattoo,”

“A tattoo of what?”

Sophia winked; she failed at it. “It’s a surprise,”

Chase stared at her for a while, his insecurities kicking in.

What if she met Luciano to take her to the tattoo shop if he refused?

Luciano was her brother; he knew that but a part of him was still scared Sophia would go to Luciano, after all, she didn’t know he was her brother. Luciano was aware of the truth that she was his sister, but earlier in the dining room, he hadn’t said anything about his romantic feelings towards her. He plainly refused to discuss it and had walked out after saying he would continue watching out for her.

And then his romantic feelings for her? Wouldn’t he let them go?


Chase cut her off. “Okay. Let’s go,”

In less than thirty minutes, they were standing in a tattoo shop.

“Give me your gun,” Sophia stretched out her small palm towards Chase.

Chase frowned and looked up at her smiling face. “What do you need my gun for?”

“Just pass it,” She wiggled her palms impatiently. “We don’t have all day,”

Chase let out a sigh and pulled out his gun from his trouser holster before placing it on her palms. He saw how her palms started shaking, and he took the gun back. “What do you fucking need my gun for when you can’t even hold it?”

Sophia sighed. “It’s a surprise,”

“I won’t give it,”


His voice came out stern. “Sophia,”

She pouted. “I don’t want to get the tattoo again,” She walked past him towards the tattoo shop entrance and he followed her, holding her arm.

“Where the fuck is you going to?” He asked. “You said you wanted to get a tattoo and you’re leaving me in here. Stop being a whiny little brat,”

“But you’re not giving me what I want,” She pulled her arm away from him. “Let’s go back home. I’ll come with Luciano another time, “She turned and walked out of the building without casting him a glance. She dejectedly walked back towards his car with her shoulders slumped.


Chase ran his hands through his hair, as his eyes followed her retreating figure, earning a curious stare from the receptionist. Anyone who saw him would be curious to why he looked frustrated.

He was the Don after all.

Chase imagined Sophia holding Luciano’s hand like she had held his’ when they were entering the tattoo shop and his heart burned with rage. His mind pricked at him with possessiveness and he rushed towards the car, grabbing Sophia’s arm before she could enter the car.

Who would ever think there would come a day when the Don of the Italian mafia would be insecure and jealous for a mere nineteen year old girl? Scared of losing her to another person, who was her own brother, even.

“I’ll give you my gun to do what you want to do. Happy now?”

Sophia’s lips stretched into a smile and a grin took over her features.


“Do you like it?”

Chase averted his eyes from his phone and looked at Sophia who had just finished getting her tattoo.

“Look,” She nudged her chin towards her left shoulder. She was wearing an off-shoulder top, so it was easy to look at the tattoo on her shoulder.

CR. His initials.

That was what was tattooed there on her left shoulder. It was tattooed in a cursive design similar to the one he had on his gun and the ring they had used for their wedding.

That explained the reason why she wanted his gun.

He looked back at her, seeing the giddy look on her face as she waited patiently for him to react or say something.

To say he loved the tattoo.

He pointed at the tattoo. “That stuff hurts like shit,” He said. “How were you able to endure the pain?”

She stepped closer and whispered only to his hearing. “You endure a lot for the ones you love,”

Chase held her wrist and pulled her out of the shop after tucking back his gun in its place.

Once they were settled in his car, he turned to her, pointing at the tattoo. “You shouldn’t have done that,”

“Why?” Sophia frowned and turned to him, ignoring the sore pain from the tattoo on her shoulders. “This is to show that I’m yours,”

Chase ran his hands through his hair and sighed. “A tattoo, really? Are you out of your mind?”

“I love you,” She said. “If there are even other ways to show that I’m yours, I’d follow them,”

“Fuck,” He whispered. “Look, I don’t have a problem with you trying to show that you belong to me but a tattoo is too extreme,”

“How is it extreme?” She hissed out in pain from her shoulder. “We’re married and I don’t see a reason why I shouldn’t get a tattoo of your initials on me,”

“We won’t last forever, Sophia,” He said. “You got a permanent tattoo on your skin and it would hurt you any time you look at it in the future,”

His words were like a knife sliced through her heart. Sophia’s throat clogged up and she croaked out. “What- what do you mean?”

He leaned in and cupped her cheeks in his palms. “What I mean Sophia, is that, I won’t be there in the future. I don’t want you to get hurt any time you look at the tattoo. You’ll be forced to remember me,”

She held one of his wrists in her palm. “And what do you have to say about the carving of your name on the skin below my right shoulder blade? Do you think I won’t use it to remember you even if I didn’t get the tattoo?”

“As much as I don’t want to, we’ll find a way to get rid of it from your skin,” He replied, staring into her teary eyes. “I will do anything to make you forget me because I won’t be there for you,”

A lone tear fell down her cheeks, and she sniffed. “You’re hurting me with all these words. Why won’t you be there for me in the future? Do you want to let me go?”



“Do you think finding a way to get rid of the scar will make me forget you?” She shook her head as more tears cascaded down her cheeks. “I- you’ve become a part of me, Chase. I’ll never forget you. No matter what, Chase, you’ll forever be a part of me,”

“Don’t say this,” He used his thumb to wipe her tears. “You don’t know what the future holds for us. I wish I could change it, but I can’t. We’ll end up apart from each other in the end,”This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Stop saying all these,” She shook her head and hurled herself into his arms. “I love you, and I can’t live without you,” She hugged him tight as she ignored the pain on her shoulder. “If you’re saying all these because you don’t love me back, I’ll wait for you. I’ll give you all the time you need because my love is strong enough for the both of us. I’ll wait but don’t ever talk about leaving me. If-,” She pulled away, staring at him, her face wet with tears. She cupped his cheeks. “I- I- Without you, there’s no me. Without Chase, there’s no Sophia. Say it,”



“Say it,” She dropped a peck on his lips and pecked his nose, then his forehead. “Say it. Say that without Chase, there’s no Sophia, and without Sophia, there’s no Chase. Say it,”

When Chase said nothing, she wrapped her arms around his neck and burst into another round of tears.

Her body went limp.

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