Her saving Grace

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

“Hello dear, how may I help you?” She asked with polite

“Hi. I’m Kayla Green and I was wondering if I could get a job here?” I asked.

The older lady gave me a sorry smile. “I’m sorry dear, but I have enough people here. I don’t need

anymore help.” She replied apologetically.

“Are you sure? I’ve been everywhere already and I really need a job.” I said, desperately trying my luck

for the last time.

She looked at me for a long time before she smiled and said. “I’ll tell you what. How about you come

here on Saturdays? It’s always busy on Saturdays and I could use the help. If I need any help in the

week, I will call and let you know.”

“Really? Thank you so much…” I paused looking at her.

“Oh, I’m so sorry dear. My name is Miranda Jones, ut please call me Miranda.” She indicated to the girl

that I talked to when I just entered the store. “She over there is Samantha, she’s my niece and the two

girls here are Riley and Kerry” She indicated each person she called their name.

‘This is all so great! Thank you so much! So, when do I start?” I asked eagerly.

“How about you come in for a test run next week. I will tell you what you need to know and officially

introduce you to the others that you will be working w’th, okay?” Miranda said.

“That is okay with me. Thank you so much.” I said gain.

Miranda smile at me. “You are much welcome, de r.”

“Okay bye, see you next week.” I waved at her and left the small shop, happier than I entered.

I was awakened in the middle of the night by the shrill sound of my cell phone. Too tired to look at the

caller ID, I snatched up the phone and answered it. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hello.” I answered tiredly. There was rustling on the other end of the line, but I didn’t hear any

response. “Hello.” I repeated more loudly, becoming fuilly awake.

I still didn’t hear an answer, so I removed the pho e from my ear and looked at the screen. I saw that it

was Allan, so I sat up straighter and became alert.

Why was he calling me?

I put the phone back to my ear and listened. It wa obvious that he was not at home, because there

were noises in the background and loud music. He must s be at the club or bar or wherever he goes on

a Saturday night. I looked at the time and saw that it wa two in the morning.

I didn’t have time to waste with him not saying anything, so I got ready to hang up the phone. As I was

about to hang up, I heard him start mumbling some incoherent words. I tried to listen to what he was

saying, but I couldn’t hear. It was obvious that he was drunk.

“Bitch…just wait until I get my hands on you,” I heard him say. He continue to say some other things

which I did not catch. “You are nothing but a slut…worthless piece of shit…” He laughed with himself.

Okay, this man was crazy. I really didn’t want to hear anymore of what he had to say. “You are a sick

man. Get off my phone!” I shouted, then hang up the phone and turned it off.

What got into him that he decided to call and insult me? I guess he really had a lot to drink. I didn’t want

to think about Allan’s phone call anymore, so I put my phone on my bedside table and went back to


Monday morning came and I was in my room getting ready for school. I put on my clothes and sat on

my bed for a minute. I didn’t hear any noise coming from downstairs, so I took up my bag and left my

room. [

tip toed down the stairs and walked quietly to the fronit door.

“Kayla, may I have a word with you?” I heard a voice behind me. 1 halted in my tracks and spun

around. Allan stood at the entryway to the kitchen.

“Yes.” 1 said slowly, confused as to why he was using that quiet tone of voice.

“I need to speak to you in the kitchen. Come.” He said the words firmly, leaving no room for argument.

I sighed quietly under my breath and followed him to the kitchen. He went and sat on a stool at the

kitchen’s island. I stand in front of him at a far distance. I looked around the kitchen and saw that he

had the kettle on the stove.

“Come on. come closer. What’s the matter? You don’t have to be afraid of me.” He said, beckoning me

closer. I stood where I was.

I don’t have to be afraid of him? What was he talking about? He must be crazy. I have every reason to

be afraid of him. He must think I’m stupid.

“How is school?” He asked in tht same tone of voi e. To be honest, his soft tone was creeping me out. It

was very unsettling. I rather hear him shout at me.

“School is alright.” I said. The kettle began to whir e and he got up from the stool. I backed up a little.

fidgeting with my hands. “I need to get going now.” I a ded, taking another step backward.

“I’m still talking to you!” He said, his voice rising a ittle. He took up the kettle off the stove and advance

towards me. His movements told me he was up to so ething bad, so I shrank back.

“What are you doing?” I asked, my voice filling with fear as I eyed the kettle in his hands. He didn’t

answer me. He kept coming at me and I took two mor steps back.

I knew what he was about to do, so I resort to ple ing. “Please, Allan. Please, don’t do this. Please.” I

felt tears began to stream down my face as I knew he wou d not be sympathetic with me. Ile was a

cold, heartless monster.

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