Emma was putting the house in order. Her sister Isabel was coming over today and she was obsessed with keeping every part of the house clean. Emma was fairly neat, but Isabel’s kind of neatness was over the top.

Karen came into the living room “Hey girl… Guess what happened last night?” she said without greeting

Emma stared at her. “You look super excited. And you know I will never be able to guess right so just spill”

Karen replied by raising her left hand. On her finger there was a beautiful ring.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“Oh my God!” Emma cried. Abandoning her cleaning and rushing to Karen’s side. “Frank proposed?”

“He sure did” Karen said excitedly.

“Oh and the ring is so beautiful… I’m so jealous…”

“I knew he was acting all weird about where we were going last night but I had no idea what he was planning… You know Frank can be really weird sometimes..”

Emma laughed. “I know,” she said excitedly. “And I’m gonna be your maid of honor… And your child’s godmother.”

“Hey hey” Karen said. “It’s just the engagement now.. One thing at a time please ..”

“I don’t care,” Emma said. “That’s exactly how it went with my sister. I should have been Isabel’s maid of honor.. But she and her husband went wild and just got married… Didn’t even tell anyone till after the wedding. They said it was a spur of the moment thing. But that’s not happening this time. I’m so happy for you girl .. you are going to be the most beautiful bride ever.” Emma said, hugging her.

“I know… I’m happy for me too. When is your sister going to be here?”

“Soon really. They left early so they should here anytime soon”

“So I was thinking we could go shopping today.” Emma continued. “There’s this dinner party I’m supposed to attend with Daniel tonight… But I don’t know if you will be able to come… Since you and Frank might still be celebrating the engagement”. Emma said smiling.

“Oh Frank and I are going with you guys. Daniel invited us.”

“He did?”

“Yeah… So I guess we are both going dress shopping today”

“We will leave after my sister comes. I don’t want her waiting for me when she gets here”


Isabel and Chip arrived that afternoon and Emma let them in.

“Aunt Emma” Chip yelled as he hugged her.

“Hi sweetie” Emma said. “Look how big you have gotten. You are a little man now.. What are you.. Nineteen?”

“I’m nine,” Chip said shyly. But he was flattered. “I’m not really that big you know,” he said, turning his attention to the TV.

Emma hugged her sister. “How was your journey?”

“It was fine dear. Would have been much better if I didn’t have to travel with that noise maker over there” Isabel said pointing at Chip. “He never gets tired of playing.”

Emma laughed. “Awwww.. But he is so cute”

“Yeah. But you don’t have to live all that cuteness.” Isabel said. “Anyways I needed a break from all the housework… Let Henry handle it for a change”

“Well you are welcome.” Emma said. “although I do get the feeling that mom sent you to spy on me”

“she misses you. You should go see her sometime” Isabel said, sitting down. “” Were you about to go out? .. You look all dressed up? ”

” Yeah I was gonna go dress shopping. I have this dinner party to go attend tonight.. You wanna come? ”

” Oh no ” Isabel said. I came here to rest and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. ” Are you seeing anyone? ”

“Wow.. You go straight to the point don’t you”… But no I’m not” Emma replied

Isabel watched her face closely.” You know I’m your sister, right?” she said. “and I know you.. Really know you. There’s someone, isn’t there?”

“Not really… It’s nothing serious I promise… What makes you so sure there is? ” Emma asked, blushing hard.

“Because I just know… But you know what it’s fine… If you don’t wanna tell me” Isabel said lying on the couch.

“There’s nothing to tell”.


“So when do I get to meet this guy who is taking you to the party… And who you are not dating” Isabel asked Emma as she watched her put on her make up in readiness for the party.

Emma rolled her eyes. “I don’t know why you are being sarcastic. But I’m serious. I barely know the guy. Except that he is a rich, annoying, arrogant, dollop head. And I handle one of his company’s accounts. It’s a story I don’t want to get into right now.

