Finding Forgiveness

Chapter 14

I considered pulling the trigger anyway but I was 99% sure that there was no bullet in there and even if there was and I could kill Andrea, Pedro was still there and that would be almost certain death.

“Good girl,” he replied.

“But why send me and not one of your loyal workers?” I asked.

“As I said, it is a test.”

“Why are you testing me?” I asked.

“To see how you will handle it.”


“Because I think, despite what Pedro thinks, you would make a good little worker,” he replied. “The men in this business are dangerous but even they wouldn’t kill a pretty girl like you… not immediately anyway. So you may pose a use over my more dispensable male employees.”

“You want me to work for you?” I asked.

“You don’t have a choice. You will do as I say,” he stated.

“… Or what?” I questioned and he raised an eyebrow.

“If you become just a dead weight, I will have to get rid of you… after having my fun of course,” he said bringing the gun to my head. “Have I made myself clear?”

“Crystal,” I replied before he let me climb off him and we sat in quiet for the rest of the journey.

Something was telling me there was more to this than he was letting on. Something to do to with that importante phone call.

We eventually stopped on the edge of a different town. A strange looking town.

“This is as far as we can go,” he said reaching over me and opening the car door as he thrust the gun and the address into my hand.

“Adios,” I said in my best Spanish as I shuffled along towards the open door.

“And Blanca,” he said taking my hand and pulling me back into his lips before kissing me for a few moments. “Just in case you don’t make it out alive.”

He then ushered me out, closed the door and drove off.

I looked around at the desert around me and the gun in my hand.

What the fuck had I gotten myself into?

I began to make my way to the town.

A few minutes of walking later, I reached the phone box Andrea had mentioned on the edge of the road. I took a 360 turn and couldn’t see a soul for miles. Everything was perfectly still and quiet. After considering for a grand total of about three seconds, I hastily pushed open the cracked, scratched door of the booth and picked up the phone, which was coated in peeling red paint. There was a rusty slit just below it where I shoved the money before I pressed each number of Leo’s mobile number into the stiff keypad.

He picked up after only a few seconds.

“It’s me,” I said. “I’ve really fucked up.”

“Luca said the exact same thing when he called me,” he replied. “I’m in Mexico and he filled me in. Where are you?”

“Is Luca okay?” I asked.

“Except for the fact that I’ve almost murdered him many times, yes he’s fine,” he said. “But tell me where you are?”

“I’m with a man called Andrea Martinez,” I told him.

“I know, I know, but where?!” he replied. “I need a location.”

“I don’t know, Leo!” I replied. “The middle of fucking nowhere! All I can see is desert and cacti and this weird empty town with no signs!”

“Do you have anything that could help me find you?” he asked. “What does Martinez look like?”

“He’s nineteen, looks kinda young but not weak, wears a suit, dark hair, dark eyes…” I listed. “And he took me to eat in a town. I didn’t get the name of it but it was full of other restaurants and people. There was a man that worked named Eduardo who worked in a bar-like cafe with ceiling fans and a big Mexican flag outside. He might be able to tell you something. Or find Guillermo. Or a man called Richardo Garcia with a shot wound in his shoulder or another man called Esteban Roderique. ”

“Are you with him now?” he asked.

“No, he’s sent me on some errand,” I replied. “I don’t know what or why but I’m alone right now.”

“Does that mean you can get away from him?” he asked.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Again, I’m in the middle of the fucking desert, Leo! Believe it or not, I’m better off staying Andrea.”

“You don’t know that, Ella. He’s dangerous,” Leo warned.

“I can handle him,” I said before pausing. “Trust me on this. He’s young and I’ve got him under control.”

“What does that mean?” he questioned his voice deepening.

“It doesn’t matter. Just know that I’m fine for now,” I said. “Come and find me soon though, okay?”

“Yes of course. And I will kill that son of a bitch,” he growled.

There was a pause before I spoke again, “Leo?”


“I love you,” I whispered.

“I love you too,” he replied in a much softer tone. “Do whatever you have to do, I understand and I just want you to stay alive. Understood?”

I wiped a loose tear but before I could reply the money then ran out on the phone and it hung up.

I gave myself a minute or two to pull myself together, straighten up and remember that I’m a tough bitch before heading up the road into the eerie town.

I stepped through the deserted street of the town kicking up dust from the road as I went. All the buildings were warehouses or sheds or trailers- nothing like the beautifully decorated old buildings of the last Mexican town I had visited. It wasn’t particularly big but I was walking for a good two minutes before I heard any sign of human activity. From one of the warehouses, I heard the faint thud of Hispanic? music and the cheers and shouts or men.

I took a deep breath before striding over to the warehouse and took another deep breath before pulling open the door.

The air smelt like sweat, alcohol and smoke and as my eyes? adjusted from the bright day outside to the low light I began to see exactly what I had stepped into.

“Jesus Christ,” I muttered under my breath.

Closest to me was a pool table with three men no longer playing pool but intently watching me. Behind that was what appeared to be a boxing ring with two men inside and around it another six or seven men all now watching me. At the back was a further four men seated around a small table drinking and playing cards. All staring at me.

I stood motionless in the doorway for a few moments not entirely sure what to do. Somebody switched off the music and an awkward silence swept over the place.

“Did someone call for me? Our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ?” a voice said.

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