His Doll

Chapter 20- I love you

Chapter 20- I love you

Author's p.o.v

Devika is cooking lunch for everyone. She is wearing a cream colour saree with a full sleeve, full collar

blouse to cover the bruises which were given by Abhinav last night.

But still looking at her anyone can say that someone has beaten her brutally. Handprints are totally

visible on her cheeks, her lips are swollen and cut. She is moving very slowly as her whole body is


A maid said hesitantly, "Mam if you are not ok then rest for some time. I will do the remaining work".

Devika slightly smiled and said, " It's ok. I am fine. Your sir will not like it if he comes to know that I

didn't cook. You just cut the vegetables. I will cook".

The maid just nodded her head in positive and continued her remaining work.

Devika is now doing every work slowly. Her lower body part is paining like a bitch.

She is engrossed in her work when Ruhani ma entered the kitchen. She is noticing devika and

understood that Abhinav has surely beaten Devika.

She asked devika," Abhi has beaten you, Right?"

Devika was silent for a few seconds. Then she said forcing a smile on her face," No, Ruhani ma. I am


" How much fine you are I am seeing this!! Ruhani ma said angrily.

Ruhani ma said with total disappointment, " what's wrong with Abhi!! I don't know why he has become

like that. Just wait, tonight I will teach him a good lesson."

Saying that Ruhani ma turned to leave the kitchen when she felt someone has held her feet tightly.

She looked down and saw Devika. Devika said crying and clutching Ruhani ma's feet," please, don't

say anything to him. Please don't. This time he will not spare me. He will kill me for sure".

Devika is nodding her head vigorously. Her whole body is shaking because of fear. She doesn't want to

see last night's torture again.

Seeing her, Ruhani ma's eyes become watered. She is feeling pity for Devika. She can't believe

Abhinav is giving all this torture to Devika !

"I have to talk with Abhinav. I can't see this innocent child's misery. I will ask him why he is torturing

her," Ruhani ma thought in her mind.

Ruhani ma stood her up and said wiping Devika's eyes," Don't worry, dear. I will not say or ask anything

to Abhi. But, why he is doing all this to you? Why he hates you?

" I don't know anything. Please don't ask or say anything to him. I am begging you, "Devika pleaded

and Ruhani ma hugged her.

She console her and said," Don't worry. Everything will be ok."

Abhinav's p.o.v

"Where is the woman whom you previously talked about? I asked Omkara.

He said," Sir, she will be here very soon. She has gone to the doctor's chamber as she is very ill. She

will be here very soon. Wait for a few moments. "

Right now, I am waiting for a woman who knew my mother. I am at her house and waiting for her. Well,

she lives in a slum type area. Seeing the area I remembered my childhood. I have spent a good

amount of time in this type of area. And now I am living in a mansion with every luxury. But still, I am

not happy.

This destiny is a real bitch. Once when I didn't have money I wasn't happy. Now, I have money still I

am not happy. Money is really a rational thing.

I am thinking all this when Omkara said," Sir, Mrs Nalini is here". My trail of thoughts are cut and I

looked at the woman who just entered her house with another woman's help. She is a middle-aged

woman with a thin body. She is looking very ill.

The other woman helped her to sit on the nearby chair. She sat down and looked at me.

She asked me surprisingly," You are Anamika's son?

"Indeed I am," I replied normally.

She said smilingly," Anamika must be feeling proud having a son like you. I heard that you are the

richest businessman in this whole country. Very good. At last Anamika's hard work succeeded".

I am not here to hear my story. I am here for important information. So, without wasting any time I

asked her," Tell me about that night. About 23rd August."

Listening to me, I can see some fresh tears in her eyes. She licked her dry lips and took a deep breath.

Then she started saying," That night was one of the horrible night for Anamika and me. I can't forget

that night. It still horrifies me.

Well, at that time we were working as a bar dancer you already know that. But we were not sex

workers. Our life was going smoothly until that night. On 23rd August we were dancing in the bar when

a policeman entered our bar with some other policeman. He was looking for someone.

That policeman was looking dominating like he is some kind of ACP or Inspector. Seeing him Anamika

hid behind a room. I understood that Anamika knows this policeman. And she is afraid of him. And

obviously, he is searching for her.

She said to me that her life is in danger and she wants to leave the bar immediately. She told our

manager that she wants to leave but that manager was a complete bastard who didn't give her

permission to leave the place.

So, I helped her to leave the bar. When she left, I noticed that she had forgotten her phone. I went

behind her to give it. But she was already quite ahead of me. I was walking on the street and searching

for Anamika when I heard someone is crying in the middle of the street. The cries were of any

woman's. I rushed to the area hurriedly and seeing the scenery in front of my eyes my blood became

frozen and I became a statue. I wasn't understanding what I should say or what I should do.

