Fates Hands

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Chapter 24–Book 2

##WARNING Language some violence###

The cabin motel manager Todd Hoadin, locked up the motel, leaving a sign that he will be back in three

or four days. He was carrying a box of groceries, things he would need for where he was going to hide

out for a

little bit.

He was on his way to his family cabin two states over. Just as he was about to get into his car he felt

something heavy hit the back of his head, things went sideways as he passed out.

Sheriff Avery dragged Todd’s unconscious body to the back of his truck along with the box of groceries,

putting everything else into Todd’s car and locking it.

This shit was a lot easier when James would do it for me, Avery was very nervous about being caught,

the FBI was still lurking around somewhere. It was a good thing that Todd parked on the far side of the

building, it allowed for some decent cover.

He drove off in his truck, heading for James and his cabin of horrors. James was waiting for him on the

porch as he drove up. James came running up to take a look in the back, he was like a kid running to

the tree on Christmas morning.

“What did you bring me, Avery?”

Avery jumped into the back of the truck, took hold of Todd’s feet, and dragged him out onto the ground.

Todd landed in an awkward position, James hoped that Avery hadn’t broken his new toy before they

got a chance to play

“I brought you that jerk motel

manager, that thought it would be a good idea to run his mouth to the FBI.”

Avery handed James the box of groceries that Todd had.

“Here is some food for you too, it was his as he pointed at Todd, enjoy. I will be back tomorrow night

with some supplies for you. You are not to run off after those others. You are to stay here. We can’t

make any more mistakes.”

With that Avery got back into his truck and drove off into the night. Avery still had to get rid of Todd’s

car, he had a long night ahead of him.

James looked down at the unconscious Todd, James and his bear conversed on what kind of fun game

they should make up for their new toy to play. James took the box into the cabin, he came back with


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and some rope.

He handcuffed Todd’s hands behind his back and then tied him to a nearby tree. The rain was starting

to fall, it was going to be a cold and wet night. Perfect for tenderizing his meat.

He didn’t gag Todd, he liked it when his toys would scream. Only he could hear them, it made him feel

like a God.

Jack didn’t want to be separated from Nova, but he knew it was for the best. He was sending Nova

back with Adira and her guards. She will be safe inside Duncan’s pack. That way if it turns ugly and

that asshole somehow makes it inside his Clan grounds, all that asshole is going to find is more angry Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.


B 50 AM Nova will also get a chance to see other shifters and make more friends. It will also be good

for her to have female companionship. If this goes on longer than a week though, Jack is going to just

hunt down the bastard and be done with it, witnesses or not.

Nova wasn’t happy about leaving either, it took Jack half the night to convince her. Finally, by morning

she agreed to go for one week. After that, she was coming back even if she had to walk.

Adira promised to take good care of her, they were going shopping and having some girl time. Also,

Adira wanted Nova to get to know her godson. Jack had waved them goodbye.

It was a cold and miserable day, Duncan and Archer tried to cheer him up. He tried but he just didn’t

want Nova out of his sight while there was

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a threat to her.

It is time to put the plan in motion. The three Lycans that Duncan brought should be reporting back

soon, they realized that James didn’t take the bait of the note so now they were going to have to be

more aggressive.

Jack stretched as Sam came up to him.

“Feeling like it is time to bring out our inner assholes, Jack?” (2)

“Yup, I think it is time we play hardball. No more pussy footing around in fear of discovery.”

Sam smiled at Jack as they went to gather the troops.

Adira watched Nova silently as they were traveling down the road. Adira

understood what Nova must be going through. Having everything happening so fast that you are

unsure of where to stand.

“Nova, we are going to have fun you and I, I understand that there is a lot of things that are new to you.

We will go at your pace, if you don’t want to do something then we won’t.”

“I do ask though that you relax and enjoy it all as well, I know that when all my plans went sideways,

everything was going so fast and it was all new. All I wanted to do was bury myself under the covers

and not come out again.”

“Trust me, you will soon find your niche, the love that you and Jack share will grow. You will trust life


“For now, though I have our bank card I am told that we can get


anything we want. You need clothes and many other things, Jack has already informed me. So I don’t

want to hear about how it isn’t necessary.”

“We are going to have fun, then you are coming home with me and I will introduce you to little Alex.

Beware he is a little heartbreaker.”

Nova for the first time in her life, felt like she had a family. It was a small delicate feeling, she decided

that she was just going to go with it.

She is going to do some of the things she always wanted to do. She didn’t like being away from Jack.

Still, she agreed with Adira, some girl time could be good for her. She hoped anyway because she had

never had Girl time before

She was also going to pick up some things that she noticed around the

Clan that could be of use. She is also going to pick up some new toys and supplies for the cub’s

nursery and play center.

Agent David met up with Jack, Archer, and Duncan. They caught him up on all that was going on and

what was found in the shed. He looked at all the pictures that they took.

Jack noticed that David didn’t react as they did, you could tell he had seen other things like this before,

maybe worse. David told them of all the information he had dug up on James and Avery. David agreed

that James needed to be taken down.

For all intent and purpose, James is Rabid. a

As for Sheriff Avery, David was going to keep him alive to face his crimes. There will be no easy way

out for Mr.

Avery Endstead. David and his fellow agents were forming a plan to arrest the Sheriff. They have a lot

of witnesses that were willing to come forward.

Also, they found some hidden logbooks in the Sheriff’s house that have all of his drug deals, money

totals, and records of money paid to James for hits. It wasn’t just damning it will slam the jail door shut


David just wished that they could either find the missing people or unfortunately their bodies. It would

be the absolute proof that they need most.

It was at this moment that two of the Lycan warriors appeared on the edge of the forest line. David

watched them in fascination, he had heard about them but had never actually seen them. They were

impressive, to say the least.

They disappeared for a moment then they were walking out in their human forms wearing only jogging

pants. David watched as they walked right up to Duncan and started to report. Their faces were grim

and the younger one looked a little green.

David knew that they found the bodies, it is the only thing that would put that look and green tint to

someone’s face. From the look of them, it had to be pretty gruesome.

Todd Hoadin, woke up with a blazing headache, he was soaking wet and tied to a tree. When he

looked around there was a small really old cabin with a broken-down porch. It looked like it had been

there for a very long time, the forest was reclaiming it.

There was what looked like an outhouse off to the side, other than

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that there was nothing. No sign of anything modern. He was starting to drift off again he was certain he

had a concussion.

Just as his eyes were shutting he realized that a bear was coming at him from inside the cabin. He

opened his eyes again in fear. The bear was sniffing him and licking his face it had this evil feel about

it. Todd knew then that this might be the last day of his life.

Not being able to fight it anymore, Todd gave in to the darkness and passed out again.

James shifted back into his human form, with a sigh of disappointment went back into the cabin. The

stupid ass Sheriff hit the guy a bit too hard, it might be another day before he would be able to have his


James stood out there naked, in the

middle of the drive looking around. For the last couple of hours, he has felt like he was being watched.

He couldn’t pick up a scent and when he walked the property he didn’t pick up any traces of anyone

being there.

He shook his head, Stupid Sheriff’s paranoia is rubbing off on me. Turning he went back to the cabin.

Never realizing that just 20 feet away was another predator, watching everything James was doing.

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