Fates Hands

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Three in the morning, there was all kinds of noise, lights and singing at the front of the pack house.

Everyone was running down to see what was going on, Marco was trying to mind link Duncan, Duncan

was trying to mind link the front guards.

All the front guards would say, is that it is a Christmas surprise.

So everyone was down at the front of the pack house, staring at wonder at all that was there. It was for

the lack of any other thing, Santa Claus. He was in a big red suit, he was everything that the books said

he was.

He was sitting in his sleigh that was pulled by eight reindeer. It was magical, Duncan went up to him.


. “Who are you really?”

“Santa Claus leaned forward and winked at him, that was when Duncan noticed the eyes. He smiled it

was the King.”

Then the King let out a jolly, HO, HO, HO!! Duncan looked out over his pack grounds all he could see,

was the packs pups running as fast as they could, to get to Santa. There was even magical snow

falling on top of the real stuff. It was all light and sparkle.

The Pack gathered all around with the pups all over Santa and his Sleigh. He had a present for each

child and the adults. He must of had a mage help him, his big present bag just kept on giving.

The pups had awe and wonder in their eye‘s. Their excitment was all around. Once everyone had a Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

present Santa’s Sleigh started to move, saving

. Santa‘s Sleigh started to move, saying to the crowd as he pulled out of sight, Merry Christmas to all

and to all a good night.

As Duncan was holding his and Adira‘s presents, the King Mind linked Duncan as he was leaving

telling him that he was off to the WereBear clan to deliver gifts, there will be a motorcade coming with

twenty people including Lily, with all the other presents from the King.

He will return once he has visited a few places, he said not to worry about him, the sleigh is magical if

there is some sort of trouble it will magically transport him to safety.

Jack was just coming back from patrol it was four in the morning, everything was so serene and quiet.

He was just about to enter the house, when he heard what sounded like little bells.

them gifts. It was a very magical experience all around, the cubs needed this, especially all the abused

one‘s they adopted into the pack.

There wasn‘t a cub there of any age that didn‘t have a look of wonder in their eyes and the biggest

smiles. 2

Everyone was given a present from the really old to the youngest of cubs.

It was special and wonderful, the King knew just what his people needed. All the abused children for

the first time had hope back, they were all laughing.

If Santa wasn‘t the King, he would of given him a hug. Not caring if he lost his man card. Jack looked

down at the present in his hands it was a small little box. He opened it, inside there was a note. (2)

Dear Jack,

Do not worry what you wanted for

Christmas would not go into my bag.

She is out there and you will find her.

Just go on your walk about this spring

She will be in need of help, although at first it might not look like it.

You will find her, it is your destiny.

With Love of Christmas,

Santa Claus

Jack just stared at the note as he watched the King, aka Santa Claus drive his sleigh high into the air.

Everyone in the clan were all standing there in awe and laughter. Some of the warriors got toys. It was

awesome. They were almost like kids again. 1

In a happy care free tone, that none

in his clan had heard in a long time, Jack said....Merry Chirstmas, Everyone!!!

Felicia was surprised when her door opened and there were three girls and the Luna. They all had

something for her. A tray with all kinds of different foods on it, a bag with toiletries and socks.

When the ladies had left their gifts, the Luna sat down on the bed next to Felicia. She just looked at

Felicia, Felicia was getting uncomfortable, it was as if the Luna could seen right into her heart.

Felicia tried to look away but something didn‘t let her, she felt warm all over her body. Her anger was

gone, she suddenly felt transported to another place. She was cittina natthamalf on a cliff the

sitting next to a wolf on a cliff, the wolf was beautiful all white with black tip paws and tail.

Her eye‘s they were just like the Luna‘s only somehow more. She looked around again out over the cliff

was a beautiful forest and the sky was in a vibrant shades of oranges and pinks.

When she looked back at the wolf, she started to hear a voice in her mind. It was the wolf.

“My name is Artemis, the Luna and I are one. This is my sacred place, I have brought you here to have

a heart to heart. In this place of times moments, only truth can live, you can not lie to me or to


“I have come with a warning, if you choose to harm my family or my pack in anyway, I will not hesitate

to kill vou where you stand Your law‘s de

not matter to me, nor do I care about power or money. It is that simple you harm, you die.” (2

“Why are you so angry?”

“Where is your Lion?”

“Who are you?”

The questions just kept going over and over in her head, she realized that she didn’t have the answers.

Her Lion refused to talk to her, since she forced her to attack that other female.

She didn‘t know why she was angry all the time, she did accept that she was though. As for who she

was, she didn‘t have an answer for that either. What was going on here.

The wolf shifted into a beautiful woman, she was wearing a white gown, it seemed to change color to

lighter shades of the rainbow, when she moved.

“Tell me Felicia, are you angry because your parents don‘t love you as they should? Your father seems

to only care about how you can give him power, your mother only cares of what she can brag about.”

“Who loves Felicia?”

“The answer Felicia is no one loves you, not even you.”

“You are dying to be who you truely are, yet no one lets you. You are manipulated into doing the wishes

of others for their gain. It has made you so hateful of yourself that you are lashing out at anyone and


“It doesn‘t have to stay this way. You can change if you wish to.”

“You don‘t even have to go back home

again, start over somewhere new. Get to know people again, make new friends. Find yourself and love

her for what and who she is. Not for what others deem as worthy of their own purposes.”

“It isn‘t easy, you didn‘t get this way overnight, nor will you heal yourself overnight. If you want it though

you have but to embrace it.”

“You will stay here for tonight, you need time to reflect and decide who and what you are. What you

want to be.”

“It is up to you.”

With that the Luna disappeared into the stars, leaving Felicia to ponder on her life. She looked around

there was a tree in the distance that looked like a good place to rest and think.

As she was sitting down another

figure came into view, she was gorgeous, she had silver hair that shimmered like moon light. Her gown

was a dark blue it sparkled like it was made up of stars and her eyes were like blue but glowed like they

were giving off moonlight.

“Who are you?”

“I am the Moon Goddess, you are not one of my children. You are here because you need a second

chance, you have burned all your bridges so to speek, However one of my children has spoken for you.

Because she worries about her family and your life, that is why I have come to help you if I can. I can

only help you though if you wish me to do so, you have got to ask for my help.... ?


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