I saw that policeman was raping Anamika in the middle of the street. His fellow policemen were

laughing and clapping. They were encouraging him. When he was done with her, one by one other

policeman also raped her. As it was night time, the street was empty and no one was there. I

understood that if I scream for help then no one will come to help or try to help Anamika then they will

not spare me. I was feeling helpless and vulnerable. My friend was raped in front of my eyes and I

couldn't even help her," saying that she started crying loudly. The other woman gave her a glass of

water but she didn't take it.

She said again wiping her tears, "I carefully looked at that policeman's badge. And I memorized his

name. I can never forget that name and that face. His name was Agnish Batra. I was standing there

crying and cursing myself for not being able to help Anamika when he sensed my presence and saw

me standing there. He clearly saw my face and ordered other policemen to catch me. I understood that

if he caught me than he will not spare me. I run away from there and reached at my home. I was totally

scared. The next day, I left my house and went to my relative's house because of fear. After that, I tried

many times to contact Anamika but every time I failed.

After a few days when I returned, I heard that Anamika committed suicide. I couldn't believe my ears

because Anamika was a brave woman. Why she would suicide? I wanted to complain to the police Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

about that ACP. But When I saw that the same policeman who raped Anamika was in charge of the

Anamika suicide case, I understood that it will be a futile attempt to complain to the police where the

police is the culprit. I didn't have any choice to let it go. I even tried to find Anamika's children but

Anamika's neighbour informed me that Anamika's children are also dead by a fire accident. So, after

that, I had to give up on Anamika's case. But every day I prayed to GOD that at least He will give

Justice to Anamika.

So, this is the whole story. Whenever I remembered that night my whole body started shivering," Nalini

completed her saying and burst into crying.

A few drops of tear also fell from my eyes. How can I forget that night!! How can I forget how ma

returned home naked that night!! Her whole body was scratched like any vulture wanted to eat her.

That night I understood what type of torture my mother had seen. She never told me that police officers

name. She thought that if she told me the name then I will try to do something to that police officer.

"That police officer was powerful and he can harm us" thinking this thought ma never told me his name.

And that fire accident. It's another painful memory for me and my siblings. Because of that fire

accident, Avantika is still afraid of fire.!!

I closed my eyes and those horrible memories come to my mind. This world has done many cruelties

with me. And every person who is responsible for my family's misery, I will not spare them. I will show

them the lowest part of hell.

My thought was cut when Nalini again said," when after so many years this man told me that Anamika's

son wants to meet me and asked something." She pointed her finger towards Omkara and continued," I

was surprised and shocked that Anamika's children are alive. But I am glad that you all are alive. And I

can't hide that night's brutality anymore and decided to tell you everything. I hope you will give your

mother Justice".

Listening to everything my blood is already boiling. I am feeling like to kill that bastard right now. But tsk

tsk tsk!! If I kill him so easily then how can he feel the pain which my mother felt? I will not kill him so

easily. First, I have to play with him then I will kill him most maliciously.

I thanked Nalini that she told me everything. I ordered my man to bear all the expenses of Nalini's

treatment and also give her a nice home with every facility. Ma always told me about Nalini. Nalini was

one of my mother's well-wisher.

I left Nalini's home and ordered Omkara to find Agnish's whereabouts. This Agnish is my new prey to


When I was returning to my company I asked Omkara," By the way, how did you find her after so many

years?" He chuckled at my words and said respectfully, "Sir, it's my job to find Secrets. That's why I am

a detective."

I just give him a plain smile and ordered," Arrange a special treatment for our guest Agnish Batra". I

give him a devilish smile and he also returned the smile. He said," Consider it as done".

Author's p.o.v

Bhabani is doing her job as a swiper on Abhinav's company. She is feeling humiliated and

embarrassed. Tears are flowing from her eyes but still, she is doing her job. She tried to talk with devika

about this matter. She thought if she said all this to Devika than devika will do anything or go any length

to save her from this humiliation. But Abhinav didn't give her any chance to talk with devika.

Right now, She is wiping Abhinav's floor when Abhinav entered his office. Seeing her Abhinav gives a

smirk towards her and Bhabani clenched her teeth in anger. She is feeling like to stab him a thousand

time with a dagger.

But, this thought is making her insane that why Abhinav is doing all this. If he is Anamika's son then

there is a solid reason for Abhinav to do all this but if he isn't Anamika's son then there is no reason for

him to do all this. Because she had only one enemy and that's Anamika.

Bhabani is done with her work and she is returning home now. She is walking on the street when

Agnish called her. She picked up the call.