” Sounds like you know him pretty well,” Isabel said. “I’m just saying”

“Yeah yeah.. And nothing has happened between you two?” Isabel pressed on. “Come on, I need the gist. My life is pretty much just Chip and house stuff now.”

“You have a husband who loves and adores you” Emma reminded her.

Isabel smiled. ” yeah that too”

“There’s no gist.” Emma said. “aren’t you supposed to be going to bed now?. You came here so you could rest, remember?”

“Fine,” Isabel said standing up. “But when mom asks I’m gonna tell her you have a secret boyfriend”

“You better don’t. You know how she is with that boyfriend stuff”

“Good night,” Isabel said as she walked out.

Emma’s phone rang some minutes later. She picked up the phone.

“Hi Daniel…” she said. “I haven’t changed my mind… I’m still coming… If that’s why you are calling. And you are already late. You were supposed to pick me up like an hour ago”

“Oh.. It’s good to know you can’t wait to see me, “he said.

“I didn’t say that”

“You could have just kept quiet and left me to my assumptions… who was I hurting” he said feigning annoyance.

Emma smiled

“Anyways” he continued. “I was calling to tell you that I won’t be able to come pick you up… I’m sorry but something came up and I’m stuck at the office… Can I just meet you there instead?” he asked

“Sure. I can just go with Frank and Karen… Or Tom ” she said. “He’s coming too”

“Great,” he said. “I’m sorry for the sudden change of plans”

“It’s fine,” Emma said as she hung up.

There was a knock as Karen and Tom came in.

“I’m in the bedroom” Emma yelled.

“We are ready… Please tell me you are almost done” Karen said

“Oh I am… Almost” Emma said. “Daniel isn’t coming to pick me anymore .. He just called.. said he’s stuck at work so I guess I will be riding with you, Tom.”

“That’s fine,” he said.


“I gotta go … Frank’s waiting downstairs” Karen said.

“Alright see you soon”

Emma came out of her bedroom minutes later.

“How do I look?” she asked Tom turning around

“What the fuck!” Tom said as he looked her up and down. “You look so damn hot”

“I do?” Emma said smiling

“Yeah… And slutty too. Damn there’s so much cleavage.. Those heels… And that slit! I have never seen you dress like this before” He said, eyeing her up and down “Trying to get anyone’s attention?”

“Oh no.. Not trying to get his attention” she said. Then she added, “Okay maybe I am. But not in the way that you think”

“You’re trying to make him jealous then… Or seduce him?” he asked. “because I know this is definitely about a guy”

“No. I don’t want to make this guy jealous. I want to make him run” she said, looking at herself and wondering if she could even bring herself to go out in something so revealing.

If there was one thing she had noticed about Daniel Rohan since she’d met him. It was that he was possessive. He wasn’t the type of person who liked to share. And he definitely wouldn’t like to see her dressed like that. She was gonna show him that she wasn’t “his”, whatever he meant by that. That he couldn’t just walk into her life and expect her to just listen to his demands. She was gonna show him just how wrong she was for him.

Tom stared at her. “If your motive is to make him run” he said, then take my advice and do not wear that. There is not a man alive who will run having seen you dressed in that. You will find yourself with the opposite problem. Believe me”

“You don’t know this man” she said

“I almost feel sorry for him,” Tom said. “You look sensational. I predict that men will faint”

“Well let’s hope so.” Emma said flatly. “and let’s hope that one man in particular bangs his head hard when he hits the floor”

Tom laughed. “It’s Mr Rohan, isn’t it?”

Emma nodded.

“Well then”. Tom said. “I honestly can’t wait to hear how this turns out.. Shall we?” he said, holding out his hand like a charming prince leading his princess.

Emma laughed as she slipped her arm in.

“I’m leaving Isabel,” she called.

“Well have fun” came her sister’s reply from the bedroom.

“Oh I intend to” Emma thought.

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