Guardian Wolf

Chapter 9

Midnight Sley That was deli-mus thank you so much for organising it Naomi 1 thank her as out platse are cleared away. It was a pleasure, our chefe are very talented. Lalways enjoy showing off their skills” “Well I am not complaining Altes exelnie folding her napkin away, “and I’m glad it wasn’t me cooking for a a change” she adds on with a playful wink in my direction “Well you shouldn’t be so good at cooking then should you” i giggle throwing my hands up. “I loved it really you know I did” she says squeezing me on the shoulder as she comes to all healde me “Now we’ve all eaton I’ve n*ked Laurence to go and collect the initiation trinket, i think It’s time for you both to join our pack officially if you are happy to do so?” Alpha Jaz asks with a slight nervous twinge in his voice, looking up at him im greeted by his warm gaze and confident smile making me doubt my initial interpretation. “Of course Alpha, we would love to” I answer smiling sweetly at him. “Jax is fine Nova please” he says his eyes crinkling at the corners slightly as he smiles. “Oh I can’t do that!” I exclaim “And why not?” He asks straight back quirking his eyebrows in question. “Out of respect for you as my new Alpha I couldn’t possibly” I say softly back at him. Seeing him shrug the corner of his mouth twitches in a slight smile, “well in that case when we are around the pack you may call me Alpha, within these walls I insist on Jax.” Smiling when I realise he’s got his own way I laugh and look at him through my lashes, “ok then…Jax.” Seeing his eyes darken slightly hearing his name from my lips I feel a blush stain my cheeks. “Oh you little flirt” Ki purrs to me playfully. Midnight Sky Sitting back I turn to Alice who sneaks me a sly knowing wink before we turn our

attention back to Beta Laurence as he walks back into the room holding a small wooden chest. “I’m not meaning to flirt Kia, tell me if you feel uncomfortable I just feel safe around him” I murmur to her in my head. “Pfft I love it don’t worry, I can’t wait to meet his wolf” she purrs back making my eyes widen in surprise. “Really? What does that mean?” I ask her. “I’m not sure but let’s just roll with it for once, after the last few days we deserve to be ourselves for a bit she reassures me. Looking up I see Jaxs gaze upon me a question in his eyes, “sorry Kia was just talking to me” I say. “Anything to worry about before we continue?” he asks tentatively. “Nono, she was just wondering when we get to meet your wolves” I laugh being slightly more vague about who in particular compared to her original request. Seeing relief cross his features before he schools them once again he laughs, “soon” he promises looking me in the eye. “So as you’re probably aware I’ll have to make a small incision on your palm using a silver knife, and I will do the same on mine, we will then hold our hands so our palms are pressed together and say the welcoming words. Is that ok with you both?” He asks. “Yes go ahead” I agree confidently, as Alice repeats the same as I. Seeing him stand he just mutters, “I’m just going to grab a glove I won’t be long.” Realising it’s to safely hold the silver knife I raise my hand, “if it’s for you to hold the knife I can make the incisions for you?” “Oh no I don’t want you hurting yourself” he says shocked. “Trust me Alpha, it won’t” Alice laughs next to me. Seeing him debate for a few seconds before he sits back down his eyes narrow slightly before he gestures, “ok then..go ahead, thank you,” Reaching over I clasp the knife in my bare hand ignoring the gasps around the room. and reach for his left hand, “silver doesn’t effect me please don’t worry” I murmur as I make a small

incision on his palm before repeating the same on mine, grasping his 2/5 Midnight Sky hand in mine I bite my lip to hide the small gasp threatening to escape my lips at the small shock of electricity that seems to jolt my b*dy at his touch. Seeing his eyes narrow slightly once again before his mask is back in place I look down at our hands, “I Alpha Jax accept you, Nova Vinrock, into the Midnight Sky Pack from this day forth you are no longer a rogue” he says as he wraps his large hand around mine squeezing slightly, feeling the tether to his pack members form as my pack bond snaps into place I can’t stop the large smile from spreading across my face. Looking up at him I see him smiling looking at my softly, “welcome to the pack” he whispers holding my hand a second longer. As we let go and then turn to Alice I try to ignore the coldness. that spreads through me at his lack of contact.

Looking at Alice I see her staring at the knife dubiously, “don’t worry I’ll be quick” I reassure her. Seeing her eyes harden in resolve she sticks her hand out to me, making a small incision in her palm as she bites her lip I then turn to Alpha Jax and cut into his small incision again as it had started to heal already. Clasping hands. Alpha Jax immediately repeats the process for Alice albeit a bit quicker than with me. Seeing her gasp as the tethers are formed my heart warms with happiness. “Welcome to Midnight Sky Pack Nova and Alice” I hear Alpha Jaxs husky voice filter through the mindlink as I hear Laurence and Naomi utter the same.. Giggling I turn to Alice and embrace her in a hug, “I think this is what we were meant to do” I link her softly as she hums in agreement. Pulling apart I gesture at Theo who was stood protectively behind her, “why don’t you go and spend some time together?” I suggest. Seeing her blush as he gazes at her with adoration clear in his eyes she nods shyly, “see you later Nova, Alpha Jax” bowing her head slightly in respect to our new Alpha. “See you soon Nova, I’d love to have dinner with you this evening?” Theo asks