Bhabani- If you have found anything important than tell me quickly. And if the information isn't important

than I am cutting the call.

She is already pissed off by Abhinav and now she doesn't want to hear any unnecessary talks of


Agnish- Trust me. You will like the information.

Bhabani- Tell me. What have you found?

Saying that she rolled her eyes.

Agnish-Do you know the most feared underworld don Usman sheikh?

Bhabani- I have told you to find Abhinav's identity, not any underworld's don.

She is losing her patience now.

Agnish- Yeah, I am telling you about Abhinav. He is Usman sheikh's fo........

Agnish can't complete his sentence when the line gets cut. Bhabani is too much pissed off and she

didn't try to call Agnish again. She cursed," useless Asshole". Saying that she returned to her house.

Devika's p.o.v

It's night time. Everybody is done with their dinner. He hasn't returned yet and informed via landline that

he will not have dinner at home. I am glad that I don't have to see his disgusting face when I was


After Ruhani ma's arrival, I don't have to sit on the floor and don't have to eat meat anymore. She

comes into my dark life like a light. I know this light is very momentary but still, I am happy that I will be

able to eat for one month like a normal human being. I am thanking God for that.

But I am not understanding Ruhani ma's relationship with Abhinav. I have seen his mother's photo. I

know he loves his mother a lot. Whenever he talks about his mother I see love, pain, agony and

various types of emotion in his eyes.

But, about Ruhani ma's case I have seen only respect in his eyes for her like he is obliged and grateful

to her for some reason.

Arushi told me that Ruhani ma is the one who raised them. Maybe that's why he is obliged to her.

But another thing that is always surprising me that these Agnihotri siblings never talked about their

father. Arushi doesn't even know his name. I don't talk with Arnav anymore and Avantika will not tell me

anything obviously. After all her behaviour is always cold towards me. And about Abhinav, apart from

beating me and raping me, he doesn't know how to talk like a normal person with me.

Tomorrow I will ask Ruhani ma about their relationship with her. I am sure she will tell me everything.

This whole family is too much secretive and puzzled. They are hiding any big secret for sure.

Right now I am standing in front of the window and seeing the night sky. I noticed that one star is

shining brightly. I remembered when I was a child papa always said that after death people turn into a

star. And like an obedient kid, I always believed him. Maybe he is right. Maybe this shining bright star is

my papa who is smiling looking at me.

I am smiling looking at the star when I felt a pair of big and rough hands on my waist. I know who is

this. It's him. Feeling his touch my body started trembling with fear. I am sweating like a pig. Last night's

brutality is still fresh in my mind.

I can feel he is drunk. The alcoholic smell along with his masculine scent is reaching at my nostrils

making my whole system filled with disgust. This man always disgusts me.

He rests his chin on the crook of my neck and started inhaling my scent. He is biting my neck and

groping my breasts painfully, squeezing them hard. I am feeling pain but kept my mouth shut. If I say

anything then he will surely beat me again. If he beat me today than I will surely die.

He said pinching my waist," Why are you so intoxicating! Why are you always playing with my mind?

Why I feel guilty after hurting you.? Are you playing with me just like your mother played with us?

Again he dragged my mother here. What's his problem with ma! Oh!! Lord!! He is insane!!

I said trying hard to free myself from his grip," You are drunk. You should sleep."

He holds me more tightly from behind and say," I want you right now". And that's it, hearing him I

become pale. I am still sore from last night. But again he wants me. I said pleading," Please, at least for

today spare me. I am still sore. It will hurt me".

He doesn't listen to my any pleading and picked me up on his shoulder. He throws me on the bed and

opened my saree.

Seeing the ugly bruises from the previous night he said proudly," Those marks of mine look beautiful on

you." I closed my eyes because of shame and disgusts.

Right now apart from crying what can I do. He removed all my clothing along with his clothing. He is

trailing his hands on my whole body feeling all the curves, all the ups and downs of my body. Then he

said like a creep," So soft like butter. I want to melt this butter".

Seeing his behaviour I am gulping my saliva continuously because of fear and vulnerability. He hovered

over me, spread my legs widely and rubbed my clit with his thumb for few times. I jumped backwards

because of sensations. I am not liking these sensations.

Then without wasting any time he pushed his length inside me. I am totally dry and sore down there. I

cried out in pain loudly. But My screaming is lost by his hard kissing on my lips. He is fucking me with

full force ignoring my crying. I am clutching the bed sheets tightly to endure the pain.

After 3 round of thrusting inside me, he is now breathing heavily and I saw that he is losing his

consciousness. Before dozing out completely he said resting his head on my chest," I love you devika,

you are mine".

" what the hell he just say"!!

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