His Doll

Chapter 32- The Killer

Chapter 32- The Killer

Author's p.o.v

A woman in her 30s is waiting for someone inside of a creepy two-storied abandoned house. The

house is looking very old like no one has ever lived here for decades.

If anyone sees this from outside than anyone will assume that this house is scary, full of spiders and

bats. But in reality, this house is a secret house for someone. The inside of this house is not old at all.

Moreover, the inside of this house is full of luxury items but every item is covered with white sheet to

save the luxury items and furniture from dust. Because no one comes here often. The area where it's

situated is also isolated from the main city.

The woman is now sitting on a couch crossing her legs and she is thinking something deeply.

She thought mentally, Anamika. This name holds too much secrets which boss never told me clearly.

Moreover, why boss is so determined to make that fatty old lady mentally unstable. Boss is too much

weird". When I met Boss for the first time I never thought that he will give me this job. To scare

someone!! Isn't it too much weird!! Whatever I need the money and he is giving me that. For me, only

money matters. But, still, I am grateful to him that he helped me when I needed money most."

Her thought is interrupted when someone's voice reached her ears. The voice was deep yet


The voice said," Rupal Chadda".

The woman turned her head behind and found a man who is looking like a beast with a tall and

muscular figure.

The woman said," Yes, boss. How are you?"

Saying that she walked towards the man. Yes, the woman who has Anamika's face is none other than

Rupal chadda.

The man didn't reply to her question.

Rupal said smilingly," Thank you so much for everything, boss".

The man just nodded his head and walked towards the couch. He sat on the couch like a king and

gestured Rupal to sit in front of him on another sofa. Rupal obliged and sat down.

The man asked her with his dangerous voice," what's the important matter that you wanted to meet me

face to face".

Rupal said giving a gratitude smile," Before starting, I want to thank you a thousand time for saving my

father. Thank you so much, boss. Thank you so much, Mr Abhinav Agnihotri".

Abhinav looked at her with his impassive expression. He said," let's come to the point. I don't have the

whole day"

Abhinav's p.o.v

Rupal chadda. This woman is the most important partner of mine in destroying Bhabani. Well, she is an

important part of this game of revenge. She is so important to me because of her voice and height.

My mother was a very tall lady with a sweet voice. Normally I don't find woman that much tall. Rupal's

voice and height are exactly like my mother. That's why she is very important. I met her for the first time

at a party one year ago.


( I am sitting inside my black SUV right now. I am going to attend a party arranged by one of business

partner. Though I don't like parties but I have to attend because of formality. I entered the hall where

the party was arranged.

The whole hall is screaming luxury and Everyone is enjoying holding wine glasses in their hand, talking

with everyone.

I was busy talking with my business partner when I heard a voice who is singing.

Hearing the voice I become startled and shocked. I never thought in my life that I will again hear this

voice. Because the voice is exactly like my mother's voice. I looked in front of me on the stage where a

middle-aged tall woman was singing.

Listening to her voice I remembered my mother's voice who used to sing whenever she was teaching

me playing piano. I was so shocked and can't believe my own ears. How can someone have the same

voice.!! I asked my business partner about her and he informed me that she is Rupal chadda, a singer

who sings at parties to entertain people.

Her financial condition isn't that good. That's why she has to sing at parties. Sometimes she has to

dance also. Her income is the only earning source of her family. Moreover, her father is a cancer

patient. She is collecting money for her father's treatment. My client is very fond of her singing talent,

that's why he has told her to sing here.

I was astonished after listening to her voice.

After another month when I was planning to destroy Bhavani, an idea came to mind.

Because of Bhabani, my mother was mentally unstable for almost 4 months. I want to return that pain

to Bhabani which my mother felt once.

I was thinking about how to make Bhavani mentally unstable when I remembered Rupal chadda. She

will be the best option to make Bhabani mad. I collected her number from my business partner and

called her.

I informed her that I want to meet her. First, she thought that I will give her any job for singing. But

when I told her about my planning that she has to scare Bhabani, she became shocked. Because it's

the weirdest job she has ever heard.

I have trained her how to scare Bhavani and she obliged my every command. When I was training her,

I told her to not disrespect the face which I had given her and she obliged my every condition.

