Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 45


I drove alongside my fellow men, their motorcycles speeding roughly through the forest trail in the dense forest. The air was thick with tension as we mentally prepared for a potential vampire attack. We all held our weapons tightly and looked around carefully for any signs of danger. My friends, with serious faces, encouraged each other to stay brave and sometimes made jokes to cool our nerves.

“Stay sharp, lads,” I called out, my voice carrying above the sound of the engine rums. “We’ve dealt with these bloodsuckers before, and we’ll do it again.”

A chorus of affirmations filled the air as the men nodded in agreement. We had faced countless threats from the vampire coven. Our dedication to protecting the pack hadn’t shaken. I was known for my unwavering loyalty and bravery, qualities that earned me the respect of my comrades.

As we continued, conversations filled the spaces between the trees. We shared stories of battles won, recounting tales of narrow escapes and victories against the undead. The camaraderie among us was palpable as our bond was forged when we went through tough times together.

“We’ve got this, boys,” I said with a resolute grin, my eyes shining with courage and anticipation. “Remember our training, watch each other’s backs, and we’ll make it back to the grove in one piece.”

My words were met with another resounding agreement. We really were a tight-knit unit, a brotherhood bound by duty and a shared purpose. Together, we would face whatever awaited us.

When we had rode through the winding forest road for about 12 hours, our senses sharpened and muscles primed for any sign of danger as we saw more trees and thicker hedges. We knew the risks that came with patrolling what lied outside the borders. There was a constant threat of vampire ambushes that lingered in the back of our minds.

The moon hung high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the dense trees, as if foreshadowing the impending doom, only that I didn’t know this at the moment. Suddenly, a chilling gust of wind rustled the branches of the trees, sending a shiver down my spine. I tightened my grip on the handles, a silent warning passing through my mind. My friends had gotten quieter and we were focused on making it through the new terrain without attracting too much attention.

Out of nowhere, a large group of vampires appeared. Their eyes were glowing red, and their pale faces showed evil grins. They moved incredibly fast and attacked our patrol from all sides.

I felt my heart racing as chaos erupted around me. The vampires attacked without mercy, jumping down from the trees and surprising our unsuspecting selfs. They had sharp fangs that they sunk into the fleshes of the men beside me, causing them and their bikes to tumble, and they used their ragged claws to cut through the clothes of the other men who had stopped their bikes and jumped off to fight them off. The bloodsuckers always fought with deadly skill, and they did so with passion.

I fought back with all my strength, swinging my fists to defend myself and jumped off my bike, already taking my defense stance as soon as my legs touched the ground. I remembered my training and was able to paralyze some with the swift and targeted movements of my daggers in my hand, but the vampires kept coming, and there were too many of them.

They were incredibly strong and started to overpower our patrol. I watched in horror as my comrades fell one by one. The sounds of screams and flesh being torn or suckled made my ears bleed, and the ground gradually became littered with lifeless bodies.

I became desperate and filled with anger and sorrow. I fought harder than ever before, refusing to meet the same fate.

But the vampires proved to be clever in their attacks. They used their speed and ability to hide in the shadows, striking suddenly and then disappearing. It was a frustrating and confusing cycle that left us exposed and confused.

My senses remained on high alert, my body tense and ready. I looked around, trying to spot any signs of movement in the darkness but the vampires seemed like ghosts, attacking quickly and then vanishing back into the night.

Amidst the chaos, I had a feeling of impending danger. I sensed someone behind me, and a chilling breath touched my neck. I turned quickly, holding my dagger up, only to face the cold stare of a vampire. The vampire lunged at me with a fierce hunger, showing its teeth in a menacing snarl.

I fought bravely, swinging my dagger at the vampire’s sharp claws. I fought fiercely, trying to stay alive but the vampire was too strong, and I couldn’t defend myself well because of my exhaustion.

Just as I was about to awaken my werewolf, the vampire’s hand scratched my face, leaving me with deep and painful cuts. I stumbled backwards, bleeding profusely and confused. I didn’t realize we had struggled all the way to a cliff’s edge. I was already near the edge of the cliff, panting and trying to stay conscious, but the ground gave way beneath me. Time seemed to slow down as I fell into the darkness, screaming for help.



The other man who survived watched in shock, unable to believe what he saw. He knew Theo’s sacrifice would inspire them to avenge him and fight harder. He could see the vampire who caused it strut away confidently from the cliff’s edge. The other vampires had disappeared just like they appeared and so did this one he was looking at. When the vampire was out of sight, he rushed to the edge and looked down for any sign of Theo but it seemed over forty-nine feet down there. He wouldn’t have survived it. The man’s tears flowed naturally. Theo was such a brave and deserving team leader.

