Forbidden Love: My Daddy's Best Friend

Forbidden 250

Forbidden 250

Chapter 250

We walk into the room, and I’m shocked by how big it is. Each guy is chained to a chain, and the chairs are chained to the wall. I look through them, noticing two of the men, the one who stabbed me and the guy I called baldie who had one hell of a backhand.

I then stop on Dean and Richard. Both look shocked to see me standing here smiling at them. That makes me want to laugh.

“Okay, first one.” D moves forward and I sit on the desk in the corner, I don’t speak or make much noise. I expected D to go crazy, yet he seems calm, or maybe that’s because he’s saving the crazy shit for Dean and Richard?

Even when I feel like I need a break I don’t leave, if I leave Dean and Richard will see me as weak. So instead I force myself to watch every bit of blood that drips to the floor. I have either Marcello or Calix’s arms wrapped around me the whole time. They keep changing from cuddling me to helping D.

I get no pleasure from watching them die, only in knowing no woman will ever be touched by them again. I know that no woman will face what I did, at least not with these men. I ignore that they might have families, parents brothers, or friends. I remind myself of how evil they are, to take part in what they had with me. What they did was worse than a man paying Dean so they could have me for an hour.

Chapter 250

So with each dead body dragged out, I smile knowing that it has possibly saved someones daughter and child from the fate I had.

Now, I stand in front of the guy who stabbed me in the leg. The knife is in my hand and I look at him, I just want to repay the favour. Moving, I stab him through the leg, he screams and pulls against the chain.

“Fucking whore!” He spits at me, so I stab him again.

“I was just returning the favour, your stabbed me I stabbed you.” Why did all these men think they could do anything to me and walk away?

“I should have slit your throat.” Spits at me, “Whore.” I feel myself pulled back, and Calix is in front of me. I hear the man screaming, and I can’t see what is happening. When Calix steps back his hands are covered in blood. I look at the guy and see blood pouring from his mouth.

“I vaguely remember seeing somewhere on your phone you mentioned your father warned you throughout your life until he died that he would cut out your tongue if you ever spoke badly to a woman. When you get to hell tell him I did the job for him.” Calix steps away and I

watch as D takes over.

Calix stops behind me, his mouth kissing my ear.

“Only I get to call you a whore puddin.” I laugh at words and nod, Once again the guy dies quickly, and I swear D used to take hours to


Chapter 25

torture people, but these guys are dying within an hour. So it has to be so he has more time for Dean and Richard.

The man is dragged out and Baldie is fastened up, and D looks at me, waiting.

“I don’t want to play with baldie, he wasn’t man enough to really hurt me.” I shrug like he is nothing and he glares at me. Which makes me laugh but he doesn’t speak. I’m guessing because he isn’t ready to lose his tongue like the guy before.

He dies the fastest, D was showing off his sword, swinging it like a loonatic, telling me to watch how the blood gleams when it moves, only he moved it too close and slit the guys throat. I watched as he swore and complained but seemed to cheer up when he realised Dean and Richard are next.

“Dean.” Calix steps forward now. “Sit him at the table D. He has things to sign.” I watch as D drags Dean to the table and fastens him down.

“You can go to hell if you think I will sign anything,” Dean speaks and D laughs.

“We’re Devils‘ we come from hell, so telling us to go to hell, defies the point.” He swings the knife and I watch Dean lose a finger.

“Keep going Demitri, then I can’t fucking sign, dumb ass.” Moving I stab Dean in the shoulder.

11:10 D

Chapter 250

“Don’t call him a dumb ass!” Everyone stares at me, shit. I smile and don’t say anything, I just didn’t like Dean picking on D.

“Fine, don’t sign. You died slow anyway, then we go to Mary.” Calix sits back and grins.

“Like hell you would, you don’t hurt women, that’s where you’re weak.” Dean spits at him.

“The won’t be I will. You see Dean, she is just as much of a monster as you, she watched Richard and those guys hurt me every day. She got pleasure from it, she hits me, she even stabbed me once. So they don’t need to, because I will.” He looks between us.

He didn’t expect me to be involved, that is


“Look at you, thinking you’re amazing. Newsflash mutt, in a month of two these three will see how little you are and give you away for free.” I move, stabbing him in the shoulder. He screams and thrashes. “No one will want to pay for you, you’re fucking used, nothing but a dirty whore.” I twist the knife in his shoulder feeling it scrape along the bone.

“Don’t sign, I really want to have Mary tied to this chair, making her scream.” I turn the knife again and he cries.

“This is between me and you bitch!”

Chapter 250

“This part is, but Mary well we have history. Now do I stop at your darling wife Dean, or shall I go for you sons. I mean, you call me a dirty whore but that didn’t stop your sons from coming down and fucking me when you were out gambling did it?” I stab another dagger through him and he stares at me shocked.

I laugh. “Oh, Dean didn’t know? I wonder, does Mary know you. fucked me? I wonder her face when I tell her both her husband and sons have.”

“Fine! I’ll fucking sign.” I step back and see all three staring at me shocked.

“Ask later.” I know that has caused them to have more questions.

“No asking, but hell that was hot. You took over and I didn’t even get a chance to talk once you did.” Calix laughs and places papers on the table. “You will sign and free every single one of those women. Not just that, but each one has a bank account, I think it’s time you paid them for all the work they did that you kept taking money for.”

I watch as Dean signs them all, then gives the bank details and Marcello sits and shares the money out.

“I guess blocking you from gambling was a good thing Dean, your bank is enough for all the women to start a new life. Now the question is do I leave your wife with money or make her feel the need to sell herself to live?” Marcello looks at him.


