His Crazy Maid

Chapter 30 New boss


Annie scoffed as she stared at the letter.

Probably a prank letter.

She threw the card away and resume sobbing.


“Me?, ah…. no… of course…. no…”Garry stuttered.

Sam stared at him intently and tilt his head to the side.

“You….”Sam tried to say.

“Oh, yeah. Don’t worry, I got it. You can leave.”Garry cut him off.

Sam furrowed his brow and cleared his throat.

“So, Skyler… have you heard from him?.. I miss him tho. He suddenly came to my office and ask about where you went to and that was the last time I saw him… I wonder where he is right now… is life treating him well?… I hope he’s not find another person before I can…”

Garry gazed at Sam with disdain.

“You’re gay?”he asked.

Sam looked taken aback as he tried to hide his flushed face.

“Oh, my God!. You’re a gay?, just don’t love me. Geez!, leave my office right away!. So gross!.”Garry almost yelled.

“Please… don’t tell….”

“Out!.”Garry yelled.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Sam moved to him.


Garry grabbed a pen on the desk and threw it at him.

“Get out!.”Garry yelled.



Annie sat on the couch, her legs on the chair and her arm wrapped around them.

She buried her nose in her laps and snivelled.

So, Larry was really gone?.

Larry is gone.

No one is gonna call her little miss again.

No one is gonna call her pink face.

No one is gonna call her poor ugly slut.

No one is gonna call her kiss stealer.


This is really hard.

It… it felt good when he call her that…. especially pink face… little miss…

Just then, Garry entered.

Annie lifted her head to look at him.

“Why does it have to be Larry?… why can’t you be the one to die?, why did you got saved instead of my grumpy uncle!”she yelled out in tears.

Garry sighed.

“I thought we done with this.”

“Done?”Annie scoffed.

Garry took slow strides towards her.

He sat beside her and tried touching her hair.

Annie moved her head sideways.

“Please, don’t…”

“I… I don’t wanna see your face. You keep reminding me of him. Get outta here, forever.”she added.

Garry’s eyes traveled to the paper on the table.

He furrowed his brows and grabbed it.


He squinted his eyes.

The writing looks familiar..

“This….”he started.

Annie looked at him.

“This handwriting…”

Garry scoffed.

“This handwriting….”he said.

Annie gazed at him.

“What?, what about it?”she inquired.

Garry breathed out and wiped his face down with his palm.

“Nothing.”he lied.

“Who… sent it?”he asked.

“I don’t know. Josè came to drop it this morning. Said he found it in the mailbox.”Annie explained.

“And you don’t know who might have send it?.”

“It might be a prank message. That’s why I concluded it to be.”Annie replied.

Garry squeezed the paper as he stared away in the room.

“Larry is really gone. We should try to understand that. Crying for a thousand decades won’t bring him back.”Garry suddenly said.

“It’s… it’s just hard to believe. No, he is not dead. He might probably be playing games on us…. I don’t believe.. this is all just a nightmare… that I will soon wake up from and see Larry’s face as he call me pink face, little miss…. kiss stealer…”

Garry looked at her and he didn’t know if he should laugh or cry.


He took his eyes away.

“We have to live in the reality, Annie. Larry is really gone.”

“And how would I live in reality?.. I keep on seeing him, in the kitchen when I asked him to call me sister Annie, on the couch you’re sitting on when I blew my nose with his cloth… and that couch… no, stand up, that’s his favorite!, he doesn’t want anyone to sit there aside him!.”Annie said.

Garry casted her a look and sighed.

“You will just go crazy if you stay here any longer. I suggest your get a job, that should help.”

Annie scoffed.

“Yeah?. I think it’s high time I move back to my house fully. I can’t keep staying in another person’s house and since that person is even dead.”

“I am not sending you away. I mean, why would….”

“I know. I just think it’s high time. Since the person I’m working for is dead and well, our deal has ended also so what I’m I still waiting for?!.”Annie said as she threw her head back.


~Two weeks later~

Annie managed to get a job. She got employed as the personal assistant of Boyd Brick – the trending billionaire in town.

How she managed to secure the job, Annie doesn’t know.

She felt lucky cause out of the 300 girls that came for the interview, she was selected.

It’s really a big miracle.

She has lost hope before seeing how many the girls are and seeing how better they are than her… it’s all makes her hope to go down the drain.

That morning, she got dressed in a blue flay skirt and red long sleeve shirt.

She let down her hair and wore a small earring.

She took her bag and after looking at herself in the mirror and offering a small smile to her reflection, she walked out of her room.

It had been really hard trying to get Larry off her head.

She convinced herself that they are not related or anything… so she shouldn’t worry about him any longer and move on with her life, but that seems impossible!.

“And this came in for you. You’re looking pretty by the way.”Rosetta smiled as she handed a mail to her.

Well, Boyd Brick appeared to be really nice to have given her a nice apartment when she started working in his company.

Now, they are free from her father’s tantrums.

“Thanks, mom. What’s this?”she replied as she collected the envelope from her.

She opened it.

The page was blank and she scoffed.

Her eyes trailed over to the bottom and there lies the word from two weeks ago.


But, a heart ❤️ was drew beside the words this time around.

Annie scoffed.

Playing prank on her again.

She dumped the paper in the trash can.


“It’s of no use mom.”she replied.

She wore her shoes and sighed.

“So, goodbye.”she said.

“Alright. Take care, dear.”Rosetta replied.

She nodded with a “I will.” and walked out.

She boarded a taxi which dropped her in front of the company.

She got down, payed the taxi man and walked inside the building.

She headed to the CEO office and knocked on the glass door.

Boyd Brick was seated in there on his chair sipping his coffee quietly.

“Come in.”came the cool voice of Boyd.


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