She asked me multiple times about all the truth but I never told her anything. And about the face, to

scare Bhabani I designed the face from the most talented makeup artist Charlotta Tilruby who is very

well known in Hollywood for her extraordinary face mask.

I have to give Charlotta a huge amount of money for the mask and for shutting her mouth. I had also

given a vast amount of money to Rupal. For me, my revenge is everything. Money is just like paper for


Flashback ended

" What's the important matter you wanted to talk about? I asked Rupal impatiently.

"Well, that fatty old lady whom you told me to scare, she confessed something which I thought to share

with you. Maybe that information is important for you," Rupal replied.

"Don't talk in puzzle. Just say, what you want to say," I told her with a rude tone. She is wasting time

talking in puzzle.

She exhaled some air and said licking her dry lips, "that fatty lady told me that she had killed Anamika

with her own hands".

Hearing her, I felt like my blood has become frozen. I was feeling like someone has snatched the land

under my feet. What the hell is she talking about!! As per as I remember my mother committed suicide.

But why Bhavani said she killed my mother.!!

I asked Rupal with a shocking tone frowning my brows," Are you sure? What are you saying?

"Yes, boss. I am telling the truth. That fatty old lady said that she has killed Anamika with her own

hands. She enjoyed how Anamika thrashed for air to breathe and pleaded to leave her. And most

importantly, when she was telling all this I felt that she was saying the truth because I saw too much

hate in her eyes for the person Anamika. Even, I saw satisfaction in her eyes when she was telling all

this!!"Rupal informed me everything.

Hearing her, something started flashing in my mind and I am trying to solve all the puzzle.

I am understanding that, why the police didn't find any suicide tone. Because my mother never

committed suicide. My mother was a strong woman. She would never commit suicide.

I clearly remembered that day when she died she was completely fine and there was no tension on her

face. There was no reason for her to commit suicide.

That means, my mother was murdered!!

That bitch murdered my mother!! I can't believe my ears. How many injustices she had done with my

mother!! Bitch!! Whore!! I will not spare her. How dare she!! She will pay for this greatest sin.

She killed my innocent mother, right!! I will make her life so miserable that she will regret her birth. If I

killed her in one go then it will be a small punishment for her. First, I have to return her all those pains,

stress and humiliation which my mother felt once. I will make her mentally unstable than I will kill her by

hanging. She doesn't know what kind of monster I have become.

About her children? they are already suffering. One is suffering in my cage living with fear every time

and the others are suffering with their mother. I can't wait to see their proper destruction.

My blood is boiling with too much anger and I am feeling like to kill that bitch right now. But, tsk, tsk tsk!!

I will give her more painful death than vivek. Vivek was tortured for only 15 days. But this bitch will be

tortured for months!!

Yes, I am the one who killed vivek Aggarwal, that bitch's bastard with my own hands. That bastard is

the root of all chaos. For him, my mother suffered the most. That's why I couldn't resist the urge to kill

him first.

That day when I killed vivek, my inner devil felt another type of sadistic pleasure seeing his blood. I

killed him most maliciously.

I took out his heart from his rib cage when he was alive. I was just 20 years old at that time. My hands

didn't tremble when I took out his heart and his raw blood flooded the whole floor along with my hands.

His screaming gave me so much pleasure which I can't describe by sentence. I have also preserved

that bastard's heart to see it whenever I remember him. Looking at his heart I always feel another kind

of sadistic pleasure.

Remembering all this I felt some peace inside my wounded heart which is now crying for my mother.

That bastard's fault was................

I am completely zoned out when I heard Rupal's voice.

She said," Boss, I think.... " she couldn't complete her sentence when I showed her my palm to stop


I told her closing my eyes," Thanks for your information. Continue your job. Scare that bitch to that

extent that she will regret her birth and her all wrongdoings."

Rupal nodded her head in positive and took her leave. After her leaving I started thinking one thing and

that is how to make all the punishment crueller which I am going to give that bitch's whole family.!!

At afternoon

Author's p.o.v

Ruhi & Neel has just returned home with their almost mental mother. Today they went to meet a doctor.

From yesterday, Bhabani is behaving like a madwoman. She has become quite and every time she is

holding Ruhi. She is behaving like a kid who is afraid of any ghost.

