Forbidden Desire


Nothing in my life had ever hurt me as much as the look Jason was giving me right now. His beautiful face was flushed from crying, tears overtaking his breath as he sobbed. I stood before him, feeling the weight of his gaze like a heavy burden on my shoulders. I knew I had no arguments, no excuses that could justify my silence, but I couldn’t bring myself to be the one to shatter his heart.

I lowered my gaze, tears streaming down my face, a lump forming in my throat, rendering me speechless. Fear gripped me fear of Jason’s anger, fear of his disappointment, fear of losing something I had never truly possessed. When I dared to look at him again, I could see the disappointment etched in his beautiful brown eyes.

“I’m sorry, I…” My voice trailed off, choked by my own emotions.

Before I could finish, Jason turned away from me, and I rushed after him. By the time I caught up, he was already striding towards the main staircase leading to his car.

“Jason! Please listen to me!” I pleaded, my voice desperate.

I reached out to grab his arm, but he yanked it away, his movements sharp with frustration. Descending the stairs in haste, Jason made his way to his car, leaving me trailing behind, my heart pounding with worry.

“Please, Jason!” I implored, my voice cracking with emotion.

“What?” Jason spun around, his voice laced with bitterness. “That you knew everything? That you were lying to me? That everyone knew but me? What was Jane’s plan? To make me fall in love with you, so she could have her lover? Is that why you wore those clothes? That’s why you teased me? That’s why you pretended to like me?”

My heart ached at the pain in his eyes, the depth of his disappointment. I struggled to find the words to explain myself, to make him understand my side of the story.

“No! I found out about all this by accident! I swear!” I trembled with sincerity. “I would never do anything like that! I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to hurt you. I know how much you love her, and I didn’t want to be responsible for breaking your heart!”

Jason shook his head, his expression pained. When he looked at me, I felt my heart break into a million pieces.

“You betrayed me!” Jason accused, his voice raw with hurt.

“No, Jason. She betrayed you. I was always by your side!” I protested, my voice tinged with desperation.

“The thing is, I expected it from her. I always knew what kind of woman she was, I just didn’t want to see it. But you? I really thought you were different!” Jason’s voice wavered with disbelief.

“And I am!” I insisted, tears streaming down my face.

As I poured out my heart, Jason shook his head, struggling to contain his emotions. “No. You’re worse. She never pretended to be in love with me. She never tried to show that she was the perfect girl. How could I have been so wrong about you?”

I approached him, my hands reaching out to touch his face, but he recoiled slightly, his eyes filled with pain.

“And I’m Jason, I’m your girl. I’ll never hurt you!” I quivered with sincerity.

Jason hesitated, his gaze searching mine for truth, for reassurance. “Why did you do it, Jane? Why didn’t you tell me?”

My breath caught in my throat as I struggled to find the words to express the depth of my feelings.

“Because I love you! And I’d do anything not to see you crying,” I confessed, tears streaming down my face. “Since the first day I saw you, all I’ve wanted is to see your smile. There’s nothing in the world that your smile can’t cure. I love you, and I would never forgive myself if I were responsible for making you cry. That’s love, Jason. Love isn’t selfish. And I’d rather see you half-happy with her, believing that everything was fine, than see you like this now.”

Jason shook his head, his expression torn between hurt and disbelief. I reached out, desperate to bridge the gap between us, to make him understand.

“I love you! Please believe me! I’m completely in love with you, Jason!” I pleaded, my voice trembling with emotion.

It seemed like he was starting to relent, his eyes softening as I showered him with kisses, pouring out my heart in every touch.

“I love you! I love you so much! Please forgive me!” I embraced him, sinking my face into his chest, hoping to find solace in his warmth.

But Jason’s response was not what I expected. He stiffened at my touch, pushing me away gently as he wiped his eyes, his expression clouded with pain.

“I can’t. This changes everything between us… Forever,” he uttered, his voice heavy with sorrow.

His words felt like daggers tearing at my heart. I pleaded with him, desperate to salvage what remained of our relationship, but he was resolute.

“I don’t trust you anymore, or anyone else. I need to get out of here!” Jason’s voice cracked with emotion as he turned away from me, heading towards his car.

I rushed after him, my heart pounding with fear and anxiety. “No, Jason, please! You might be angry with me, but please don’t leave like that! You’re in no condition to drive, you could have an accident.”

But he brushed off my concerns, his mind set on leaving. “I don’t care!”

“But I do care! Please don’t go out like that!” I pleaded, tears streaming down my face.

“Leave me alone, Jane!” Jason’s voice was filled with anguish as he got into the car and sped off into the night, leaving me standing there, consumed by guilt and worry.

I sat on the steps, my heart heavy with regret, as I waited for him to return. The night dragged on, each passing moment filled with uncertainty and fear. I prayed for his safety, my heart aching with every passing minute.

I couldn’t sleep, haunted by the thought of Jason out there alone, vulnerable, and possibly in danger. I took a hot shower, hoping to wash away my guilt and anxiety, but the tears mixed with the water falling from the shower head only served as a reminder of my remorse.

Dressed in my nightgown, I lay in bed, my mind consumed by thoughts of Jason. I prayed for his safety, for his return, for the chance to make things right. But as the hours passed, and dawn approached, my hope began to wane, replaced by an overwhelming sense of dread.

Eventually, exhaustion overcame me, and I drifted into a light sleep. It took me a moment to realize whether what happened next was a dream or reality. The door to my room creaked open, and a weight settled on the bed beside me. A warm body wrapped around me from behind, and I tensed, my heart racing with a mixture of disbelief and relief.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Where were you?” My words slurred slightly, his breath heavy with the scent of alcohol. But despite his drunken state, his eyes burned with a dark desire as he pushed aside the comforter covering my body.

“Jason…” I began, my voice trembling with uncertainty, but he silenced me with a gesture, his finger pressed against his lips.

“Be quiet. The only thing I want to hear from you now is your moans,” he whispered, his voice tinged with a predatory edge.

Climbing on top of me, he positioned himself between my legs, his touch sending shivers down my spine. Despite knowing he was intoxicated, I couldn’t deny the magnetic pull between us. As he claimed my lips, I found myself succumbing to his desires, my body responding to his with a primal need.

But as his hands roamed my body, I couldn’t ignore the pain mingled with his touch. “Jason, slow down, you’re hurting me,” I pleaded, my voice strained with discomfort.

Ignoring my protests, he left a trail of marks on my skin, each one a painful reminder of his vengeance. My cries fell on deaf ears as he continued his assault, his actions fueled by anger and betrayal.

“Baby, you’re hurting me,” I whimpered, my voice barely audible amidst the chaos of our encounter.

But his laughter filled the room, mocking my pain as he stripped away my defenses. “Love?” he scoffed, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

As he loomed over me, I felt a sense of helplessness wash over me, my attempts to escape futile against his strength. Tears clouded my vision as I pleaded for him to stop, my voice cracking with desperation.

But he was relentless, his actions driven by a desire for retribution. “Stop? I’ll only stop after I’ve made you scream so loud the whole house will hear you,” he declared, his words laced with malice.

With each passing moment, my fear mounted, my attempts to resist him growing weaker. “Jason, please stop, my love,” I begged, my heart breaking with every plea.

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