Hiding the Billionaire Mafia’s Twin

Chapter 50: Seduction

50. Seductiom.

Author’s POV

“What!” Tito exclaims.

“But boss she is not that important to you, she is just the mother to the children, are you even sure they are yours?”

“Of course I am sure dummy, I had a DNA test done and collected the result and it came out positive, what do you take me for Matteo?” Tito frowns heavily.

“B-boss, like I said she is just the mother of your children nothing more, you can get rid of her to keep you out of trouble, then take the kids and hire a nanny to take care of them, it is as simple as that” Matteo mumbles irritably.

“Even get rid of the kids, they would only become a problem and weakness to you and the Clan ” Matter talks nonchalantly.

Tito is boiling inside with the nonsense spouting from his mouth.

“How about if I get rid of you first?” Tito growls grumpily and brings out a gun hidden under the pillow by his side.

He directly points it at Matteo who flinches in fear, his Boss’s eyes don’t look friendly or calm at all, it looks like he is going to eat him alive.

“Do you even think before you talk, don’t let me blow your brains out because it won’t take me second to do it, Matteo stay within your limits, don’t think because I made you a leader of a drug cartel means you can say trash or act recklessly,” Tito warns fiercely.

Matteo is stunned, he has never seen his boss this defensive about anyone, why is he sensing that his boss might have feelings for this woman..

” I am sorry boss “Matteo apologises with a low bow.

“I didn’t mean to cross boundaries, I am just concerned about …”

“Let me worry about myself!” Tito interrupts him abruptly.

“Understood boss, it will never happen again” Matteo apologises again.

“Get out!” Tito yells still pointing the gun at him.

Matteo bows and scurries out of his room.



Monday – 7am

Noelle wears her new school uniform, she looks pretty cute in it, she continues checking her beautiful self in the mirror.

She goes to the bed to arrange her colour pencils into her new pink bag.

Meanwhile Noello is not ready at all, he hasn’t taken his bath or done anything.

“Noello, are you not going to get ready for school?” Noelle asks worriedly.

Noello ignores her and keeps mute.

“You don’t want Mamma to get angry, you know she has been badly tempered these days, she hurts us unnecessarily, I don’t want you to get hurt” Noelle mutters teary eyed.

These past few days have been like hell for them. Fiorella has been really harsh and unreasonable.

” I don’t care” Noello talks in a low voice, his husky time isn’t too deep.

“Are you alright?” Noelle asks him to check his temperature.

She places her hand on his neck and his temperature is so high.

“You are hot like an oven!” Noelle yells and quickly removes her hand from his neck.

“I will go call Mama” Noello mutters but he holds her back.

“Why don’t you start off this morning by minding your business!!” Noello yells.

“I-I am simply worried about you” Noelle replies, close to tears.

“Worry about yourself! ” Noello yells and she bursts into tears.

“Why is everyone being mean?, I want to see Papa” Noelle cries loudly


Fiorella enters their room and sees only Noelle ready.

“Why are you not ready for school?” Fiorella frowns and briskly walks to Noello.

Noello glares at her and ignores her as well, he is not feeling well at all that is why he is acting so quiet.

“I am talking to you, young man!”

“Go ask my dïck, how about that!” Noello replies rudely.

Fiorella frowns heavily, like father, like son.

“You little brat!” Fiorella yells and drags his ear and twists it.

“Ah!!!” Noello screams in pain.

She spanks him thoroughly, all over his body and drags him to the bathroom, she trashes him in there too and Noello is screaming and crying his eyes out.

Unfortunately Signora Ginvera went to her tie and dye shop already.

” Mamma, that’s enough” Noelle cries helplessly.

“Ah… Papa!!!” Noello yelps loudly.


Fiorella reaches work a bit late after dropping Noello and Noelle in school.

She uses the keys with her to open his office, purposely takes her desk from outside back into the office.

She believes she would be able to monitor Tito better from inside, she brings out the cameras from her bag and also recorders.

She activates it and puts them in the best angles, she is about to put the last one when the door flings open, she immediately freezes on the spot she is standing.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

“Ella” Tito calls and she clenches her fists.

