His Purchased Wife

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

What?" Liam asked his brother who was staring at him in astonishment.

" I am just thinking how could you accept such an offer? I mean do you even know how to date

someone. You talk to people as if you are doing them a favour. Do you have any idea how to woo a girl,

any girl, let alone Aurora King?"

Liam sighed. "The girl is an emotional fool. She thinks with her heart not mind. But the main problem is

the Restaurant owner…" Liam started and the tightness on his face and darkness in his eyes made

Ralph's mind go haywire.

"Don't Liam, please. Ethan said he would handle that man and he would. I don't think we should

interfere in his territory more than we already did, at least not till you get married," Ralph suggested.

Liam nodded. "Even after marrying Aurora, I won't break my words because my words hold value. But

now, my main concern is about how to woo that unbearable shop of chattering."

Ralph raised a brow with a smirk on his face. "Best of luck with that because I know it won't be easy for

you. From whatever you told me, I gather the girl is the opposite of your personality. You don't like it

when someone speaks a single sentence more than needed and here you want to marry a girl who

couldn't keep her mouth shut!"

Liam leaned back in the car seat and closed his eyes. Liam Knight for the first time in his life had no

idea how to handle the situation he was stuck into.

There has to be a way…

He was thinking and then a thought clicked in his mind. He had the opportunity in his hand. He smirked

while pulling out his phone from his coat pocket and dialled his friend Alexandrios number.

"What?" He snapped and Liam's brows jerked together.

"Is there an issue?" Liam asked him in all seriousness because he knew Alexandrios in and out and

that's not how he greeted him.

Alexandrio on the other hand pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration and sighed. "Yes, nothing

serious. Tell me what you want now?"

Liam knew there was something Alexandrio was not sharing. But right now was not the time to

persuade him to know. He has other important matters to think about.

"I want Aurora to win this contest. I will be back in Vancouver till evening but when I reach there I want

this contest to be over and Aurora is declared as the winner with a two months contract with, The


Alexandrio's brows jerked upward when he heard his next words. "She will work in The Belle's head

office with Rawls."

"Head office! Your office, Liam? Do I need to know something?"

Liam chuckled. "Do as I say, pal," saying that he ended the call and once again leaned back in his car

seat but this time with an excited smirk on his lips.

Mrs Knight, it will be so much fun to play with you.


At the same time, Alexandrio called Katie in his cabin and asked her to do as Liam told her with a little

change in the words.

"Make sure the contract states exactly what I said." He ordered Katie who nodded curtly in

understanding and left.

Alexandrio smiled. "I won't let you leave me that easily miss Emily. If you choose me willingly, good or I

can be a very persuasive man." He whispered to himself and lifted his wineglass toward his lips and

gulped it one go.

On the other hand, Aurora was explaining her design to her friends.

"Hm! It's nice, I think after this no one can stop us from winning." Susan told both her friends while

studying the design with her eyes.

"Yes, it's beautiful, Aurora," Emily supported Susan's words.

Aurora smiled. It felt a lifetime away from when she came to Vancouver from Churchill when it's only

been a month. Yes, everything changed in this last month. Their smiles turned into forced smiles. The

only person who was behaving like herself was Susan and both Aurora and Emily prayed that it would

remain that way, Forever. At least one of them should remain the same while the other two among the

three friends have lost their enthusiasm too soon.

Emily drew in a sharp breath before speaking. "It's final then. We will give our best and the rest is fate."

They were discussing their presentation when a knock sounded on the door of their cabin.

Aurora opened the door. It was Mr Joshua who was on the other side. "There is a meeting with our

legal advisor. Your presence is needed in the meeting room."

Aurora smiled. "Give us a moment to gather our purse, please."

Aurora closed the room and told her friends about the meeting. They gathered their belongings and

followed Joshua in the meeting room.

Alexandrio was sitting on the centre chair with two stone-faced lawyers. The other contestant and his

team were also present there and Miss Katie was sitting beside Alexandrio with an open folder

Emily's eyes went to Alexandrio who was talking to one of the lawyers. Emily looked away, scolding

hers to maintain her composure.

The meeting started and the Lawyer informed them about their two monthly contracts. "You all agreed

to sign it before the final round, the terms are the same, it's just a procedure needed to be done."

"I am ready to sign with my whole team." The other contestant, Maya said after reading it.

Aurora glanced at Susan who had her nose stuck in the contract and was reading it thoroughly. Aurora

tried to understand but the language in that contract was a little hard for her to understand.

"I want to call my dad's lawyer…" Aurora started but Susan interrupted. "No need, I read it and I accept

everything written in it."


"Let's sign it already, Aurora. It's about our dreams. It's about Emily's dream." Susan said it loud

enough for Alexandrio to hear who jerked his head in Emily's direction. Emily cleared her throat, "if you

want then…"

Aurora patted Emily's hand and signed the contract without even thinking twice.