From the morning Bhabani is chanting only one thing and that is," she has returned. I have seen her.

She will kill me".

Seeing Bhabani's condition, Ruhi & Neel decided to take her to a doctor. Though their financial

condition is too bad but still they went to meet a doctor. With great difficulty, they managed some

money and took their mother to the doctor's chamber.

After seeing Bhabani's condition the doctor referred Bhabani to a psychiatrist. He told Ruhi & Neel that

Bhabani needs a psychiatrist's help otherwise she will go mad very soon.

Hearing the doctor Ruhi & Neel's tension has increased on another level. Right now,. Ruhi & Neel has

no money with them. They are very worried that how they will take their mother to a psychiatrist.

Right now, Bhabani is sleeping holding Ruhi's hand.

Ruhi is thinking, " Here, we are in this condition. But di doesn't know anything about us. If she knew

everything than I am sure that she would have helped us".

Ruhi is thinking all this and crying when Neel entered into the room and said to Ruhi sitting on the bed,"

Shouldn't we tell Devika di about everything that how her husband has thrown us into the road. How he

is making our life miserable!!

Anger is audible in his voice.

" But, how can we say!! He threatened ma that if devika di comes to know about us then he will also

snatch those small jobs of ours and this shelter from us. We will be on the road for real."

Saying that Ruhi cried putting her palm on her mouth to prevent her crying sound.

"I am wondering why he is doing all this!! Ruhi said with a sad tone.

Then she again said," Moreover, I can feel that Di is also not happy with jiju(Brother in law). Didn't you Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

notice her at the party?

Neel nodded his head. Because he also remembered that party where devika was behaving like a


Both brother & sister are discussing how they will give their mother treatment and improve their

financial condition when someone knocked on the door.

They both wondered who has come at this hour.

Neel walked towards the door and opened it.

Seeing the person, his worried expression turned into a surprised and anger expression.

He said loudly," Jiju, you?"

Abhinav didn't say anything and entered into the house slightly pushing Neel. He walked towards a

shabby chair and sat down on the chair.

He said mockingly, "I can see that, You all are enjoying your life!! By the way, where is my mother-in-


Saying that Abhinav rolled his eyes to the whole room. Seeing this small, old and dirty room Abhinav


This time Neel couldn't control his anger and yelled," For your kind information, she is still breathing.

But, jiju why are you doing all this to us? What's your enmity with us?".

Abhinav stood up from the chair and walked towards Neel.

He leaned at Neel's ear and said lowering his voice," Because, I hate you. I hate you all. whenever I

see you all I feel disgusted!!

Neel isn't understanding Abhinav's any word. So he just looked at Abhinav with irritation.

Than, Abhinav said mockingly, " By the way, tomorrow is my one-year marriage ceremony with your

sister. I am here to invite you all. Come properly tomorrow wearing some good clothes and don't say

anything to your Di. If I find that my wife has come to know about your condition than the

consequences will be bad!".

Saying that Abhinav took out a gun and pressed it on Neel's abdomen. Neel is just a teenage boy who

is already in too much tension. And now, Seeing the gun he became afraid and said almost pleading, "

Don't harm us. We will not say anything to Di"

Abhinav smirked and rested his one hand on Neel's shoulder. He said like a normal enthusiastic

brother-in-law," Than, see you tomorrow salee saheb( brother-in-law). Don't be late and also bring your

mother with you because your di is missing her so much".

Neel tried to refuse Abhinav saying that Bhabani is ill and she can't come but seeing Abhinav's gun he

stopped himself.

After threatening Neel, Abhinav left the house and Neel is standing there thinking only one thing," Why

Abhinav hates them?.

At night

Devika's p.o.v

Tomorrow is our first anniversary. I can't believe I have spent my one year with a psycho.

After seeing the medicines and his behaviour of yesterday I am totally sure that he is insane. I realized

another thing that If I want to be alive than I have to be on his good terms. I don't want to die

unnecessarily by his hands. I am planning to escape. After graduation, I will leave this house and hide

myself anywhere in this world. Another thing is disturbing me that, hearing Vivek uncle's name, why he

reacted like that!! Does he know him!! I don't know.