Her face fills with anger but she is able to force a smile and then turns to him “I am so happy to see you”

She smiles broadly and goes to hug him , the little camera is still in her hand.

Tito groans a bit and hugs her back. She can’t take his hands being around her any more, she pulls away from the hug.

“I hope you feel better” Fiorella asks, faking a cute smile.

“I feel good, how are the twins?”

“They are fine,” She replies.

“Did they ask about me?” Tito asks because he really misses them.

“No” Fiorella answers coldly.

Tito is a bit taken aback by her cold response.


“Of course not, I am just joking, they kept asking about you every minute” Fiorella faked a laugh.

Tito heaves a sigh of relief “That’s good, I will see them soon”

He smiles and presses his lips on hers, Fiorella doesn’t respond to the kiss, she is instead disgusted and irritated by it.

He parts the kiss and she smiles.

She quickly walks away from him and wipes her lips hatefully with the back of her hand, she hides the camera back in bag.

Fiorella is so angry that she still has to play the innocent and naive Fiorella but thankfully that Fiorella is dead, this is a new one that is out for nothing but vengeance.

She plasters a smile on her lips and walks to him, he is already on his seat.

She catwalks to him, shaking hips from side to side, she purposely dressed seductively today, she is wearing a fitted black gown that has all her back opened and the v shaped neck showing her cleavages.

She has never been a fan of makeup but during the weekend she specially bought a makeup set and watched a video on YouTube teaching her how to use them.

She gets to him and sits on his lap, Tito is mesmerised just by staring at her.

“I am glad the fire didn’t affect your face, you even look more handsome than before” She compliments.

Tito smiles feeling unusually excited like a teenager who has met a girl for the first time.

“Thanks and you look extremely beautiful” Tito smiles and kisses her lips.

Fiorella breaks the kiss suddenly and inquires “Can I come to your house later? I would love to spend time with you”

She brings her lips close to his and says her words like a whisper, this is the height of seduction, she flirtily touches his beard and fondled it.

“So what do you say?” She asks but Tito is already lost staring at her.

“Tito” Fiorella calls.

She can see her charm is working pretty well.

“Baby” She calls and snaps her fingers.


“Can I come to your house tonight?”She snickers.

” Y-yes, why… not? “Tito stutters.

He can’t believe he stammering right now but her beauty has taken a toll on him, he has never seen her look this gorgeous or sexy before.

” That’s great “Fiorella chuckles.

Her plan is to plant the remaining cameras and recorders in his house.

Tito smiles and presses his lips gently on her soft lips, he nibs on her lips but she doesn’t give in to that vanilla taste that seems irresistible.

She kisses his neck and slowly shoves her tongue into his mouth and their tongues teased in each other’s mouths.

Tito’s heart beats faster and louder by the second, this is what she wants, to make sure he falls in love with her, so she can destroy him.

Fiorella reaches home and has dinner with her family.

“We did a lot of things at school today, it was exciting” Noelle giggles happily.

“What did you do?” Signora Ginvera asks.

“We drew with different coloured pencils, we sang poems and danced a lot, we had fun in the playground, with the swing and I met some friends, Diana, Corola and… Sera ” Noelle replies counting her fingers as she mentioned all that she did in school.

“Where is your brother?” Fiorella questions.

“He is in his room” Noelle replies.

Fiorella stands up and goes to his room.

“Noello ” Fiorella yells and rushes to his side.

“Leave me alone” Noello said weakly, feeling pains all over his body.

Fiorella grunts and grabs his wrist and drags him up.

“Leave me!”Noello cries.

She starts dragging him and he sees her blurolri, a surge of heat surfaces in his body and he starts shaking violently.

He falls to the floor and Fiorella with him.

” Noello “She calls in fear as he keeps convulsing.

” Noello “Fiorella screams in an absolute fight.

She carries him up in her hands and screams” Noello!!! ”

He suddenly stops shaking and his breathing seizes.

” Baby… “Fiorella calls shakingly.

” Noello!!! “

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