Her, his desire

Mr and Mrs Rogers

” Did you know how many chances you’ve made our agency lost?” Mr Jee woo said angrily. He thought Carly would represent them so well like she’s been doing for the past years.

How did it happen? If they had known, they could have chosen another model instead of her. Carly stood quiet with her head bowed in embarrassment. She’s never felt this humiliated before in her life since Sadie’s comeback. She so much hate her, even her shadow. Carly detest everything about Sadie so much. She wish there’s anything she can do as payback but is they? ” This was a multimillionaire deal Carly and now the other model will be picked as their upcoming model, did you know the worth? I am just letting it go because of the relationship I have with your father, I won’t take this next time ” Mr Jee woo was disheartened but he’d have to let it go for the sake of Mr Meyers.  He wouldn’t want to sabotage their relationship because of this . Carly’s manager James was just staring, if only this brat will learn how to be respectful. Perhaps luck might come her way. He’s so happy someone dealt with her in a very simple way.

James wish the agency would make him a manager to another model instead of Carly. She’s too proud, egoistic and arrogant. ” You two can leave my office and James, you should speak to her. You are her manager and ought to be blamed for everything that happened, you didn’t teach her well, if this repeat itself again, you will be fired for good” James groan in displeasure, why will he take the fall for Carly’s doing? She claims she knows everything and allows no one to correct her. Now he will get fired if anything happens again? Life is so dynamic! ★★★★★★★★★★★★ ” The last time I checked, she’s your daughter too. Why did you want her fired?” Mr Lin asked Mr Meyers who sat across him. Why will a father hate his own offspring? This is a first to him. Since Sadie was still his daughter, he should be happy for anyone who wins.  ” I don’t have anything to say about that Lin, can you do that for me? Fire her from your agency, that’s all I want ” Mr Meyers said emotionlessly, he doesn’t care what becomes of Sadie after then. ” I am sorry Meyers, I don’t think I can do. Did you know how much this agency got paid from CQ Magazines? About a billion dollars Meyers because endorsing Sadie was the best thing that happened to them and you want me to fire such a talented person for no reason?” Mr Lin asked. Sadie is a great asset to his agency, he’s going to make a lot of money out of her. Mr Lin is sure other agencies will love to buy her into their own agency and since Sadie chose to stay even after her fame, he’s very grateful. Mr Lin admire that young girl’s zeal and ambition. She’s strong and firm. A girl who goes for what she wants. He’s planning on giving her another employment of which Sadie will teach his young recruited models. With someone like Sadie, he doesn’t need to employ anyone else to do the job for him even if it means paying her thrice of her initial salary. Mr Meyers stared at Lin, how can he turn him down like that? This is the very first time and it’s because of Sadie?

Is she that useful to Lin? ” Are you choosing Sadie over me? Your friend for thirteen years?” He asked in disbelief. Mr Meyers thought he could take Sadie out of the industry easily but it’s turning into a difficult thing for him to do. ” In this case Meyers, I am not chosing Sadie. I am choosing what she’s worth, if you know how lucky she is and how she has brought a lot of luck to people,  you wouldn’t treat her the way you do ” Meyers scoffed angrily. Sadie, lucky? That can never be possible. Sadie can never bring luck to anyone. That was the daughter he brought up. ” I am choosing money over our friendship Meyers and so there’s nothing I can do concerning your problem, it’s your curse to bear alone ”Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Mr Lin added. That triggered Mr Meyers anger. He hit the table loudly, glared at Lin and stormed out of his office. His plans has been ruined, there will always be something else to do. He thought within himself. Mr Lin just shrugged his shoulder grinning happily, the amount of money he received from LBC, no model has ever brought that for the agency. Sadie is a charm, a charming charm to him. He picked up the office telephone putting a call across Mia. ” Hello Sir, good morning” Mia said from the other side of the phone. ” Yes Mia, you and Sadie should report to my office immediately” ” I am sorry Sir, I thought Sadie informed you about her absence from work today. She said she had something important to attend to Sir ” Mr Lin chuckled, how can he forget so soon. He was the one who signed her leave.  ” Oh yeah, that’s true. I totally forgot about it. You should inform her that we will be having a party in the compound by weekend to celebrate our win, she have to be present ” He instructed. ” Yes Sir, I will relate it to her when she gets back ” ” Good” ************************* ” I am so nervous Lani ” Sadie said biting her lower lip nervously. ” Don’t be best friend, it’s just Nathan’s family and a few close relatives then the priest and I. No one else” Lani assured her! Sadie have always dreamt about the day she would get married and how emotional it will be for her. She fantasize about hugging her Mum so tight and cry on her shoulder.

Then her father giving her a warm hug and lots of advices that will make her cry. But that’s never going to happen, not even when she will have her grand wedding. She have to be strong all by herself. Lani is the only family standing up for her. ” Bride to be, the priest has arrived and everyone’s waiting for you in the hall ” Mena yelled coming into the room. Lani gave Sadie a tight hug, that’s what she needed at the moment. ” I am always here for you Sadie, always. Let’s get going, you wouldn’t want to keep them waiting do you?” Sadie shook her head holding unto Lani’s hand as they left the room together. This is one of the days she has always wanted to experience. She can’t let her past memories destroy her happy mood. She have people who love her around her. . She has Lani, Nathan and his family. That’s enough for her. ………………………. Few minutes later…….. . ” Do you Sadie Meyers take Nathan Rogers as your lawfully wedded husband?” Sadie glanced over to Nathan who stood a few feet away from her. A smile appeared on her face and she looked down at her hand. She will never regret making the decision of marrying Nathan. Even if it happens to be a mistake, it will be a beautiful mistake. ” I do ” ” Do you Nathan Rogers take Sadie Meyers as your lawfully wedded wife?” ” I do ”

The small group of people around burst into a fist of laughter due to the way Nathan quickly answered. What if Sadie changes her mind and decide not to be his bride? He just had to answer as soon as possible. He can’t wait to be done with all this and have his Sadie all to himself. ” By the power vested in me as the priest of this occasion, I hereby announce you as Man and wife ” ” I present to you Mr and Mrs Rogers ” Nathan’s Mum let out a loud squeal. Someone else is bearing her name and that person happens to be her son’s wife. She had always wanted this, the lady bearing her title is everything to them. If only Sadie knows how much the Rogers family owe her for taking their son out of the bondage he was. ” You may kiss your bride ”

Oh lord! Nathan jumped in Joy damn! He was becoming impatient, he thought the priest won’t tell him to kiss Sadie. How much he has waited for this day. He took few steps to Sadie standing dangerously close to her. He removed the veil covering her face. Nathan grabbed her by the waist and that moment, he claimed Sadie’s lips devouring it like a hungry lion.

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