nervously. Reaching over and giving him a gentle hug, “I was already planning on it, make sure to mention it Flo also I’d love to meet her mate” I say reassuringly, “have fun you two” I wink as they turn to walk away, Theo bowing his head to his Alpha as he passes. Watching them walk away I can’t wipe the smile off of my face which is noticed by Jax. “Happy?” He asks knowingly. ||| < 3/5 Midnight Sky “Very” I assure him, “I’m so glad I’ve got to see Flo and Theo again, honestly they were my absolute world for 2 years. I was heartbroken when I had to leave them, but I’m so happy to see it was for the best. And to see Theo and Alice are mates, it’s just brilliant” I grin up at him flashing my pearly whites. “Do you fancy a tour of the pack grounds?” He asks me. “That would be nice, thank you” I reply shyly. Holding his hand out for my own he leads me through the door towards the entrance hall, only dropping it when he opens the front doors to allow me to walk past him. “It’s truly gorgeous here Jax” I murmur quietly to him as we walk down the steps, knowing no one else could hear me call him by his name alone I felt more confident in doing so. Seeing pride in his eyes as he looks around he smiles down at me in acknowledgment, “thank you Nova. It’s taken a few years but I’m proud of where we are as a pack now. My dad likes to remind me every time he visits the pack house but it’s nice to hear it come from you” he smirks. “I was thinking of a pack run this evening actually Nova if you would like? We normally have one anytime we welcome new members to the pack who can shift, we’ve also had two new members of the

pack first shift whilst I’ve been gone so it would be to celebrate them also.” He mentions whilst leading me through the flower gardens. “I’d enjoy that” Kia exclaims to me, laughing I point at my head, “well Ki is very keen, I darent say no” I reply cheekily, “is there anyway I can avoid people knowing about Kia being a Guardian wolf for the time being?” I ask nervously. “Yes that shouldn’t be a problem, we could imply you have Alpha blood but not confirm it, that way I’m not outright lying to my pack members” he explains, “althought I doubt people would ask, they know here that if I want them to know I will tell them.” “Come, I’ll show you the lake and walk round the training grounds” he says happily pointing in the distance. Comments III H Vote 44K Past Past Nova POV: “Thank you for showing me around Alpha” I say as we pass the training grounds, “it’s truly an impressively run pack from what I’ve seen so far.” Seeing his chest puff out I laugh up at him, don’t let that boost your Alpha ego anymore mind.” Holding his hands up in mock surrender he quirks his lips into a playful smile, “I’ll try not to” he responds. “So I’ve been thinking Nova about what you would like to do here, have you got anything specific in mind?” Thinking for a moment I see Ki push a thought to the front of my mind, “well I’m used to being busy and I’d much rather feel like I’m contributing in anyway I can. I don’t know how you would feel about meText © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

helping with the warrior training? Ki is very keen to get involved and share her knowledge, but I can also cook, help with the pups, do any paperwork that may help if that’s more suitable?” “You know what, after seeing your earlier actions I think my warriors would only benefit from having you help train. Im sure Theo and Florence would enjoy working closely with you also and showing you what they have learnt. So why don’t you do that 3 days a week and then I could also do with some help in the office so you could help me there another couple of days. I do encourage people to have a couple of days. off over the weekend, I hold training sessions for those who wish to be involved. I try and organise pack events on a weekend, sometimes a BBQ, a movie night in the lounge or even a pack run. It helps boosts moral and relations within the pack. Obviously essential work continues over the weekend but it definitely improves people’s work ethic having something to look forward to” he explains. “I like that” I comment as we wander down a forest path, “I’m happy to show you my training skills if it would make you more comfortable as well?” “I’ll come by on Monday morning and we can have a spar before training begins, I’l get my Gam mas to join us” he says from behind me. “What kind of paperwork do you need my assistance with?” I enquire. “I own some restaurant and hotel chains in nearby cities, I often need their invoices. and orders put through our online system so I can keep track of finances. I also know 1/5 Past Laurence has been drowning in paperwork ever since the Luna role has been..vacant I guess is the right word to use. I’m sure he could do with some help running the payroll. If you find all that suitable I could personally do with an assistant to help when discussing pack relations and attend any meetings.” He says as he leads me through an opening.

