Gina, And Her Triplet Alphas

Jasmine And Her Bullies – Chapter 3

Third-Person Narration.

Jasmine arrived late to class because of the time it took to get the stain out of her clothes. If Mia wasn’t there to help her, she would have still been in the restroom.

She had to stay close to the hand drier to let her clothes dry a little before she parted ways with Mia.

Unfortunately, they didn’t have any class together that day, and Jasmine thought it sucked.

She cringed at the thought of having all attention turned on her the moment she walks into the classroom.

She has never been one who enjoyed getting attention from people, as she most times tried her best to remain in the shadows.

When she got to the door of the class, she knocked lightly, hoping not to draw the attention of many students, but that didn’t happen.

Immediately, the teacher stopped talking and looked in her direction, all eyes were on her.


“You’re fifteen minutes late to class, why are you still standing there?” The teacher asked loudly, and she winced before walking into the class and sitting in an empty seat at the back of the class.

She removed her bag from her shoulder and placed it on the table, opening it to bring out her books and pen.

After bringing out her books, she emptied her bag, trying to look for the pen that she was sure she had taken with her when she left home.

After searching her bag for some time, she realized the pen was nowhere in her bag.

She looked around, thinking of what she could do. Mia wasn’t in the same class as her, so she couldn’t ask her, and she didn’t know anyone else.

She would rather not do anything that would bring the teacher’s attention to her again, and jotting notes, while the teacher taught, would mostly do that.

She looked around at those seated next and tried analyzing the best person she would ask for a bell.

There were two guys seated on each side of her. The one on the right hand wore a serious look and looked like he would rather not be distracted, while the one on her left, though, was paying attention to the teacher but looked more approachable.

So she turned to her left side and decided to ask the gentleman sitting next to her.

“Hi, sorry for disturbing you. Please, do you have an extra pen? I think I forgot to bring mine.” She asked him in a hushed tone, hoping that he did.

The gentleman looked away from her and searched through his bag before pulling out a pen. Jasmine sighed in relief when she saw it.

“Thank you so much. I’ll return it after the class.” She said to him and turned to face her table without looking back at him.

Jasmine made sure to focus for the rest of the class and prayed inwardly that the time would go by quickly, so she could leave and go see Mia.

The bell finally rang, and she didn’t waste time packing up her stuff and pushing them into her bag without looking back. She didn’t even remember to return the pen she had borrowed.

Immediately she stepped out of the class, Mia was already there, waiting for her with her back resting on the wall across the door.

“Hi.” Mia sang. “So, how was your first class?”

Jasmine shrugged. “Nothing exciting happened. Let’s just go.” She said as she pulled Mia with her as they headed towards the cafeteria.

“Where do we sit?” Mia asked as they scanned the giant room that was already filled with students.

“Let’s just find a corner and sit, especially one far away from your brothers,” Jasmine said, and Mia laughed and nodded her head as they found a table at the edge of the hall.

Thankfully, the brothers weren’t in the cafeteria yet, and Jasmine was happy thinking that they wouldn’t come, but just about a minute later, her happiness faded away.

The brothers barged into the cafeteria with several people following them. They were very loud as they talked and laughed among themselves.

Jasmine bent her head, looking away from them, to ensure that they wouldn’t see her, but luck wasn’t on her side.

The brothers had sighted her and moved to the table right next to theirs. They chased away the occupants of the table and settled there.

“Hey, Jasmine,” Zane said, but Jasmine pretended she didn’t hear him as she continued eating her lunch.

The brothers continued to make jokes and make fun of her while they laughed with their friends, but Jasmine still ignored them.

Mia tried to shut her brothers up so that they could eat in peace, but they were out to piss off Jasmine.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh, Jasmine, what happened to your dress? You look like you were run over by a truck.” Ethan said, and they all laughed.

“f**k off, idiots,” Jasmine said as she flipped them off.

Everyone’s attention was on them as they were very loud. They were talking among themselves and pointing at her.

“So.” Mia started. “How are we going to celebrate your birthday?” She asked, smiling.

