Her, his desire

Fifteen years


A man was seen pointing a gun at a family in their car. 

Their children quivered in fear and their little twin girls clutching tight to their elder brother who also sat with closer to their Mum as she engulf all of them protectively. 

They were just on their way from a family picnic just to meet this . 

The gunmen began coming out from different angles and surrounded the car with guns. 

” What did you want? Just name any amount of money you want I will give it to you, I will make transfer of any amount you want just please don’t hurt my family and I ” 

The man said in fright, he doesn’t know why this people are after him. 

One of the gunmen identified as their leader laughed dryly hitting the man with the gun. 

Blood gush out from his head unstoppably. 

His wife left the children with tears flowing down her eyes. 

” Honey are you okay? God, you are bleeding badly ” 

She tore a part of her dress rapping it on her husband’s head but her hand was practically slapped away and she ended up falling on her children. 

” You think we are here for your money? If we want money, we know how to get it ” their leader said still laughing maliciously.

” Daddy ” Max called stretching his hand to his father but was knocked down in the process, he passed out immediately. NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

” Boys, take his wife and the twin girls away now ” their leader commanded. 

As much as the man was in pain, seeing them taking his beloved daughters and wife away , he couldn’t keep quiet or calm. 

” Please, okay. You can take me away but please leave my family out of this, I promise to do whatever you want but don’t take them away I beg you ” 

They ignored him shooting the gun up and placing it on his head afterwards. 

His wife struggled holding her twin girls tightly.

She shouted in fright as she grabbed them closer to herself. Without no emotions showing on their faces. 

They roughly pushed them out of the car. 

The twin’s eye’s held fear and fright. They are too little to experience this kind of thing in their lives. 

” Loretta, I am sorry I can’t do anything to protect you and our daughters. I am sorry, I am sorry ” the man said in dispair with his eyes full of bloodshot. He never saw  coming, he can’t remember offending anyone. Who is after him and his family?  

Loretta smiled sadly at him in tears, she knows how loving her husband is. He can’t be blamed for their predicament right now.

” I understand Kelvin, you don’t have to blame yourself for anything. I just need a favour from you, if you don’t see us again. Please take care of our son, take care of Max and be s…” Loretta couldn’t finish her words before she was thrown inside a van with her daughters 

” Drive them away, I will meet you all in our place ” their leader instructed. The rest bowed, hopped into the van and drove off leaving their leader with Kelvin and Max who laid on his father like a dead person with his eyes closed and finally oblivious of whatever was happening around him. 

Kelvin drew Max closer to himself protectively. 

” Please, you’ve taken my wife and daughters away. Don’t harm my son I beg you, you can do whatever you want with me, you can kill me even but spare my son ” 

Kelvin said. 

He was already loosing a lot of blood on his head due to the hit. 

His voice was fading away very fast but he tried to keep his eyes opened to make sure Max doesn’t go through any harm.

The poor boy is just twelve. 

The huge man standing right beside him and pointing a gun to Kelvin’s forehead laughed humorously. 

” I am just doing what I was sent to do, no amount of begging will save either of you so quit trying ” 

With that said, the huge man poked his head inside the car, roared the engine back to life with Kelvin watching. 

Kelvin felt so weak, he was so weak he couldn’t move any part of him aside his hand tightly clutching to Max protectively. 

Kelvin’s eyes widened as he saw what the man was doing.

The huge man left the car to drive on its own and it ended up driving in a wavy manner. 

Kelvin shouted in fright as he turned back to see the man laughing. 

He tried stopping the car but it seems the break failed. 

The car hit a tree in front of them and it shred into pieces before coming to a halt. 

The huge man who caused the accident nodded his head in satisfaction, no one will ever trace their death to them. 

When he was sure Kelvin and Max were dead. He looked around and dashed out of the scene . They died that instant because the car has been turned into a pool of blood. 


” Mummy what are we doing here? Where is Daddy and Max?” Little Annabelle asked as she stared at her mother and sister looking around the room they were in.


She couldn’t understand why they were surrounded with a lot of people and why those people took them away from Daddy and Max. 

” And why are you crying mummy?” Little Isabelle added using her tiny hands to wipe their mother’s tears. 

Loretta smiled at her children shaking her head. 

” Nothing babies, mummy is fine. And don’t worry, we will leave here soon okay? We will go meet Daddy and Max ” she said convincingly and the twins nodded happily. 

Within same time, the door cracked open revealing a very tall, thick and handsome man. 

” Uncle ” the twins shrieked in happiness running to hug the man who just entered. 

He lowered himself to their height and hugged them. 

” How are my jollies doing?” He asked 

” We are fine Uncle, some bad boys brought us here. Are you here to save us?” Annabelle asked sharply.

Their uncle narrowed his eyes as he looked behind the two little girls in front of him to see their mother staring at him with her eyes wide open and mouth agape. 

He smirked at her without saying anything.


” Yes baby, I am here to save you two and mummy. Now let’s go speak with mummy” 

He picked them from the floor as they walk towards Loretta. 

She sat there surprised and speechless.


Loretta closed her eyes hoping it should be a dream so when she open her eyes, she won’t see Galen right in front of her but it seems she was really stuck with reality. She wasn’t dreaming! 

” Galen?” She called 

” The one and only ” Galen replied placing the kids down and in no time, they rushed to the side of the room playing. 

They do not understand a thing from what is going on and about to happen. 

” Surprised to see me?” Galen bent down to her ears and whispered. 

Loretta shifted with her eyes still fixed on her brother in law. With all the thoughts building up within her, she doesn’t want to believe he has a hand in their kidnap but why will he do that? 

” Why? Why are you doing this? Have my family and I ever done anything to you? What did you do to my husband and son Galen, please don’t hurt us ” Loretta pleaded. 

” I shouldn’t hurt you? Well that’s too late because I am sure by now, your dear husband my brother and my beloved nephew might have been given a space in heaven ” 

Galen said with no emotions showing on his face. 

Loretta tried processing what he just said, she ended up screaming her lungs out.

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