She walked to me holding a cold glass of chilled wine in a royal elegant way, she stretched it towards me.

“Here you need this”she said , smiling softly, I panicked a little.

“Alcohol?”I asked her slowly, thinking fast about a lie to say to her.

She nodded.

“I.. don’t drink”I lied, scratching my hair nervously.

She shrugged and finished up the drink in a shot, then she gaze at me, I wasn’t looking but I could tell she was gazing at me after few minutes, she asked.

“So… you work at my father’s company?”

Her accent was so soothing to the ear.

I nodded slowly.

“How long have you guys been dating?”She asked , with a look that terrified me.

I avoided an eye contact.

“The day he called you, I guess”I said slowly, why the question all of a sudden.

“You guess,….. and I am here thinking it must have been a year or so, Bruno seem pretty much attracted to you, he loves you a lot, believe me, i could tell”

She replied with a giggle.

“I love him too”I said almost to myself.

“So tell me, how did you manage to make him fall for you?”

She asked this time giving me a sassy face.

The question gave me sweat beads.

Could this be a trap question? What am I supposed to say?

I really don’t know why and what made him fall in love with me, I just know, I have been Inlove with him for the last three years before now, a one sided secret crush.

“I d really do not understand how “I replied my cheeks hot and red.

She chuckled out loudly .

“Don’t mind me! I guess this drink is kinda strong, I am just suprise my brother can date any woman he wants to, I once linked him with Jennifer Courtney, you know the richest and most popular model, well he choose you, I have just one problem with you “she said tartly at me and turned to face him, I observed her face suddenly turned dark and hard, it made me more nervous and uncomfortable, that I gulped hard.

“What are you using?”

She asked again, I don’t have any idea what I should say, I opened my mouth and ended up stuttering.

“I… I… I…what …I am using?”

I stuttered confused.

She immediately grabbed on me, I was alerted and panicked at how close she was to me, her hands over me.

“Don’t tell me those curve are all real, no botox look at me , my dad had to put me on diet since age thirteen so I can look this way, I want to have those curves too”She stated a little childishly.

I wonder if she’s trying to cheer me up and make me feel good with my body size. There’s no way she envy my body!

I was terrified with the way she went ahead and grabbed on my arm then she let go suddenly and laughed out.

“Don’t mind me again, I just love teasing people, you should relax , you look so tensed up”.

I chuckled awkwardly, just then Bruno opened the door. My eyes lit up with excitement seeing him.

“Hey little bro! I was having a little ladies chat with your babe, guess what she said she love me more”.

His sister snapped, my eyes opened widely in surprise.

“I didn’t say it”

I mumbled with a nervous chuckle.

Bruno shook his head and pulled away his sister from me.

“You should get going already, she’s taken , try someone else, okay?”

He replied her.

She reluctantly stood up.

“Well I still gat my eyes on you Beauty, I am bi anyway, you can try different things sometime”.

Abigail said with a wink.

“Shut it Abigail”.

Bruno grabbed her by the hand and walked her out of the room.

Abigail turned immediately at the door.

“Are you afraid I might steal her, I sense some gay panic in her eyes when she was with me”.

“She like a man, the man is me.. she is mine.. now get lost”.

He slammed the and walked back to the room.

He sighed loudly and sat down beside me.

“Are you okay?”

He asked gently.

I nodded slowly, he fell on the bed his hand over his face.

“My family is embarrassing, so exhausting!”

He groaned.

I stare at him and smiled.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

“Thanks Bruno”.

He quickly sat up.

“Bruno? Hey what happened to baby ?”

he snapped.

I was silent.

“Call me baby please”.

He whispered and leaned forward to kiss me, but I slowly move my head to the other side.

He tried again , I did same thing.

“Are you intentionally hurting me?”he asked with the softest tone in his voice.

I avoided an eye contact with him and said nothing.

He sighed deeply and then grabbed my hand.

“Come with me to the dining”

He told me.

“I don’t want to go, I can’t! You have to understand”.

I whined like a child, he let go of my hand and turned to me.

“There’s nothing to understand, you are feeling insecure because of those fools, you have to stand with your head up!”

He scolded.

“That’s not it, I just can’t.. let me stay here please”.

He stopped forcing me.

“Please.. baby.. do it for me, I need you back there”he pleaded, I hesitated then

I looked up and met his eyes.

I can’t say no to that look, few seconds, I reluctantly stood up, I don’t want to go back but not going back will make him feel even worse, I have to think of his feelings too.

“Thank you”

He said with a smile and hugged me, then we walked back to the dining , hand in hand.


As soon we got to the dining, I noticed my Uncle’s face suddenly went black, same with his wife, but none of them affects me, as long as I have Beauty here.

“You should cut your cake already Bruno, let’s take pictures Couz”.

Korra my second cousin said immediately she sighted us.

We walked back to our seat , Mom dished food out for Beauty, I was surprised to notice her do that.

“Thanks”she told my mom on a whisper.

Grandma must have done a lot of talking before now, to make her do that for Beauty, she hardly dish out door for anyone.

“She need more plates though” that fool named Steven said but not loud , I still heard him anyway, maybe because I was paying a-lot of attention to him.

“It’s my birthday, I really don’t her why a cow was invited”

“Where is it? Moo moo?”

My little cousin Jack asked calling out the supposed cow with the sound.

“Right beside you Jack on white polo”.

I replied with a mockery smile, jack looked at to his side, he could only see his sister’s husband on white.

“Uncle Steven?”

The confused boy asked.

Mother cleared her throat to interrupt him on purpose.

“Valentina, the cake please”.

she demanded from the chief cook, who was in charge of the bakery and foods.

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