Her Mafia Lord



Bianca laid down on her bed staring at the ceiling and thinking about her whole life. If she was ever told at the beginning of her life that her fate was bound to take a twist from being a happy one to a sad tale, she wouldn’t believe it. Her parents always gave her the love and affection she ever needed, but all had now fully turned sour.

The door suddenly burst opened and Amy stepped inside looking at her with so much disdain. Bianca always had a perception that only the devil would derive pleasure in seeing people in pain and it was no doubt that Amy was the devil herself.

“Take this.” Amy threw a gown at Bianca and when she checked it out, Bianca was surprised to see how particularly expensive the gown looked. “Get yourself ready, you will be moving out of this house in the next few hours” Before Bianca could make any statement, Amy was out of the room. Bianca could only wonder what her uncle and his wife were planning for her later in the evening.

Hours later, Bianca stared at herself through the mirror in the gown that had been obtained for her by Amy. The fabrics were made of diamonds and even though they clearly looked fake, she still liked it. Despite the bruises that covered her body, Bianca was still beautiful and for someone her age, she had a model structured body.

The door creaked opened and Imade stepped inside. For a moment Bianca could swore she had seen a look of amazement on her cousin’s face, but that quickly fade away as the customary hateful look replaced it, almost immediately.

“Are your bags ready?” Bianca was confused. She hadn’t been told she was to pack her things. “Oh! So you still have the nerve to disobey mother? Wait till I tell her about your disobedience.” Imade attempted to leave, but was halted by Bianca’s statement.

“Please dear cousin, I am not stubborn, I wasn’t aware I was expected to pack my things.” Imade had a re thought about her decision of going to tell her mother about Bianca’s act.

“Very well then, I give you ten minutes to pack up; consider this an act of kindness from me. The only reason I just saved yours disgusting self from being beaten before moving out is because I am glad you are finally leaving this house.” Bianca sighed in relief and instantly proceeded to the wardrobes, where her clothes are carefully placed and began packing them into her luggage.

After a couple of minutes she was done packing and when she turned around, she was surprised to see Imade was still in the room. Bianca thought she had left, but she was with her phone.

“You done?” Imade asked looking bored and irritated.

“Yes.” Imade stood up from the chair and made a gesture for Bianca to come along with her and they both moved out of the room, till they got to the living room. Amy and Felix were seated comfortably on the couch watching Netflix, when they looked up to see Imade and Bianca.

“Why did it took her so long?” Felix was the first to question.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well, she was so dumbed to realize that she needed to pack up. I had to inspect her, so she would pack up.” Imade said with a smirk on her face, while looking at her cousin.

“Why am I not surprised?” Felix said staring at Bianca. “Anyways, your master would soon be here to collect you. I need you to ensure you act in the best manner as possible. If you prove contrary to the statement I just made, consider yourself a dead meat.” Bianca nodded. Slowly she was beginning to realize what this is all about; she was being taken away from her uncle to meet someone she didn’t even know his identity.

After a short while, the sounds of vans were heard and Felix pulled the curtain aside to confirm Giovanni was here. “One more thing..” He said to Bianca after releasing the curtains. “…. On no condition should you tell Giovanni that I am your uncle. You should parade yourself as our daughter. Do I make myself clear?” Bianca nodded.

On the other hand, Giovanni’s personal assistant knocked on the door and within few minutes, the face of Felix came to sight, filled with smile that Giovanni could only force himself from knocking his old friend’s teeth down his throat.

“Good to see you again old friend.” Giovanni noticed his friend was unusually happy than he should be whenever he was around.

“Where is my collateral?” He asked.

“Wouldn’t you want to step foot into my home first?” Giovanni folded his hands; a sign that indicated he wasn’t interested. “Very well then. Bianca darling, come out now. Our guests are waiting.”

Amy gave Bianca a death stare as they both moved towards the door, while Imade stayed behind. When the door was opened wide apart, Bianca came face to face with a very familiar face. She could swore she had seen him somewhere before.

“And her luggeges?” Giovanni asked, having taken a casual look at the girl. “They are inside the house my friend.” Giovanni turned to his men and gave them the knowing stare. They head inside the house with Amy leading the way and came back with Bianca’s luggages.

“Oh darling, I can’t believe you are leaving me behind.” Amy teared up and Bianca forced herself not to roll her eyes at the fake sympathy she was having for her. “please do take care of her. I am certain when my husband has the money, we would come for her.” Giovanni didn’t gave a response, he moved out of their sight and towards the car, while one of his men ushered Bianca towards the back seat as well.

While she stepped into the car, she could see the satisfactory smile on her uncle and his wife’s face and all she could think of was why they hated her so much. From her peripheral vision, she noticed Giovanni was on his phone, while the driver turned the ignition and moved away. She couldn’t help but wonder what lies ahead for her.

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