Seeing a sparkling blue lake appear in front of me I can’t stop the “wow” I whisper as it escapes my lips. “This is my favourite part of our territory” he says quietly as he stands beside me. “It’s peaceful and for a few minutes I can forget about the responsibility I carry every day. I have a house round the other side which I come to sometimes, my parents also have their house close by, it’s perfect for their retirement.” Sitting down on a rock he pats the space beside him as he lounges back on his elbows stretching out with the sun making his eyes stand out. Sitting myself down I do the same, “I can see why, it’s beautiful.” “Yes..beautiful” I hear him whisper, turning round I see him staring at me before he looks away a faint blush staining his cheeks. Smiling to myself I look back across the lake, “I think id like to accept your offer of work. It would be a nice balance being involved in the training side but also doing some paperwork. Might as well put my skills to use” I laugh slightly. After a few minutes of silence I ask the question that’s been on the tip of my tongue, “Jax..if you don’t mind me asking, what did happen to your Luna? If you don’t want to say I completely understand.” Seeing him stiffen slightly next to me before taking a deep breath he sits up, “no it’s ok. As you’ve probably guessed I also had to suffer through the mates betrayal” he says as his hand goes absentmindedly to touch his neck where a small scar is hidden by his top. “Similar to you and Axton really, I hadn’t found a Luna by the age of 21 and the council was keen for me to take a chosen mate to help our pack. I managed to put it off till I was almost 23 but one day they arrived with a lady called Genevieve in tow. She was beautiful, blonde hair blue eyes, quick witted and I thought why not. I was giving up hope on finding a true mate and I knew with the logic the council was spouting at me it could help the pack. We never had an agreement officially in place where if we found our true mates how we would proceed but we did say we would

T IT < 2/5 Pasl discus it and treat each other with respect.” Seeing him trail off lost in memories as he looks out i wait for him to continue, “one day 7 months later when I was out on pack business I felt the light stabbing pains and knew immediately she was being intimate with another. I rang her and she nobbed down the phone saying another man in the pack had forced himself on her and k*ssed her. I was so angry, I flew back immediately and went to console her, I asked her who and she refused to tell me. I took it that she refused due to fear so I gathered the pack and threatened whoever it was to come forward and explain. themselves immediately. But no one did. After a few days Genevieve seemed back to her normal self so I put it to the back of my mind and followed her wishes to forget about it. Then one day I saw her leaving the pack house to go to the nearest town and I followed her, I just had this gut instinct telling me I needed to do so. I saw her pull up at a hotel and get our greeting another man who was waiting not from the pack, I could tell they were friendly from the gentle manner he conversed with her in. They went inside and half an hour later I could feel the stabbing pains in my stomach, I couldn’t move they were so painful so I stayed in the car waiting. When I saw them leaving I recorded it and caught them k*ssing good bye.” “That’s awful, she lied?” Lasked looking at him. As he turned his gaze to me I could see the hurt within his eyes. “Yes she did. When she came back I confronted her alongside Laurence, she denied it of course saying the man had caught her again and she had no choice. But I showed her the video and she broke down admitting it all. It turned out she had found her true mate whilst I was away and he was a visiting warrior helping my pack train. She initially told him she wasn’t interested but after being around him for a couple of days. she succumbed to the bond and k*ssed him. She then told him she had duties to the

pack and couldn’t be with him so he left to stay nearby, she never rejected him or mentioned it to me. Instead she lied and made me think someone within my own pack had betrayed me. When I got angry with her she fled, I told Laurence to leave her be and that she needed some time to collect herself” taking a deep breath he grabbed a small stone and started rolling it between his hands, “2 hours later I felt the stabbing pains again and then my neck began to burn, I managed to link Laurence before passing out and he took me to the hospital. I was out for 2 weeks, she marked him and I haven’t seen or heard from her since. I always feel like I drove her away in 111 < Past my anger but Laurence assures me I dealt with it well. I never hurt her, raised my voice with her or anything. I was hurt yes and angry with her causing me pain but I would have understood her decision.” He finishes saying. Reaching my hand out I clasp his gently in mine feeling a slight shock go through my b*dy once again, “I understand your pain Jax. But let me say you’ve clearly been here. for your pack despite your own loss, I’m sure they’re all very grateful and understanding.” Squeezing my hand in his large one he grimaces at the memory, “it’s a horr endous pain.” “Did you ever find your true mate?” I probe. Seeing him turn to gaze at me he shakes his head, “no, I haven’t. Maybe I have not mate destined for me” he laughs bitterly. “I doubt that” I laugh, “you’re a good man Jax and a brilliant Alpha from the looks of things. I don’t doubt the mo on-g od dess knows that.” “When is your birthday Nova?” He a sks suddenly. “20 days” I say softly.

“Does Kia miss having a mate?” He asks surprising me. “Yes and no” she murmurs to me, “yes I miss the companionship, no because I know he wasn’t the one destined for us.” “She says yes and no, she misses having companionship but we’ve both always known he might not be my destined mate, in fact we were both certain he wasn’t. But he was good to us before meeting Rose” I admit quietly. He squeezes my hand before standing up and pulling me up with him, feeling another shock as our hands reconnect I gasp slightly. “Maybe my mate just hasn’t been ready for me yet” he murmurs staring at where our hands join. “I’m looking forward to meeting Kia” he says as he motions for me to lead the way back. Feeling her prance in my head happily I ask, “what is your wolf called?” “Zeus” he says proudly. 4/5 Past “Zeus” I say liking the way it rolls off of my tongue, “I’m looking forward to the pack run.” Smiling at one another we walk back to the pack house in comfortable silence. H Comments Check More (Ad) > Vole

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