Jasmine g*****d as she rolled her eyes. “I’ve told you a thousand times, Mia. I’m not celebrating it. It’s not a big deal, so why should I?”

“Come on. You always say this every year. This is your eighteenth birthday. It’s exceptional, you shouldn’t joke about it. You could meet your mate, you never know. I know I would be excited if I was the one,” she said, with a broad smile.

“Those things aren’t that important to me, and you know it,” Jasmine said as she shook her head and looked down at her food.

Jasmine and Mia looked around, confused as to why they were quiet. They saw everyone looking in one direction, and then they turned that way.

Just then, they noticed a very handsome guy walking towards their table. Jasmine’s eyes widened as she recognized him to be the gentleman that she had borrowed a pen in her first class.

She was too embarrassed and focused on finding a pen to look at his face or notice anything about him back in class.

He was the most handsome guy she had ever met in her entire life, and the fact that he was approaching their table made her nervous.

Normally, guys like that would never approach her. They mostly went for hotter, sexier girls in bikinis, but not her.

But the fact that he had been in the same class as her gave her hope that he was coming towards her, but she would rather not get her hopes up.

“Hey.” She heard his voice from behind her, but she didn’t turn back to him because she would rather not embarrass herself in case he wasn’t talking to her.

“Hey.” He repeated, and she raised her head to look at Mia, who was staring at her with wide eyes and motioning to the gentleman behind her.

She turned around and then looked up at him with a small smile on her face.

“Hi.” She said to him, with a cheeky smile that she quickly wiped off her face the moment she felt it was awkward.

“I was trying to talk to you after class, but you probably didn’t hear me.” He said with a soft smile that lighted up his finely defined manliness.

His voice sounded breathing, and sweet. It was nice to listen to.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you.” She said, smiling. “ Do you need your pen back?” She asked, reaching for her bag to bring out the pen.

“Oh, no. I just wanted to know your name. Would you tell me?” He asked.

‘Wow.’ Jasmine thought as a little heat was starting to creep up her cheeks.

She had never met someone as sweet and as kind as him. All the guys she met, for example, Mia’s brothers, were always stupid assholes.

“My name’s Jasmine.” She said to him.

“That’s a charming name. I’m Noah.” He said as he stretched his hand forward for a handshake.

Jasmine happily took it, and they gently shook hands, their eyes not looking away from each other.

The brothers, on the other hand, were talking among themselves.

“Do you know who that is?” Ethan asked Calix and Zane.

While Calix shrugged, Zane answered.

“He’s a new student. There’s been a craze about him all day. People wouldn’t shut up about him.” He said, his voice tinged with a bit of jealousy.

This somehow annoyed the brothers. They didn’t know why, but the guy just rubbed them the wrong way.

They glared at him as he spoke to Jasmine, the both of them smiling like they were high on drugs.

Mia, who was watching everything play out, noticed that her brothers were upset. She didn’t know why, but they had stopped whatever they were doing and their attention focused on the guy Jasmine was talking with, which was odd.

“I guess I’ll see you around, Bye,” Noah said to Jasmine, as he walked away.

“Bye,” Jasmine said behind him.

Mia, who was watching everything play out, noticed that her brothers were upset. She didn’t know why, but they had stopped whatever they were doing, and their attention focused on the person Jasmine was speaking with, which was odd.

“I guess I’ll see you around, Bye,” Noah said to Jasmine, as he walked away.

“Bye,” Jasmine said behind him.

Mia watched Noah as he walked away from their table. There was something about him that made her feel uneasy, but she could put her finger on it. She looked back at Jasmine and noticed her still staring in the direction that Noah had gone in.

“What are you doing?” Mia asked Jasmine, who seemed to be star-struck.

“What?” Jasmine asked, pretending not to know about Mia’s concerns.

“I have never seen you talking to strangers,” Mia said.

“Well, he is technically not a stranger, I saw him in my economics class, and he offered me his pen when I asked him,” Jasmine explained.

Mia on a normal day would be excited for Jasmine that she was finally making friends aside from her. But the looks on her brother’s faces made her a little unsettled.

“Let’s just leave.” She said to Jasmine as she dragged her arm and pulled her along with her.

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