With a heavy heart, the man walked through the dead bodies of his comrades who were chatting happily and singing songs a few minutes ago, to get one of their bikes. He was able to start one and immediately began riding back to the grove, with abnormal speed, not glancing at the trees surrounding him which seemed to be closing in on him and held the eyes of predatory bloodsuckers. He had to tell Lily’s father about the vampire attack and what happened to Theo.


Back in the grove, Lily’s dad was increasingly getting worried by each passing second. The sound of the clock ticking by annoyed him so he threw a tumbler at it, shattering the melodies of the device and causing a mess that some maids quickly came in to clean. He couldn’t stop pacing and had a really concerned look on his face. He was thinking about the vampires’ attacks and how it could harm the people in their community, including his own daughter.

When he was informed that the only survivor from the search party came back, looking really scared and tired, Henry immediately went to talk to him without wasting any time.

“What happened out there?” Henry demanded, his voice laced with anger and concern.

The survivor, gasping for breath, struggled to find words. “They… they came out of nowhere. We were ambushed,” he managed to say between heavy breaths. “Theo… he… he fell off a cliff. I couldn’t save him.”

Henry’s face contorted with pain and he clenched his fists tightly. “No… not Theo,” he muttered. “How many more lives will be lost before we put an end to this?”

He turned his attention back to the survivor, his eyes burning with intensity. “Tell me everything you remember. We need to know who was behind this attack and how to prevent further bloodshed.”

The survivor told the story of the attack. He told him important details of how the vampires attacked and where they might be hiding. Henry listened carefully and started planning their next steps.

“We will make things right for Theo and everyone we’ve lost,” he said firmly. “No vampire will get away with this. We’ll fight back and we will win.”

After hearing what had happened to Theo, most of the grove members felt his loss heavily. He was one of their most skilled fighters and kindest trainers. Even Henry acknowledged this too.

Henry talked to them about the intensity of the situation and how there was no more choice but to fight back with full force. This made the grove’s atmosphere replenished with a new wave of energy as the hunters focused and prepared to fight back. They were still hurting from their recent losses, but it made them even more resilient in keeping their pack safe and defeating the vampires for good. The more the vampires struck, the more the werewolves were certain that the way Henry had painted them to be was spot on.

“Heartless bloodsucking demons.”

As the sun set and darkness fell over the grove, Henry took charge. He looked determined, with anger burning in his eyes. He knew he had a huge responsibility, but he didn’t let himself give in to sadness. He might have to accept that his only daughter was gone, even though he didn’t want to believe it, but he won’t be deterred either way.

“The vampires have underestimated us for the last time,” he proclaimed, his voice booming with authority. “If they want war, we’ll give them war.”NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.


Sarah was really worried about Lily and skeptical of the story Audrey had told Lily’s parents. It was not new news Audrey despised Lily and would do almost anything against her favour, so what was with her behaviour that day she came back from supposedly an attack on Lily and Adrian which she conveniently escaped?

Hell no. There was something fishy about all that.

Sarah gathered her courage and patience and went to talk to Audrey. She found Audrey by herself near the edge of the woods, and Audrey had a sly smile on her face.

“Oh Sarah, dear, what brings you here?” Audrey asked, feigning surprise.

Sarah cursed under her breath and said a prayer in her head.

“I need to know the truth, Audrey,” Sarah said, subtly annoyed. “Did Lily really get attacked?”

Audrey tilted her head and pretended to think for a moment. “Oh, Sarah, I wish I could say it was a lie, but unfortunately, it’s true. Poor Lily, she was ambushed by rogue vampires. It was a horrifying scene.”

Sarah narrowed her eyes, studying Audrey’s face for any signs of deception. “Are you sure you’re not just making this up to manipulate us?”

Audrey’s eyes flashed with a brief flicker of anger before she composed herself. “Why would I lie about something so serious, Sarah? I may have my flaws, but I would never deceive anyone when it comes to a matter of life and death.”

Sarah felt frustration rise within her. She knew Audrey was lying, and it was infuriating to see her continue to manipulate everyone around her. “Audrey, I’ve known you for a long time, and I can see right through your act. You’ve always had a way of twisting the truth to suit your own agenda.”

Audrey’s composed facade slipped for a moment and a glimmer of annoyance crossed her features. “You think you’re so clever, don’t you, Sarah? Always trying to play the hero, defending your precious friends.”

Sarah took a step closer, “I’m not trying to play the hero, Audrey. I just want the truth. Lily is my friend, and I won’t stand by while you manipulate us all.”

Audrey’s gaze turned icy, her lips curling into a sly smile. “Well, my dear, you can search all you want, but you won’t find what you’re looking for. And even if you did, what would you do about it? You’re just a mere human in this world – my world.”

Sarah’s face turned white.

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