Fates Hands

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Chapter 2–Book2

###WARNING abusive situations and language.###

Nova (aka November) was never happy with the fact that the piece of crap, had his own private place.

It was a small shed just on the edge of the property. He called it his happy place, now what exactly

could make a miserable shit like James Springer happy?

Nova was sure she didn‘t want to know, still he came home with blood on his clothes again. He didn‘t

think that Nova or Kathy noticed. The idiot seems to think that we go blind when we do laundry. Well

perhaps its true of Kathy anyway.

Nova was also thinking that Kathy knew a lot more than she was letting


1. on. Nova knew that her time to leave was fast approaching, she decided to wait till James left

again for a couple of days.

She wasn‘t sure but she had a feeling he would try to either keep her from leaving or bring her back if

she got away.

When he leaves and Nova knew for certain that he would, she would bolt. Taking off into the woods,

she had a map of the terrain and the destination was a small town on the other side of the mountains.

Not only will she have gone an unexpected direction but also she will have a huge head start. With all NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

the rain they have been having lately perhaps even her trail will be washed away. If she was lucky

enough that is.

She wasn‘t in the least worried about her mother, she stopped being her

for hersell. Nova kept everything close to her self. She didn‘t write about it in her journal, which she

knew that Mr. Crapolla Shitface was sneaking in her room to read.

One time Maggi had to go into town for some groceries after work, Nova went along and used the

library computer to look up the shits name, James Springer. It came up with nothing. Nothing? That

was weird because he should have some sort of arrest record.

Nova knew for certain that on six different occasions Mr. Springer was arrested and hauled off to jail. In

truth he was never in there long. Still he should have some sort of record.

It didn‘t set well with her, her spidey senses were always going off around that piece of shit. He was

also really close to the sheriff. Maybe he had some dirt on the sheriff or

something, who knows:

All Nova now cared about was leaving, still she didn‘t know what was calling her to go check out that

shed. It was a perfect time to do it, James drank himself into a stupor and passed out, he won‘t be up

and about for at least 4 hours.

She still came around from the back of the house, so she won‘t be easily discovered. She stayed out of

the little dirt pathway, he was clever enough to look for tracks.

She went up to the side of the shed looking for another way inside, something about going through the

door made her uneasy.

She knew that James didn‘t use the door either, he always went around back. So that is what Nova did

as well. He had to have another way inside. When she got around to the

back, she noticed that the wood slats in the middle of the wall were a different color.

It was some sort of secret door, she looked it over and found a small latch on the bottom corner and

pushed it in. The door swung open, a terrible smell hit her right away. Smelled like a dead mouse. She

gently cautiously took a step inside.

She didn‘t go any further, she didn‘t have to. Nailed on all the walls were people‘s ears. Their was a

small table and a chair and news paper clippings about missing girls and children.

She looked at the table, it had an elaborate center piece almost like a shrine. It was a huge jar and

inside it was nothing but eyeballs.

She almost tossed her cookies right there, she could barely breath. She stepped back out and without

disturbing anything she shut the door. She ran into the woods unable to control her revulsion and fear.

She ran to her favorite spot, a big tree in the middle of the their property.

She sat down away from the house and started to throw up. She was in a full blown panic. She started

to take deep breaths to calm herself down. Oh, my god. What in the holy hell was that. Was it real?. 2

She sat down and gathered herself. She can‘t let on at all that she found out what was in that piece of

shits happy place.

She can‘t go to the Sheriff either, they are friends. She decided that it was best to keep her cool, at

least long enough till he left again. Then she was not only going to run to that town, she was going to

run to their police station.

She decided that she wasn‘t going to tell her mother either, she felt a little bad about it. She also knew

that her dear ole mom, would tell James.

She went back to her room, making sure all her stuff was ready to go. She kept it hidden throughout

the room. Put it in all the out in the open places making it look like it was just a part of the room. In

order to pull this off, she was going to have to out smart that piece of shit, that monster.

She grabbed one of her favorite books and started to read, she knew she wasn‘t getting any sleep

tonight or any other night, as long as she was still here. She did think about Maggi though, she was

going to have to find a way to warn her.

Jack Dawson was having a wonderful time, he stopped at one of the hidden

holes, to call his Second, Sam to see if all was ok. Sam told him to go take a hike. Smartass. So now

Brutus was swimming across a small lake, it was so much a wonder everytime he shared sensations

with Brutus.

The feel of his fur floating in the water, the coolness of the water it was refreshing too.

The last two days though both Jack and Brutus were getting restless, it was almost like waiting for the

war to begin, while standing on the battle field. He could feel that trouble was coming that was why he

phoned Sam but whatever it is, it isn‘t the clan.

He decided that he was going to do a patrol, see if he was truely alone in this forest. Alone meaning no

other shifters or humans are hanging around.

Whatever this feeling was, he felt

that it would happen soon. He didn‘t like surprises and neither did Brutus.

Avery Endstead was off getting his drug supplies, he was going to have to get James‘s help again, this

last dealer was getting a bit too nosey. He wasn‘t sure but maybe the guy was a cop.

Still it didn‘t matter, the only rule here was that you kept your mouth shut and asking questions will get

you filled with lead. This guy was asking a lot of questions, it was time for him to go.

James isn‘t going to be happy that he didn‘t get his usual time off but this matter isn‘t going to wait. If

this is a

cop then he has to be shut up, sooner rather than later.

Avery has only been this successful

because for one, they didn‘t know he was the Sheriff and that anyone who knew anything about his

business, always ended up dead. True James is still alive, he will stay that way until he become a


Kathy Foster knew she was a lousy mother, still Nova turned out alright. Still though soon she was

going to have to have a talk with her. James said he would keep his hands off her till she was old


She is now old enough, she is going to have to tell her that she will also be sleeping with James. She is

no longer in her school years and it is time that she earn her keep.

She knew that Nova was going to have a cow, she never liked James. She had to agree, when she

married him he was all nice and thoughtful.

Once the ring was on her finger he turned into a monster. One, she was going to make him happy and

hopefully he will stop hitting her and hit Nova for a bit instead. a)

She decided that she would wait till James left again and pull her daughter aside and explain how

things are going to be around here, once James returns.

It will be a nice surprise for him, he is always so mean when he returns from his fun. He always brings

her a bottle, as a sorry I was away present.

She stopped asking questions a long time ago, she didn‘t like getting the black eyes as answers. As for

Nova she will learn in time and they will be a happy family for once.

She was also going to tell Nova, that she is going to have to put all the money she makes with the


money she makes with the household money, so everyone can have it available to them.

No more buying the groceries and paying the electric. Then only giving her mother 20 bucks, she

knows that Nova is making a lot more than she is sharing. That will have to be stopped.

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