Normally, girls become happy and excited about their first anniversary of marriage. But, I am not feeling

any kind of excitement. I can only feel fear that anytime Abhinav will come and beat me black & blue.

But, I am happy about one thing that tomorrow my family is coming. After many months I am going to

meet them. Only this thought is giving me some peace inside my heart.

I can't be upset with ma anymore. I am missing her a lot. Tomorrow when she will come, I will hug her

tightly and say how much I missed her. How much I wanted to hug her and how much I wanted to feel

her warm embrace.

Right now, I am lying on the bed and thinking about tomorrow. Avantika and her in-laws will be here

also. That means, her pervert husband will also come. Ughh!!That man!! I still remember his creepy

behaviour. I have to be alert around Shivay Khurana.

I admit that Abhinav is scary but I know him properly and he is my husband. But, this Shivay Khurana!!

He is a complete lunatic.!! How can he put his eyes on a married woman!! Pervert!! I am still wondering

how Avantika can love a man like him.

I am busy cursing that Shivay Khurana when I felt that someone has entered the room. My heartbeat is

increasing and my blood is rushing abnormally inside my whole body because of fear. I know who has

entered the room. Obviously, It's my psycho husband.

He turned on the light and I sat back on the bed. I got down from the bed and rushed towards him. He

removed his coat and tie. Then he opened some buttons of his shirt. He is looking exhausted. Like an

obedient wife, I gave him a glass of water and without thinking anything he drank it.

He is looking very calm. His calmness always scares me. I have already taken out his night suit for him.

But he isn't changing. He walked towards me and instinctively, I flinched backwards. He walked a little

forward and now He is very close to me.

Sensing his close proximity, I am lowering my head and seeing the floor. He rested his thumb under my

chin and made me look into his eyes. I looked into his eyes and found different types of emotion with

raw anger. I don't know why he is angry.

He said with his dangerous voice," Happy first anniversary, my doll".

I am not saying anything because seeing him I have lost my voice. I am just looking at him. He barked

on my face," won't you wish me".

With a shaky and afraid voice I said," Happy... One...y..ear...ann...iversary".

He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. If he was any normal husband then feeling this kiss I would

have definitely kissed him back but he is not normal.

Then he said caressing my cheek," I have a surprise for you. It's your gift on our anniversary".

Whenever he says surprise, my whole system gets filled with fear and I remembered that night when

for the first time he forced me to dance like a slut saying that it's his surprise. Remembering those

days, my eyes are becoming watered but I composed myself immediately. I asked him softly,"


" Hmm..let's give a surprise to my doll" saying that he picked me up in bridal style. I said wriggling in his

arms," Hey, put me down. Where are you taking me.?.

He looked at me with dead expression and I immediately stopped wriggling. His one look is enough for

shaking my whole soul. I am holding his neck for balance. I can feel his strong grip on my waist.

He is now going to the garden. I am wondering this time what kind of shock is waiting for me.

We reached the garden and the whole area is totally dark. Normally, there were some lights but today

why it's so dark.!! Suddenly I heard his voice," Turn on the light".

And immediately the whole garden lit up with beautiful lights. He put me down and I noticed my

surroundings. The whole garden is decorated with candles, flowers and beautiful lights. Moreover, I am

feeling like I am in any kind of Disney land. I am slightly impressed and more confused. He is behaving

so sweet. What's his motive now.

He held me from behind and said nuzzling his head on my neck," Did you like the decorations?

Well, I like the decorations but I am not feeling the excitement. I am only feeling fear. I am wondering,

what if his behaviour changes in the next moments.

I said with a barely audible voice," yes".

He pointed his fingers to the ground where I saw that he has written " I love you, my doll" using rose


I can't believe that he is confessing. Seeing all this I am thinking only one thing," Does he really loves


He said with his dangerous voice," won't you also confess your love for me?"

Threat is clearly audible in his voice. Like a parrot, I immediately said," I love you Abhinav".

Saying that I lowered my eyes. Because his black orbs are always holding danger. He kissed my lips

like a hungry man until I started thrashing my hands for oxygen. He left my mouth and fisted my hairs in

his grip. Then he said smirking," Let's celebrate".

I know how he is going to celebrate. I didn't argue because simply I don't have any choice. I am only

waiting for that day when I will escape from this psycho.!!

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