Hidden Flash Marriage: Love Me Back, Mr CEO

Shattered bonds II

As she flipped through the papers, her eyes scanned the contents, and a deep frown etched across her face.

Martha reveled in satisfaction as she witnessed Vivian’s expression sour, her heart filled with joy.

After finishing the reading, Vivian blinked away tears and looked up at Martha. “Um… I… I don’t know what to say,” she stuttered uncontrollably.

Tears welled up in Martha’s eyes. “Initially, when I found the file, I hesitated to open it, but curiosity got the better of me. How could Mia do this to you?”

She paused, studying Vivian. “As soon as I found these documents, I couldn’t bring myself to not let you know about it. I know Mia’s my best friend but there’s a limit…” Martha’s voice trailed off from exhaustion .

“I’m relieved to discover that the school gossip about her isn’t true, but…”

“I’m at a loss for words. Who would have guessed she was secretly married to Shawn Mandez all this time? No wonder she kept it hidden, perhaps to spare you the heartbreak.”

The more Martha spoke, Vivian’s composure crumbled further. But now, she realized that Martha herself had been unaware of…

Gazing at Vivian with a sympathetic expression, Martha said, “Vivian, don’t take it too much to heart; I’m sure Mia must have her reasons for this.”

“Maybe the agreement is even fake…”

But deep down, they both knew that it wasn’t. It certainly didn’t appear that way, especially with Shawn Mandez’s elegant signature gracing the final page of the documents.

Vivian’s voice was hoarse as she spoke for the first time in a while. “Hum.”

Clearing her throat uneasily, she added, “Thank you, Martha,” and managed a forced smile.

Martha eyed her suspiciously, that wasn’t the reaction she was expecting at all. Had the girl already discovered the truth before now? The thought lingered in her mind.

“I mean, we all know it’s you who likes Shawn Mandez…” Martha’s voice trailed off, leaving a lingering question in the air.

She sighed, “Just calm down, okay? I’ll arrange a meeting for the three of us to discuss this, or if you prefer, just the two of you. You need to hear her out; there must be a reason.”

“Er, no. No need for that. Don’t bother yourself,” Vivian replied weakly. “Also, could you do me a favor? Please don’t mention any of this to Mia. I just need some time. We’re sisters; we’ll sort things out ourselves.”

Forcing a smile, she added, “You know, I want to take my time. Don’t worry.”

“Oh, sure,” Martha nodded understandingly, “You deserve all the time you need, you poor thing.”


“It’s getting late; I’ll be on my way now.” With that, the two girls bid their goodbyes.

As Martha approached the car, she pondered, ‘She’s definitely found out already. But how?’

Had Mia already informed her sister about her marriage? No. If that were the case, Vivian wouldn’t have asked her to keep silent about her discovery. The girl must have found out in some other way.

Martha knew that Vivian asking her to keep their knowledge of Mia’s marriage a secret was not because she wanted to resolve things with her sister herself. She understood that the girl would never, in fact, settle with Mia. Not in this world.

Martha grinned to herself. ‘And the love battle between the sisters has officially begun.’

Vivian waited, watching until Martha’s car had completely vanished from sight. Unable to contain her emotions any longer, she burst into fresh tears.

Racing up the porch, she hurried into the house, the weight of the situation settling heavily upon her.

“Vivian, you’re back so early.” Barbara, still in the living room, noticed her daughter’s unexpected early return.

Seeing the tears on Vivian’s face, Barbara rose immediately and met her halfway. “What’s wrong? Did your meeting not go well? It’s okay, we’ll keep trying.” She gently guided Vivian to the couch, offering comfort as she placed the girl’s head close to her bosom.

“Mo-Mommm,” Vivian’s tears escalated.

“Yes? Stop crying, baby. It’s just a setback. Don’t let a small setback hold you back. It’s understandable that he rejected…” Barbara tried to console her daughter, but Vivian’s tears persisted.

Shaking her head, Vivian looked up at her mother with a tear-stained face. Her once-moderate makeup had washed away, leaving her looking like a complete mess.

“That’s not it, Mom,” she forced out in a croaked voice, between sobs.

“Then what’s the matter?”

“It’s Mi-Mi-”

“You what?” Barbara was impatient.

Vivian shook her head, “Miaaaa…” and forced out.

Barbara twitched her lips, rolling her eyes. “What happened, has she died?”

As Vivian opened her mouth to speak, she burst into fresh tears at the thought of what she was about to say.

After catching her breath for a short while, “Mia and Shawn are together,” she wailed like never before.

Barbara was still confused about what the girl was saying, “together where?”

Vivian shook her head miserably for the umpteenth time, “they. are. mar. ried.”

She blinked tears away from her eyes as she gazed at her mother silently, waiting for her reaction.

Barbara stared at her daughter in silence. After a short while, unable to hold back any longer, she burst into laughter.

Her daughter’s words seemed like a joke to her, and so she laughed again. So hilarious.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Vivian was taken aback.

When Barbara finally caught her breath, she shook her head at Vivian. “You play too much, Viv. Now, be serious. What is the real matter?”

“Mom, I’m serious. Mia is married to Shawn. I saw them with my own two eyes.” Her voice broke as she added, “kissing.”

Barbara fell silent again, chuckling after a while.

Of course, she still couldn’t believe it. It seemed unbelievable. Even the dumbest person wouldn’t believe what her daughter was saying.

“It’s not possible,” she said.

But then, her daughter wasn’t looking like someone who was joking. Besides, Vivian would never joke about Shawn’s matter like that.

Yet, Barbara remained unconvinced.

Just then, Vivian handed her the file in her hand.

“What’s this?”

“See for yourself.” The girl sniffled.

Barbara took out the file’s content and began to glance through the pages.

When she finished reading, her face turned to sheer horror and speechlessness.

She looked from the papers at Vivian, who nodded in agreement. “It’s real.”

And with that, Vivian began to explain all that she witnessed when she went to MRA and how Martha had brought the file to her.

“That wench!” Barbara spat out venom as soon as her daughter was done narrating the whole thing.

“How did they meet? How’s this even possible? I’ve always warned you about that thing, but you wouldn’t listen. Now, look what she’s done to you!” She flared up, her whole body visibly seething with anger.

Vivian began to sob again, “Mom, please help me. Please. I don’t want to lose him-although it seems that I’ve already lost him.”

Seeing her daughter in this vulnerable state, Barbara’s heart ached, and her voice softened. “You haven’t lost him. You never lost him. He’s yours, and you’ll get him back from that wretched whore. I promise you.”

Not while she was still alive would that bastard whore steal her daughter’s man. Never.

“But how, Mommy? How?” Vivian felt a sense of despair as all hope seemed lost.

“With this,” Barbara muttered, raising the divorce agreement papers in her hand.

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