"Congratulations, everyone and I wish you all the best for the last round," Alexandrio said in your

business-like tone but only if anyone could see inside him. He was smiling ear to ear over getting the

girl in his clutches who dared to give him a cold shoulder.

On the other hand, Ethan took a long puff from his cigar. His eyes focussed on the sky staring at the

stars. "She used to hate when you smoked."

Ethan turned his head towards his long time friend Ryan. "Your son is worse than you."

Ryan shrugged. "Blood's blood." He stepped closer and rested his hand on Ethan's shoulder. "Aurora

will be safe, Liam will keep her safe, Ethan."

Ethan dabbed his burning cigarette against the wall and turned towards Ryan. "He has to or you know

me better than anyone else."

Ryan's lips tugged upward. "No need to play the scare game with me. If you know how to kill, trust me

my friend I am worse than you. you have seen my madness but as I said, Aurora is like a daughter for

me too and nothing or no one would be able to harm her till I am alive."

Ethan nodded his head. Too emotional to speak a single word. Ethan King was still the brave man but it

was the continuous fear for her safety that made him weak.

"Now, shall we discuss about those Mexicans or I say one particular Mexican."

"Juan!" Ethan muttered under his breath and curled his hands into tight fists.

Ryan sighed. "He will be punished for what he did."

Oh, Ethan had no doubt. Juan, the Mexican cartel boss would certainly be punished at the hands of

Ethan King.

Meanwhile, it was eight in the evening. The contest started and Aurora presented her design with full

confidence and enthusiasm. Maya, the other contestant, did the same.

Both the designs were up to the point. Alexandrio was impressed with both of them; the other two

judges shared different opinions for the winner. But certainly, it was Alexandrio's vote which was going This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

to decide the winner of the contestant.

And he had already chosen the winner. His Emily!

"I am in favour of Maya," Rawl said but one look from Alexandrio and he shut his mouth. "Maya will be

presented with two million dollars and a partnership with one of my other designers in Russia but here,

the winner is Aurora and her team. She and her team will assist you with our holiday collection."

Alexandrio wanted Aurora to win but he was impressed by Maya's design too and losing someone as

good as Maya was kind designing, no. He wouldn't do that. Personal matters aside, business was


Kevin Rawl nodded in understanding. And the winner was selected. Now just the official announcement

was left to be done.

Katie took the envelope from the judges and smiled at both the contestants. "It was a great contest. We

had everything one can wish for in this thirty days journey. From action to drama." Katie looked at

Aurora clearly pointing at her designs being stolen and went missing for about four days.

Everyone including Aurora laughed at the reminder.

"But now, I have the name of that girl who is going to assist Kevin Rawl for The Belle's upcoming

holiday collection."

Susan clutched both Emily's and Aurora's hands tightly. Their breathing turned shallow as Kaitie

opened the envelope to announce the winner's name.

Maya and her team were apprehensive as well. They all were looking at Katie expectantly.

"And the winner of this contest is…"

Both the contestants were smiling anxiously and then Katie announced the name which made Aurora

and her friends squeal in happiness.

"Aurora and her team…"

Aurora was practically jumping up and down. It was one of the happiest moments of her life. Emily had

tears in her eyes at this moment and Susan was hugging them both like a mother who hugged her


It was their dreams in which they believed when no one else did. This was huge for the three friends.

And they were loving every moment of it. "We won, we won, Susie!" Aurora was still shivering from


Emily couldn't believe her fate. Sheet the sob she was trying to hold and Susan I tried to remain stiff

and hard but of course, today was not the day for that. Today they were just too emotional.

"We don't want to spoil the money for you but can you please join us on the stage, Miss Aurora," Katie


Aurora nodded, her face flushed in happiness and she managed to walk with her wobbly legs. "How

are you feeling at this moment, Miss Aurora?"

Aurora drew in a shaky breath, tears shining in her eyes and she cleared her throat before speaking.

"There are no words to describe the feeling. I am in the seventh sky at this moment but it's not about

me only. It won't be possible without their contribution," Aurora replied happily but then her eyes went

to Maya and her team who looked sad.

"Maya, I know you are feeling the exact opposite of what I am feeling at this moment but trust me, my

friend, you were amazing. Thank you for such healthy competition."

Maya smiled and nodded in understanding. "The best man won. Congratulations…" she said and

everyone clapped at her lively spirit.

"Well, congratulations a sin but no need to be sad, Maya because our judges were so impressed by

your designs that he has selected you in one of The Belle's fellowships programmes in Russia. You will

be going there and also you will be getting a sum of Two million dollars for your future endeavours!"

"What?" Maya's eyes widened and she smiled genuinely this time.

Alexandrio presented Aurora with the winner's certificate and trophy with a cheque of five million dollars

and a two months contract for her and her team to work as assistants in the head office of The Belle.

It was the best night for Aurora as she and her friends kept starting at the trophy in their cabin.

It was a magical night with a bright future or so they thought. But was it?

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