Fates Hands

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Just after dinner Ash waited for her to come back, he knew that she had given him the slip. He sensed

though it was something she wanted to do alone. Yeah, he had to admit he was smothering her a bit,

he couldn’t help it, everything about her captivated him. He was hooked and he liked it.

He hid in the tree’s just outside the house she was visiting, he could listen in on the conversation but he

felt he should let her have some privacy, His Cat scoffed at that, “You have not given her one ounce of

privacy since you first met her. If I was her, I would of taken a swipe at your silly ass by now.”

“Ash laughed, really now I and I alone have been all over her, who purrs everytime he wraps himself

around her?

Ash could almost hear Linus’s eyes roll in distain. Seriously though he was just as gone on Marnie as

he was.

There she is coming out of that house, he hid himself on the other side of the tree, along the path she

will have to take. She looked happy but lost in thought. A semi could roll up along side her and he didn’t

think she would notice.

Just as she was about to pass the tree, Ash reached out and grabbed her, pulling her tightly to him. He

reached his hand behind her head and pulled her in so he could kiss her. She didn’t resist so he

deepened the kiss, taking over her sweet lips, parting them he then took full possession of her mouth.

When she pulled away, he put a

finger to her lips to stop her from talking

“Don’t say anything, if this has to end then so be it, if it means that you will be safe, I am ok with it. Just

for this one moment let me hold you. Lets for just this one glorious moment pretend that it is just you

and me.”

She pushed him away from her, with a smile she whispered to him…

“It doesn’t have to be just pretend for one moment in time, Mr. Kitty. I was talking with the elders, they

said that our being together isn’t as unusual as we thought, It is entirely possible for us to be together

as mates. Now you will do this right and go asked my brother for permission, then meet me in my room


“Marnie, are you sure? Is this true? We can be together? Umm….wait, what…if your brother says no.?”

He picked her up twirling her in the filling snow as he laughed in lov.

He picked her up twirling her in the falling snow as he laughed in joy. Putting her down he straightened

his back and started to walk to the pack house, he turned back to Marnie…

“Well go and get ready for me to come to your room, my big bad shewolf.”

She giggled…”Don’t worry about my brother saying no, Adria would skin him alive if he did.” L

With that Marnie ran off to her room, as Ashton went to see the Alpha.

Marco was surpised when he received yet another email. This one said that the meeting would be

postponed until the King clears up some personal issues. He promises to be in touch soon.

He read the next email it was from Jack, all is going well they managed to find places for the survivors,

and five of them found their actual families. And

that the facility was now nothing but some rubble amongst the trees.

Marco let out a sigh, “well at least for some the torture is over.” He wondered though how much more

was going on elsewhere in the world, is there anymore closer to home. He promised himself that he

was going to be much more watchful in the future.

He also intended to teach others in the pack, what to look for. To investigate and report it to him. They

will determine what to do with a full investigation. No more assuming the world is all good, just because

they were

Lily was going crazy with the heat, everything they tried didn’t work. If it did work it didn’t last very long Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

and she would be in the same state as before. She started crying out of fustration and pain.

That was when Zinnia started acting more crazy then before, she started rubbing and prancing making

little whiny noises. Lily got frustrated with her. 12

“Stop that, you’re acting like a slut, you know we are alone in this. There is no way I will go out of this

room, you want me to give us to the first male that comes along?”

That was when she heard a very loud and long howl coming from somewhere in the castle, it sounded

close. Zinnia started to prance again saying in a sing song voice, it’s mate, it’s mate.”

“Zinnia you know that our mate is dead, he is never coming back. Stop that right now.”


Lily was shocked, Zinnia never spoke to her like that.

“Lily you don’t understand, that is our second chance mate howling for us. He wants us to join him, we

need to shift to my form and go run with him.

Lily sat there stunned, a second chance mate, who is he? Why is he here now. Is he one of the guards.

Thoughts raced in her mind, the heat wasn’t letting her think. Still the howling went on, it was making

her excited and scared at the same time.

“Oh, god Zinnia I don’t know if I can do this again. I can’t go through that

pain again, it still hurts to this day.”

“Go to our Mate little one, he will ease our pain and bring us happiness again. We deserve a second

chance. Trust me Lily, just one more time.”

With that Lily walked to the door and opened it, she took off her clothes and shifted into Zinnia. They

ran off into the night following the howls of their mate.

It was strange Zinnia was a brown wolf no more, she was now as white as the falling snow. They found

him in the Kings garden, He sat in the middle waiting for them. He didn’t move towards them he was

being considerate, letting them make the first move.

He was a huge golden wolf, he was magnificent, his scent made them forget what was going on for a

minute. He was glowing in the

moonlight, amidst the snow he looked like an angelic creature. Then it hit Lily that the only ones that

glowed in the moonlight and were gold were royals.

She gasped, “Zinnia we can’t do this, that is the King.!” Zinnia was no longer listening to Lily, she

walked up to him and started to rub herself all over his fur, they could feel the sparks shooting up

between them, the pain of the heat was almost gone.

“Zinnia you hussy, stop that this instant you’re embarassing me!” 1

“You said you would trust me Lily, so trust me. This is the Kings wolf his name is, Thorn. He won’t harm

us, he will protect us and love us.”

With that Zinnia ran off into the snowy garden with the golden Thorn giving chase.

Adira sat in her window seat looking into the snowy night, she had her hand over her belly, as she

smiled at their pups movment. Soon this little one will be joining us, everything is ready for you little

pup. All you have to do is come and join us.

She thought back to what her life was like before and the dreams she had to escape. You know what

they say, “Tell God your plans and he will laugh.”

She cringed when she thought of how it could of happened, had she not found Duncan on the floor that


Artemis spoke up….

“What could of been is no concern of ours, what is now is. We have a wonderful mate, a home, people

that love us and soon we will have our pup as well. No more sad thinking, enjoy

the here and the now.”

With that Artemis curled back up and went to sleep. leaving Adira with a smile.

“Yes, indeed Artie, I will do just that.”

Tust then Duncan came into the room with a huge smile on his face.

“You look like a very satisfied wolf, may I ask what has happened?”

“Well my little wolf, it seems that Ashton and Marnie got some good news, they are compatable. Ashton

came to my office just a few minutes ago to ask my permission to be joined as Marnies mate.”

“You said yes of course,” she gave him one of her looks he loved so much.

“Yes, after a little bit. I didn’t want to make it too easy for him. Made him

make it too easy for him. Made him sweat for a minute or two then I gave my permission.”

“I told him he was welcome in our pack or if they wish to go to his pride that is fine too as long as

Marnie is happy. I also informed him that if ever hurts Marnie in anyway, I will show him what a pack of

wolves could do to a certain part of a lions antomy.” 2

With that he scooped up Adira from her window seat, twirled her in the air and took her to bed.

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