Forever with the Billionaire

The Argument

Hillary’s POV

An actual ghost was standing in front of me, which meant the ghost story was real, and the only people I knew to wear all-white outfits were ghosts.

The ghost tried to touch me, but I moved backward and tripped over my luggage. To cut the story short, I landed on my butt.

“Miss Hillary, are you alright?” The ghost asked me.

The ghost could talk. I haven’t seen Ghost Talk except in movies and novels, and they are not actual ghosts. “You…” I pointed to the ghost. “How are you talking right now?” I questioned the ghost.

“It’s me, Rotimi. I called you a few hours ago. ” Rotimi was a ghost. I’ve been talking to a spirit.

“Oh my!” I exclaimed and covered my mouth. “You are a ghost!”

Rotimi narrowed his eyes but didn’t say anything. He offered his hand for me to take, and when I refused, he bent to my level and grabbed my hand. “Can a ghost do this?” I noticed his hand didn’t go through my writing, which meant he was not a ghost.

Why did I mistake him for a ghost? I have gone crazy thinking that a living person was a ghost.

“You are not a ghost.” I smiled and took his hand, and he helped me up from the ground.

“What with the luggage?” He pointed to my luggage that lay on the ground.

“Erm, about the luggage,” I scratched my chin before picking up the luggage from the ground. “Can we talk about this inside?” I pointed inside the mansion.

“Very well then, my boss awaits you.” He stepped to one side and beckoned for me to enter the mansion.

“Yeah,” I said as I walked into the mansion. If the outside was beautiful, then the inside was unexplainable. We stepped into a lobby with a grand staircase, and the fantastic thing about the grand staircase was how it was built. It was beautifully designed like a triangle. You could either climb the stairs from the left side, the right side, or even the center. The walls were made like an aquarium, and small ornamental fish swam happily.

It was something I had never seen before. How could anyone waste money on aquariums? I believed that he must be a sea lover.

“Follow me,” Rotimi said, leading me to a door that turned out to be an elevator. The elevator was also inside a three-story building. How amazing, I thought as we entered the elevator.

“This elevator belongs to the boss.” He doesn’t like it when other people use it. ” Rotimi informed me.

“Then why are we riding it?” I questioned

“Because you are a guest.” He answered and pointed to the elevator doors that were starting to open. “We are here,” he announced.

I walked out of the elevator with my luggage behind me. The first floor had a large living room, but every item, including the couches, was covered in white clothes.

Is it just me, or does that sound like a ghost thing? I hoped it was not what I was thinking. If Rotimi turns out to be a ghost, I’ll be damned. The walls were also built as an aquarium, just like the ground floor, and small fish swam freely on the walls. “Follow me,” Rotimi said, walking to the left side of the room and opening a door made of silver. Actual silver.

Although the mansion was built like a royal castle, I noticed it was missing the warmth everyone’s home needed. It’s empty and looks like an abandoned haunted mansion. “Sir, she is here,” Rotimi announced as we entered a room that turned out to be an office. It was a large office, but just like the living room, everything was covered in white, except the glass desk chair behind and at the front of the desk.

The chair behind the desk was turned towards the opposite side, but I could see the head of a person, and I could tell it was the boss. “Have a seat, Miss Hillary.” Rotimi offered me the chair at the front of the desk, and I sat on it.

“Thank you.” My eyes wandered to the books on the desk, which belonged to the same author, Gerald Olsen. He was a famous author known for writing horror stories, which means my client was a horror lover.

I wouldn’t say I like anything related to horror. They make my skin crawl, and I could have a heart attack if I watched anything related to horror.

“Do what you need to do, Rotimi.” The voice behind the desk sounded harsh and stern. It sounds like he was someone with a big problem.

“I am not doing anything until you turn, Lou,” Rotimi answered the man behind the desk.

The man behind the desk groaned in frustration and turned around to face me. I was blown away by his beautiful face. From his sharp jawline to his piercing hazel eyes and his beautiful blonde hair that reached his brows, He looked somehow familiar, but I didn’t remember when or how I met him.

My eyes widened when I realized that I had met him in the hospital when my father was still alive.

“Anything the problem, Miss Hillary?” Rotimi questioned.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

There is a huge problem, and that problem is the cute man in front of me. His lips were full, and when he bit his lower lips, I shifted in my chair. “There is a problem.” I inhaled and exhaled to catch my breath because I almost lost it while staring at the piece of art in front of me. He was perfectly made and bore a resemblance to the Greek god Ares. Just my thought, though.

“She is not whom I expected.” The pretty man said.

“What?” That was not a nice word to speak to the person who saved him from death. He might be handsome, but I could punch him, and no one would question me. “Not what you were expecting,” I scoffed as I adjusted myself in my seat. The man glared at me, and I returned the look. I grinned at him. “Maybe you need your glasses or something.”

“Are you sure it was her who saved me that night?” He questioned,

“What?” I shouted and slammed my hand on the table. He should be happy that I saved him. If not, he would have been nothing but dead.”You have an eye problem?” I waved my hands in his face, but he slapped them away.

“Take your hands away,” his voice was loud and deep, prompting me to smile and sit down. “Have you told her everything she needed to know?” The man asked yet another question.

“Just a preview. Lou, you do the talking. ”

“What are you saying, Rotimi?”The man said through gritted teeth.” I sensed an anger problem.

