His Witchy Mate

Cruel Mother

Mira’s fiery determination and her unwavering support melted away some of the bitterness that had taken root in my heart. Her words and her genuine anger on my behalf reminded me that I wasn’t alone in this struggle, that I had someone who would stand with me no matter what.

“I appreciate that, Mira. Knowing you’ve got my back means a lot,” I said, my voice tinged with gratitude. She was like a fierce guardian, ready to defend me against any injustice, and that thought brought a genuine smile to my lips.

Mira’s face softened, her usual fiery expression giving way to a more tender one. “Of course, Alicia. You’re my sister, and I won’t let anyone hurt you, especially not that…alpha.”

We both laughed at her emphasis on the word “alpha.” It was a mix of humor and genuine camaraderie, a reminder that even in the midst of turmoil, we could find reasons to smile.

“Alright, enough of this heavy stuff for now,” Mira said, clapping her hands together. “I’m going to whip up something delicious for you. Consider it a farewell feast.”

I chuckled and nodded. “I’m looking forward to it. Just make sure it’s something so amazing that I won’t even think about the palace food.”

Mira grinned mischievously. “Oh, I’ll make sure of it. Get ready for a taste explosion!”

As Mira moved about the kitchen, collecting ingredients and organizing her cooking supplies, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of warmth. Even in the face of my uncertain future, the bond between Mira and me was an anchor I could rely on.

I watched her work, her movements fluid and confident, and I realized that her determination to make me smile was a reflection of her love for me. We had shared countless moments, both joyous and challenging, and I knew that no matter where life took me, Mira would always be a steadfast presence in my life.

The confrontation with my mother before leaving was an unnerving reminder of the complicated web she had woven around my life. Her apparent enjoyment of my discomfort was a harsh reminder of just how little she cared about my well-being. It took every ounce of self-control to keep my anger in check, to not let her see how deeply her actions affected me.

I turned away from her, not wanting to exchange any more words. My mother’s presence was like a toxic cloud, one that threatened to suffocate me with every breath. I focused on the palace entrance, my gaze fixated on the imposing structure before me.

“Come on, Alicia, you can do this,” I muttered to myself, clutching the straps of my bags tighter. It was time to face what lay ahead, no matter how daunting it seemed.

Stepping into the palace felt like entering another world altogether. The grandeur of the surroundings was a stark contrast to the turmoil within me. I had never imagined that I would find myself in such a position, forced into this environment that held so many painful memories.

The palace guards, ever vigilant and imposing, guided me through the corridors. Their indifferent expressions added to my growing anxiety. What had my mother told them? How were they viewing me? These questions circled in my mind, amplifying the unease I felt.

Finally, I was led to a room that would apparently be my living quarters. The room was comfortable, but it felt more like a gilded cage than a home. I placed my bags down and took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart.

As I looked around, I couldn’t help but remember the times I had been here before, the memories both sweet and bitter. But now, everything was different. I was different. I had grown stronger, more resilient, and I was determined not to let the past consume me again.

My thoughts were interrupted as the door opened, and a figure stepped inside. My heart clenched as I saw him – Lucian. He looked just as I remembered, his presence evoking a whirlwind of emotions. His gaze met mine, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.

“Welcome back,” he said, his voice soft yet carrying a weight of complexity.

“Let’s get something straight, Lucian. This is not a welcome back. I’m here against my will, not by choice,” I replied, my tone unwavering. I wouldn’t let him think that I had returned willingly, that I had forgiven or forgotten the pain he had caused.

His eyebrows furrowed slightly, as if my words surprised him. Maybe he had expected a different reaction from me. But I wasn’t the same girl he had known before. I was no longer under his spell.

Our eyes locked in a battle of wills, and I knew that this new chapter of my life would be far from easy. But I was prepared to face whatever challenges awaited me, to stand my ground, and to never let anyone control my life again.

I stood there, facing my mother’s twisted logic, a mix of disbelief and anger churning within me. This woman, my own mother, was attempting to justify her actions with a sense of righteousness that was beyond my comprehension.

“Thanking you?” I repeated incredulously, my voice laced with sarcasm. “For selling me off like some kind of possession? For thrusting me into a life I want no part of?”

The anger within me was like a volcano, threatening to erupt at any moment. How dare she act as if her betrayal was some noble act? How dare she manipulate my life and then have the audacity to claim it was for my own good?

“I don’t need your twisted version of ‘good’,” I spat, each word laced with my pent-up frustration. “You have no right to decide what’s good for me. You lost that right when you abandoned me.”

My mother’s eyes flashed with a mix of anger and something else – guilt, perhaps? But it was too little, too late. Her attempts at justification fell on deaf ears. I was done allowing her to control my emotions, my life.

“You don’t get to play the concerned parent now. You lost that privilege long ago,” I continued, my voice steady despite the turmoil within me. “You can try to justify your actions all you want, but I see right through you. This isn’t about my well-being; it’s about your ego and your twisted need for control.”

I could see her anger rising, a reflection of my own. This was a confrontation that had been a long time coming, a release of the pent-up anger and resentment I had harbored for years.

“Save your justifications for someone who actually believes your lies,” I said with a cold and bitter laugh. “I’m done with you, with your manipulations. From now on, I will make my own choices.”

With that, I turned away from her, refusing to engage any further in this futile exchange. It was time for me to take control of my own life, to forge my own path, regardless of the obstacles my mother – or anyone else – might throw in my way.

As I walked away from my mother, the sting of her slap still resonating on my cheek, I could feel a mixture of emotions swirling within me. Anger, satisfaction, and a hint of sadness all tangled together in a chaotic mess. I had finally stood up to her, asserted myself in a way I had never dare before.

Her audacity to slap me, to physically assault me, only fueled my determination to distance myself from her toxic influence. I knew I couldn’t control her actions, but I could certainly control my reactions. And this time, I refused to let her words or deeds manipulate my emotions.

As I walked down the hallway, my bags in hand, a smirk crossed my lips. The memory of the confrontation replayed in my mind like a victorious anthem. I had spoken my truth, put her in her place, and it felt liberating.

My mother’s attempt at exerting control through violence had failed spectacularly. I had made it crystal clear that her actions were unacceptable, that I was no longer the vulnerable girl she could push around.

With each step, I left behind the weight of her expectations and manipulation. The shackles that had bound me to her were slowly breaking, and I was determined to rise above her toxicity.

I knew there would be challenges ahead, especially as I entered the palace as a maid. But this time, I was armed with a newfound sense of strength and determination. No matter what lay ahead, I was ready to face it on my own terms.

As the palace gates came into view, I took a deep breath. This was a new chapter, a chance for me to carve out my own destiny. And I was determined to make it one of my choosing, no longer under the shadow of my mother’s influence.

With my head held high and my heart resolute, I stepped through the gates, ready to face whatever awaited me with a fierce determination that couldn’t be shaken.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

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