His Witchy Mate

Fight Between Women

Ena succeeded in yanking the book from my grasp, and I watched helplessly as it slipped from my fingers and fell to the ground. A pang of loss and anger surged within me, mingling with the throbbing pain in my scalp. Ena’s actions were ruthless, and I couldn’t understand why she was reacting this way.

As she held the book proudly, a mixture of frustration and humiliation washed over me. I was tired of being pushed around, of being treated as if I was beneath everyone else. I wanted to stand up for myself, to fight back against the injustice.

Pushing aside the pain and anger, I met Ena’s gaze with determination. “Why do you care so much about this book? What’s your problem with me?” I demanded, my voice trembling with a mix of emotions.

Ena’s eyes blazed with a fire that matched my own. “You have no right to meddle with witchcraft. That book holds powers you can’t comprehend.”

I felt a surge of defiance rise within me. “And why not? Just because I lost my powers doesn’t mean I can’t learn. I won’t be belittled anymore, Ena.”

Ena’s grip on the book tightened, and her expression wavered between anger and something resembling surprise. “You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into,” she warned.

I took a step closer, my determination firm. “Maybe not, but I won’t back down. I’ve had enough of being helpless.”

Ena’s expression softened slightly, a flicker of something in her eyes. But before she could respond, the sound of footsteps approached again, and we both turned to see Lucian standing at the doorway, his gaze shifting between us.

My heart raced as Ena’s grip on my hair tightened, and pain shot through my scalp. In a surge of instinctive desperation, I yanked my hair out of her grasp. The sudden motion left her momentarily stunned, and I seized the opportunity to respond in a way I hadn’t imagined I would.

With all the strength and frustration I had pent up, I swung my hand and delivered a resounding slap across Ena’s face. The sound echoed through the library, and for a few seconds, Ena seemed frozen in shock. But that respite was brief, and her fury erupted anew.

Ena’s eyes blazed with a mixture of rage and disbelief. It was as if my actions had shattered her usual composure. Before I could fully comprehend the situation, she lunged at me again, her shriek piercing the air. Her fingers reached for my eyes, a move that seemed more animalistic than human.

Instinctively, I dodged her attack, feeling the rush of air as her hand missed me by a hair’s breadth. My heart pounded in my chest as the realization sunk in – this had escalated into a full-blown physical confrontation. I never imagined myself in such a situation, and yet here I was, fighting to defend myself.

Ena’s madness seemed to fuel her actions as she continued her onslaught. It was as if a wild, primal instinct had taken over her. She was relentless, driven by a rage I couldn’t comprehend. Her shrieks echoed in my ears, and I knew I had to find a way to protect myself and end this madness.

As the fight continued, a thought crossed my mind. “This wild young woman here must have had previous records of madness, she could have even been a patient of a psychiatric home.” The realization gave me a momentary distraction from the chaos around me, but I quickly refocused on the present danger.

I needed to find a way to calm Ena down or at least defend myself effectively. My mind raced, searching for any means to gain the upper hand. My palms were sweaty, and my heart pounded with a mixture of fear and adrenaline. I couldn’t let myself be overpowered by Ena’s irrational fury.

With a surge of determination, I spotted an opening in Ena’s guard. As she lunged at me once more, I sidestepped and used the momentum to push her off balance. She stumbled, and in that moment, I found the opportunity to create some distance between us.

My heart raced as I took a step back, my chest heaving with exertion. Ena’s gaze locked onto mine, her breaths heavy and ragged. The library had turned into a battleground, and I knew that this confrontation had far-reaching implications.

As the tension hung in the air, my mind raced, contemplating my next move. I couldn’t let this conflict escalate further, and I needed to find a way to communicate with Ena, to understand the root of her anger and find a solution. But for now, I braced myself, ready for whatever might come next.

Bryan’s heart raced as he heard the escalating noises coming from the Library. He blinked, wondering if he was imagining things, but the shouts grew louder and more distinct. His curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to investigate.

He walked toward the Library door, his steps quickening as he recognized Ena’s voice amid the commotion. Confusion and concern intertwined in his mind as he tried to piece together what could be happening. Ena and Alicia were the last two people he expected to be in a fight.

Pushing the door open, his eyes widened at the chaotic scene before him. Ena and Alicia were locked in a physical struggle, their faces contorted with anger. Bryan’s instincts kicked in, and he rushed forward to separate them, his strength put to the test as he struggled to pry them apart.

Despite his efforts, Ena’s aggression persisted. It was clear to Bryan that Ena was the instigator, but he couldn’t fathom why. He knew Ena had a dislike for Alicia, but this level of hostility was beyond anything he anticipated. Alicia, on the other hand, looked defensive, as if she was trying to protect herself.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Bryan managed to hold Ena back, restraining her arms to prevent her from lunging at Alicia again. His eyes darted between the two women, his mind racing to make sense of the situation. He couldn’t comprehend why Ena harbored such intense animosity toward Alicia. It was as if there was a deeper resentment at play.

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