They didn’t say anything but stared at each other as if they were having a conversation in their heads.

I cleared my throat, and they both turned to look at me. “May I say something?” I raised my hand.

“Go ahead,” Rotimi urged me.

I crossed my legs and adjusted myself again. “I know what I’m about to say might sound rude.”

“Then don’t say anything.” Lou, or whatever his name was, interrupted me.

I heaved a deep sigh and pinched my nose before I continued. “Mr. Whitemore, with all due respect, I saved you from falling to your death. You should be thankful. ”

“I never asked you.”

What an ingrate!

I chuckled. “If not for me, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” You would have been dead. ” I demonstrated this by closing my eyes and pretending I was finished. When I opened them, I could feel Lou’s piercing hazel eyes on me.

“That was a great demonstration, Hillary, but it was stupid.” He hit the table with his finger and burst into fake laughter. “Listen to me, faker!” He was accused, and I gasped in shock.

“Lou! That was out of line. ” Rotimi told him, but instead of listening to him, he went on.

“You are nothing because your business card looks like a child’s. Are you even real? ”

“How dare you question my validity? Does my card look like a child made it? ” I shouted and stood up from the chair. Rotimi chuckled beside me, and I raised my head and frowned. I wondered why he was laughing when Loukas was insulting me.

“If it’s money you want, I’ll give you since you think you are great because you saved me.”

It was a great offer as I could bury my father with the money, but taking such money was like selling myself and would prove everything he said about me.

“You are an ingrate!” I pointed an accusing finger at him. He looked taken back and tried to say something, but I shut him up. “I am not a fake, and you are not what I expected.” I lied because he was everything a woman could ever want. “I have to admit that I need the money, and that’s why I’m here, but you, Mr. Whitemore, have no right to question me because,” I paused and moved closer to him. We were so close that I could smell his cologne. “I’m your only chance at getting better, and since you’ve decided to ridicule me, I guess you can find me when you’re ready!” I smiled at myself and turned to face Rotimi. “Find me when this egotistical man has come to his senses, but I have one piece of advice for you, Mr. Whitemore,” I closed my eyes as I thought of my dead father. “Try to get better, and you’ll know that surviving is a gift.” I clicked my tongue and walked out of the office.

“Hillary, Wait!” Rotimi called after me, but I didn’t turn back as I angrily dragged my luggage behind me and entered the elevator. Just as the elevator doors were about to close, a hand went through the middle, and I shouted in fright. “Miss Hillary,” Rotimi called.

“What do you want?”

“I came to apologize.”

“Why? “You are not the one at fault,” I told him.

“I know. I apologize for Loukas’s behavior. He doesn’t get along with people. ”

So Loukas was the handsome man’s name, I thought.

“You are a therapist. I’m sure you’ve dealt with crazy patients just like Loukas. ”

I laughed when he called his boss crazy. You are right, but that doesn’t mean I’m coming back unless he apologizes.

“Please,” Rotimi said, grabbing my hand. “He needs help.” I’ll do whatever you want. I pay four times the amount.”

“Really?” I asked, and he nodded. “All right. Here is what I want. ” I began to tell him about what I needed.

He was surprised when I said it all. “Until then, I’ll be in the city park,” I said as I exited the elevator.


Loukas POV

I already told Rotimi that bringing the girl who saved me into my home was a bad idea. Getting a therapist to help with my problem was a great idea because I wanted to get better, but I was scared of trusting anyone again.

When the girl arrived at the mansion, I watched her through the CCTV camera. I couldn’t see her face the night she saved me, but seeing her through the CCTV, I was surprised to see how fragile she looked. She had great height, a slim body, and curves in the right places. I continued to stare at her until she entered the mansion after discussing it with Rotimi.

I wasn’t snooping around, but it was my house, and I had eyes everywhere. When they got to my office and Rotimi introduced her to me, I couldn’t help but stare at her fantastic melanin skin and dark brown eyes. She was pretty with her round face and perfectly shaped eyebrows, but her presence annoyed me.

If not for her, none of us would be together to talk about me getting better. I would have died.

“That was not cool, Lou. The girl wanted to help. ” Rotimi shouted at me.

“I never wanted her to help Rotimi. It was all your idea. ” I answered back.

Don’t you want to get better? You told Amanda you were going to get better. How will you do that when you push your only option away? ”

“Stop talking like that, Rotimi. She is not the only therapist in the world. She is not even famous. ”

Rotimi raised his brows and glared hard at me. “You are making a mistake, Lou.”

I tried to argue, “I am not,” and I never won.

“This girl helped you, so you should be grateful.” Rotimi reminded. He headed towards the door and opened it.

“Where are you going, Rotimi?”

“To call the girl back.”

“Why?” I questioned.

“Because you need to apologize to her for saying all those annoying words.” He stated. “She needed the money to bury her father, Lou. You just insulted her and tried to make her feel that what she was doing doesn’t matter! ”

“But she has a sharp tongue, Lou! She talked back to me. ”

Rotimi laughed and winked at me. That’s the kind of girl I want around you. She will be able to tame you and also help you! ” He said and turned to leave. “I should go!”

“Wait,” I shouted after him. “I’ll come with you,” I told him, and he rolled his eyes. For the first time since my accident, I decided to give myself a chance to improve. “Let’s go after her!”

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