Found Again


“Why don’t you start with vlogging?” “Are you not listening to my story earlier? I can’t pursue the job that I dreamed of because I need to work in my dad’s company. What makes you think that I can pursue my styling career? It was not even my dream job.” I told him. Noah shrugged. “I don’t see any problem with that. I was able to handle my family business while pursuing what I love.” He said like it was just a piece of cake. “Good for you,” I said while rolling my eyes. “You don”t look surprised,” Noah said with amusement on his face. I already have a hint that he is not an ordinary model or vlogger. Just the way he carried himself, I can already tell that he belongs to a well-off family. “Should I be surprised?” I said innocently. Noah laughed his heart out. Am I a clown or what? I can’t help but ask myself. I remember when I ask Andrew if he sees me like I’m some kind of a clown or what because he always laughs at my statement or reactions. I close my eyes and tried to shove Andrew off my mind. “Are you okay?” Noah asked. I gave him a forced smile. “I’m okay. I just thought of something.” “Your ex-boyfriend I guess?” I just smile at Noah, I have no plans on sharing with him about Andrew. I accepted his dinner invitation to forget Andrew even just for a moment. “Don’t worry, I won’t force you to talk about him. I’m more interested in your styling skills than your love life.” Noah said with a bit of teasing. I chuckled and shook my head. The dinner went well. Noah wasn’t able to completely convince me to do vlogging or to pursue my styling career. But just to calm him down, I told him that I will think about his offer. He got my number so that we can still communicate. Noah shared to me more of himself in that dinner. Noah Elordi is a Restaurateur. He owns the luxurious restaurant that we dined a while ago. He was an only child so he has no choice but to inherit their family business. But his heart was in modeling. At first, he was struggling with what to choose, but he got tired of thinking and he just tried to do both. And he thank God because he was able to manage and do well in both industries. I envy him for that. I wish I could also do that. From: Noah ElordiNôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

I’ll be posting my latest vlog at 7 pm tonight. Make sure to watch it. I texted Noah that I will surely watch his vlog tonight with a smiley emoticon. It was my third day here in America. I busied myself visiting some famous places here and did some shopping. I was a bit inspired by Noah’s compliment on my styling skills, that is why I tried to do some styling on myself. I wanted a different look for myself. I want something new. When the clock reached 7 pm, I started to go to Noah’s Youtube channel and watch the vlog we did together. I enjoyed the vlog and I was a bit amazed at myself. it’s very different when you watch yourself than doing it on actual. I was able to appreciate my styling skills more after watching Noah’s vlog. I also watch some of his vlogs. His contents are more on fashion and food- or should I say his restaurants. He makes use of his vlog as free marketing for his business. I was busy watching his other vlogs when my phone rang. It was Noah. I’m sure he will ask me if I watch his vlog. “Hello,” I said after I pick up the phone. “Hey, Alli! Did you watch the vlog?” Noah sounds excited. I chuckled. “I already did, as a matter of fact, I am now watching your previous vlogs and I am already your subscriber.” “Geez, thanks. But have you read the comments on our vlog?” He asked. My forehead creased. “I did not bother to read the comments. Why? Is there something wrong?” I felt a bit worried. “What?! Hell, no! They love it! They love you! You better read the comments now!” My eyes widen. Is he for real? In no time, I revisit the vlog and read the comment section. “Wow!” The only word I utter. “I told you! You can pursue this career!” “Few more and you will be able to convince me to pursue this.” I teased Noah. “Really? Then I guess this offer will completely convince you.” Noah said with full confidence. I got curious about the offer. “What do you mean?” “The brand that we did vlog called me awhile ago, they want us to collab again for their new collection!” Noah announces with excitement. My jaw dropped. “Is this true?!” “100%!” I can’t believe this! I was offered by that luxury brand! I want to scream right now. I decided to open my Instagram account and my eyes widen again when I saw the brand asking for the following request. My hand was shaking as I was accepting their request. I also had more than a thousand notifications, thanks to Noah’s tag on my name on his post. I was browsing my Instagram account when I saw Anne’s latest Instagram post. Her post kill all the excitement that I felt earlier. It was a picture of her and Andrew. It was a candid shot. They look happy and in love. Anne’s caption says it all. “Partner” I guess they are just waiting for the right time to announce their relationship. Tears fell from my eyes. Can’t I just be happy for a whole day? I know what I did to Andrew before was unfair, but isn’t this too much? Why it has to be Anne? Why it has to be my best friend? I click on Anne’s Instagram account and I mute all notifications from her. I was silently crying when my phone rang again. I thought it was Noah again, I was planning to turn it off but when I saw Lance’s name on my phone, I answered it. Lance’s call helps me to make a decision. I cleared my throat before I answer his call. “Hello,” I said as casually as possible. “I watched Noah’s vlog. You were featured in there. Are you close with him or something?” My ever gossiper cousin strikes again. I rolled my eyes. “I thought you watched the vlog? So you will know that it was just a coincidence. An ambush collaboration.” I said a bit annoyed. “Yes but he tag you on Instagram,” Lance said as a matter of fact. “Yes, and what’s the issue?” I asked a bit bored. “It only means that you guys are still communicating even after the vlog?” Lance just like any gossiper asked. I sighed. “It’s none of your business. Is mom and dad with you?” The only reason why I answer Lance’s call Is for me to talk to my parents. I need their permission on something. “Yes. They are with me. But you need to answer my question first you brat!” Lance insisted. “I told you, it’s none of your business. Just give your phone to mom or dad, I need to talk to them.” I said with visible annoyance in my voice. “What are you going to tell them?” I sighed aloud. “Just give the phone to them!” I raised my voice. “Geez. Why are you getting mad at me?” “Just give the phone to them!” I scream this time. “Fine. Auntie, Alli wants to talk to you.” I heard Lance say to mom. “Hello sweetie, how are you? I saw your vlog with Noah.” My mom said in a sweet voice. I miss you, mom. “Yes. Did you like it?” “Yes. I’m proud of you sweetie. You really have a talent for fashion styling.” Mom’s statement made me smile. “Mom, can I ask you something?” “Sure, what is it?” I took a deep breath before finally asking mom for permission. “Can I pursue my fashion styling career here in America?”

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