Chapter 250

“Can I play now?” D looks at us and I nod. I watch him working, and every now and then I glance at Richard. He looks sick, like he might throw up. I guess this isn’t his sort of fun. Then again it might be if he had the chance to do it to me.

After four hours Dean is dead and we all turn to Richard.

“I’ll leave.” We all laugh at his words.

“Sure, if we can do to you everything you did to her since the first day you had her.” D looks at him and I stare shocked.

“Eww! You are not fucking him D!”

They laugh and Richard looks repulsed.

“I didn’t mean that little birdie. Anyway, theres no deals, he dies regardless of what he offers.” He kisses my cheek and I watch as Marcello ties Richard up.

“Wait, release him, I need him kneeling. I will be right back.” D skips out of the room and I look at Calix and Marcello confused.

“Fuck knows, D takes breaks at weird times. Strap him down Marc so he is kneeling.” I sit with my head against Calix.

“Tired puddin?”

I shake my head at his words and he laughs. “Fine, a little bit.” Today has been long, I was up before four. I hear D return but stay resting against Calix, I will give myself a few minutes. I hear Dean gagging and turn. D is holding a bottle in his mouth while holding his nose.

“What is that?” Is he really giving him a fucking drink? I laugh slightly at how random D can become.

“My piss little birdie.”

I stare. “Eww! D, no!” Even I draw the line at that.

“He pissed on you and threatened to do it in your mouth, so only fair he knows how it tastes.” I roll my eyes and don’t argue, fuck arguing with his crazy today.

“He would have taken pleasure from doing it to you puddin, so remember back to when he had done it, how you felt.” He kisses my cheek and I nod. He’s right, Richard would have.

Standing up I walk to the daggers. Out of everyone, Richard was the worst. He got pleasure from raping me with those men every night. So there is no way I will hide from this.

D steps back and I watch as Dean throws up.

“Sick fuck!” He screams at D.



“Said the one who had the idea first.” D laughs and looks at me.

“You know she’s well used right? For weeks me and my friends used her over and over.” I guess he has given up on going quietly and wants to fight back.

“You think that will repulse me, make me see her as anything less than a queen, and a angel? She’s my fucking wife.” D screams at him.

“D! I am not your fucking wife!” What the hell.

“You are little birdie, you’re my wife.”

“No, D, to be your wife, you would have needed to propose, we would have had to get married. Crazy bastard.”

“I did, while you were asleep. So we’re married now!” He grins and I


“He’s joking, D, please tell me you’re fucking joking?” Calix looks at


“Nope, we’re officially married!” He grins at me.

“How and when D?” I stare at him.

“That night Calix fucked you after we worked all day. He left you for a


couple of hours to do work. I snuck in, phoned the registrar and threatened to skin him alive if he didn’t agree. So we had a video marriage.” He looks so fucking happy right now.

“D! I need to sign for it to be legit.” I laugh and nods.

“You did, when I asked you to sign those few pieces of people, one was a marriage certificate.”

“Fucking hell, you’re a psycho, if your mum was alive she would have probably killed you at the first signs of it and agree it was saving everyone from your shit.”

I turn hearing Richard, moving I stab him in the face. I look back at D and he’s stood quiet.

“Better a psycho, then a sick twisted pervert who rapes women because none will go near him.” I can’t believe he said that about D, turning I look at him and he’s just stood in shock.

“He’s ours.” Calix pushes me out of the way and him and Marcello stand with Richard,

“He’s right though right?” D looks at me and I laugh. “I am, aren’t i?”

“No! Well, yes. Everyone has a bit of psycho in them D, you like to claim me as yours and marry me while I sleep. Which is cute and fucking crazy, but cute. Richard, he’s a psycho but in a worse way, he


of them and humiliate


wrap my arms around his neck. “Your mum loved you D, don’t let him make you think different.” I have never seen anything effect D, but this seems to have, so I smile up at him. “So, we got married, which sucks because I wanted the wedding and everything. So does that mean we get a second wedding? One where I’m conscious?” Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

He laughs looking at me shocked. “You would agree to marry me little birdie?”


“Yes, although apparently it makes no difference as we are already.”

He pulls me into him. “We’re not, but seeing your face was worth it and you agreed, so no backing out.”

“Wait, what?”

“Come on cub, like he could make that happen. You just walked into his trap and agreed to marry him.” They all laugh, and I stand silenced.

“So you will be my wife little birdie. Then everyone will know you’re mine, all mine.” His mouth bites against my neck, and I moan.

“Fuck it, I will marry you D, I will marry all three of you. Just make sure I’m awake and aware it’s happening please.” He grins and cuddles me. It has lifted his spirits, which we needed. He places me down on



the chair and walks back to Richard.

“I want to play with him.” Calix and Marcello look at him and nod before walking back. Calix stands behind me, his arms lifting me so I can wrap myself around him.

“Thank you puddin, Demitri struggles talking about our mother. Struggles to accept he was too young to protect her and he always wonders if she would be proud of him.”

“I saw he was hurt, I wanted to cheer him up.” I did.

“Which you did, don’t worry we won’t let him marry you.” He laughs.

Smiling I shake my head. “I meant it, if he wants to I will agree.”

“You realise if you marry him theres no escaping us.”

“I don’t want to Cal, don’t do that, or I swear I will start calling you names and saying I don’t want your hands on me.” I feel panic build that he is about to push me away.

“I wasn’t going to, just stating a fact. Once you do he is never letting you leave puddin.”

“Which I’m happy with.” I rest my head against him, and somehow I fall asleep to the screams of Richard been tortured.


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