Fates Hands

Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Chapter 21–Book 2

##WARNING Language##

Nova was bored, she liked being spoiled but just sitting around doing nothing was getting old. She

wanted to do something, anything. She decided to go down to the kitchen to see if there was anything

she could do to help out. Maybe they would let her do some baking she loved baking it was almost a

therapy for her.

When she entered the kitchen everyone just stopped what they were doing and stared at her. She

wasn’t sure of her plan then. They looked at her like she didn’t belong.

“Luna, how may we help you?”

She went up to one of the cooks…

“For starters I want everyone to just

Yular wavery. To address me as Nova, no Luna stuff I am not that formal. I am bored, is there anything

I can do to help, perhaps you will let me do some baking?”

The two cooks looked at her for a moment in stunned silence, then they happily showed her where she

could find everything she would need. She could bake all she wanted as long as she helped with the


She had no trouble at all agreeing to that deal. She put on an apron and got down to business. Feeling

happy and content at the moment. She started to chat with everyone working in the kitchen getting to

know them all. Before she knew it she was laughing at jokes and funny kitchen stories.

“Excuse me Nova but may I ask what it is you are going to bake? I see that

you are making dough.”

“I am going to make upside-down sticky cinnamon rolls for everyone that will be coming to dinner


“Luna I mean Nova, are you sure you know how to make so many of them?”

“She giggled, Yeah, I know that I had increased my ingredients x15. If I don’t get back to that dough,

we are going to have our version of the attack of the blob.” 1

They all started laughing, two of the kitchen helpers started to help her roll out the dough. Nova was

having a wonderful time. When all the rolls were in the oven, Nova cleaned up her mess and did the


Jack and Sam were coming back from

a training exercise, they were teaching the 12-14-year-old Cubs how to ride motorcycles, right now they

are training on dirt bikes but they are getting really good.

They were also teaching them in their human forms how to hunt and track. When they gain that

knowledge they will then train in their bear forms the same thing

When Jack and Sam entered the main house both of them stood still smelling the air. It was almost

time for dinner, it wasn’t dinner they were smelling though. It was a sweet wonderful smell. They both

ran to the kitchens to see what they already knew that smell was. O

When they burst through the door there stood the kitchen staff and Nova putting what could only be

called Bear aphrodisiac on trays, Thou were incide down and on the

They were upside down, and on the top was this oooey gooey mixture of spices and caramelized


Sam and Jack both reached for one, Nova wacked their hands with a wooden spoon. These are for

after dinner tonight if you want one you are going to have to go and get cleaned up. Both of them let

out a groan.

The cooks behind Nova were barely holding in their laughter. Sam ran out the door to his room, Jack

stayed behind.

“Oh, my sweet goddess are you sure you can’t spare one of these for the leader of the clan? For your


“Nova giggled, then with a sorta straight face said, NO. Don’t look so sappy my love I will tell you this, I

made you your very own tray of sticky

rolls. All you have to do is go get cleaned up. I even saved you what was left of the glaze.”

With that, Jack stood up straight and gave her a salute turned, then went out the door. 2

Sheriff Avery pulled up to James’s house, it was time that James got caught up on things and they

needed a solid plan. James was waiting for him in his yard, he looked like hell. Someone had been

hitting the bottle pretty hard.

They both went inside and sat down.

“James, first I have to inform you of the death of your wife Kathy. She is now in the pile with all the

others. She had been with the FBI for the last couple of days, I don’t know what she told them but that

bird isn’t going to

be singing anymore.”

James didn’t say anything he just leaned back into his chair and took a swig of his beer.

“Also you should know that Maggi isn’t at home anymore, I went over there this morning and it was

plain to see there wasn’t anyone home. That bitch flew the coop. I don’t know if it was with the FBI or

on her own. Best

to think she isn’t within our reach either way.”

“Did you sleep with my wife, Avery?”

Avery was stunned he was so quiet up to that point, the question was out of nowhere. James was

staring at Avery hard. His eyes were almost black, for that instant in time, Avery knew what all the

victims must have felt like at the end.

* Avery pulled his gun and pointed it

right in the middle of James’s forehead.

“You want to fuck with me, James?”

“Of course, I slept with her, I fucked her dead.”

They stared at one another for a little bit and then James let out a roar of a laugh.

“I was just kidding Avery, I am just making sure you did her right.”

Avery put away his gun. Not in the least trusting of James, there was something about him that was This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

getting more unpredictable and dangerous. Less rational and stable, if you could ever use those words

to describe James.

“James, I am also here so we can come up with a plan. I know you know where Nova is. First, we need


eliminate the motel clerk, that little bastard went and told the FBI all kinds of shit. He has to join the


“Then we go after Nova, I don’t care what you do with her as long as she is nowhere they will find her.”

“Now, here comes the part that you are going to be crazy angry about. You are going to have to get rid

of the shed, that is here on your property. Take the stuff to the cabin and burn the rest to the ground.”

Jason again had that look on his face and his eyes became black again, Avery put his hand on his gun.

Jack’s eyes went back to normal he didn’t say anything only nodded his head in agreement.

“I will be back tomorrow night to help you move the stuff to the cabin. I better see that shed either

burned or burning when I get here.”

Avery stood up and walked to the door.

“Oh, the motel clerk, take care of him tonight, if anything, kill him for some stress relief.”

James sat there in the dark of his house after Avery left. Sheriff Avery was getting on his bear’s bad

side, James was getting a bit sick of his bossing him around all the time, then sleeping with and killing

his wife. She was his toy, his property it was his fun to kill her if she needed killing.

Then Avery told them they had to get rid of their trophy house. Who the fuck told him he was a god.

James would tear it down but on his terms. He was going to take all his lovelies out and then set up the

shed to explode when the next person entered.

See if the FBI likes that evidence. Maybe he will get Mr. High and Mighty Sheriff Avery to look at the

cabin. That would be more than a satisfying day.

James decided to call it a night, he will gather up some boxes tomorrow to move his trophies and to

pack up a few things from the house. He was going to move into his hobby cabin.

Archer as his lion Solis waited for the creep to go to sleep, they walked around the house until they

located the freak, and his breathing indicated that he was in a deep sleep.

He went over to the shed and looked for a way inside. He shifted back into his human form, he went

over to the pack that Solis was carrying and removed a camera. He slid the secret door he found open

and lit the lamp

that was on the table.

Archer was disgusted not only by the smell that assaulted his senses but also by what it all was. He

took as many pictures as he could of

everything. He didn’t care about leaving his scent because he will be leaving a note on the bastard’s

front door before he leaves.

He even got out zip lock baggies and gathered all the evidence he could carry. It all just sickened him,

he wanted to go over to the house and rip that asshole to shreds. Give Mr. Crazy Black bear a taste of

what it is like to deal with angry WereLion.

Instead, he kept his cool, gathered a jewelry box and a few papers that were on the table. His pack was

full to the zipper with stuff that made him want to barf. As it was when he got back to Jack’s he was

going to need a strong drink Mavhe lack had some of

strong drink. Maybe Jack had some of their moonshine left.

Then Archer lit the shed on fire. He made sure that it would be a slow burn at first. This would give him

time to put a note on the front door and then make his getaway.

By the time that asshole wakes up, all his little treasures will be gone in a fiery blaze.

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