Fates Hands

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

###WARNING### Dark memories, situations and language. ###WARNING###

Lily was in new territory for herself, she had been going though some very intense therapy sessions.

The more she remembered and had things pointed out to her, like how Micheal groomed her from an

early age.

That way as she got older, things that should of never happened to a 5 year old, were made to seem

normal. The ultimate manipulation. She had been really tired lately and was glad that she had her room

as a retreat of sorts, she was allowed a TV and now she can watch movies.

She was also treated a lot better now by the guards and servants. The guards even got her snacks

now and then. The nightmares still come at night, they are not as long term anymore, she has them but

she can also calm herself down after.

The door outside isn’t locked anymore, she still has one guard though at night, it was a suggestion from

her therapist. It was to help her feel safe at night and to also help her if she started sleep walking again.

At first she didn’t like the idea of a strange male

At first she didn’t like the idea of a strange male hanging around with the abiltiy to enter her private

space at will. Over time they managed to gain her trust, especially after one night of sleep walking

She left her room, the guard on duty George’ called her therapist and then followed her outside, she

went up on the ramparts of the castle.

George got very nervous because she kept getting closer and closer to the edge. She came to a part

that had a step down shelf. He went under her on the shelf. That was when she jumped, instead of

falling to her death he caught her.

She woke up right then and there. At first she struggled, until he calmed her down enough for her to

look and see where she was. When she did she grabbed onto George with a death grip. He grunted at

the pain but walked her all the way to her room, where the therapist was waiting.

Since then George has been on duty most nights and the nights that he is not, there is someone he

personally vouches for.

She still keeps her door locked from the inside to help with the sleep walking,

Last night though she had a different nightmare, a memory she had pushed away to the back of her

mind. She was 10 years old, Alpha Micheal was holding her hand as they were walking down a long

hallway, it was like a hospital.

There were people in white lab coats all looking at her as she was put up onto a table. They strapped

her down and she was very scared. They poked her with needles and scraped her skin till it bled.

As she got older it was a lot harder to trick her so, first they used her parents to drug her food. After

that she stopped eating and drinking things her mother gave her. They resorted to hunting her down

with tranquillizer darts.

They stopped all of a sudden though, she wasn’t sure why except maybe Alpha Micheal was getting

worried they might force her into drastic messures or their secret getting out. After all he could only

threaten someone for so long, before it would no longer matter.

There was always this one guy in the shadows, he wasn’t one of the doctors but he was always there,

she could always see his eyes glowing gold, he always gave her the creeps, she called him the Lurker.

Valdis Cessair hated shifters even though he was one. He was tall, with an olive completion,dark hair

and golden eyes. Most women would consider him handsome, that is till they spent any time with him.

He was not one to settle down and have a family, he prefered to hunt, kill and eat his dates. It was

great sport and a stress reliever.

Waiting for this informer was a pain in the ass, he was the only source of information at the moment

that he had, so wait he did. When he saw a flash of light he got out of his car and headed into the


He really never saw the informer but he could smell him a mile away. He was a rogue. The longer they

are rogue the stinker and crazier they got. From the smell of this guy he was most definitely crazy.

Val was waiting for the day he could kill this piece of crap. He hated rogues more than anything else in

the world. It will be just a matter of time before he out lives his usefulness and then Val could have his


Val waited for it to start talking.

“There are two packs in this mountain region,

One is the Storm Raven Moon pack, the other is the Bear Mountain Clan. Werewolves and Werebears,

if I were you I would leave the bears alone, they are assholes and well others have gone missing when

they go into their territory.”

The Storm Raven isn’t anything to take lightly either, it’s a warrior pack. Their Luna will be back soon

and it’s rumored that she is having her first pup. That means that the pack will be even harder to


That is all the info I have for now, I will try to get more but the two packs you asked about are the worst

ones for rogues to go near.

Val walked away back to his car. So werewolves and werebears too. The bears being together in a clan

is something unique and dangerous. It is a temptation he couldn’t resist. If he could get both Werewolf

and Werebear specimens then the secret society of Science will get off his back.

It’s is kinda funny though, that those arrogant scientists never discovered that he was a shifter too.

Then again he suspected that they knew but he was more useful to them in getting them specimens

than being one.

He would also make sure to get children and

adults this time, they will pay a premium for both but they love the kids the most. Something about

them being more resiliant against pain and experimentation.

Time to get his extraction groups together for some recon and training. First though he called in two of

his best to scout out the territories and see how far they can push in without being discovered.

Duncan, Adira, Marnie and Marco were all returning to the Raven Moon in a long line of black suv’s.

The King was not playing when it came to security. He made sure that no one was going to attack them

on the road.

He also assigned all the security that went with them to stay with them, adding to Duncans already

impressive force.

Marnie and Adira were in the back seat going through baby names and baby stores sites online.

Duncan mind linked Marco. “Our pup is going to spoiled rotten before he is even born.”

Marco laughed. “Wait till you see what is waiting for you both at home. You don’t honestly think that

they were not going to

throw a party did you?”

Duncan laughed, “I know and I look forward to it, Adira never got much of chance to meet the pack.

This will be ideal for her, soon she isn’t going to have as much mobility.”

“I just hope everyone is on board with their new Luna, she wasn’t officially recognized or given the

official Luna acceptance ceremony.”

“Don’t worry Duncan I had a ceremony of sorts and everyone was on board and loves their new Luna.”

Duncan couldn’t help it he was getting an uneasy feeling, something was stirring in the air and hiding in

the shadows.

Sigh, he hoped it was just because he was tired. Still he wasn’t going to ignore the feeling. Once things

are settled down he was going to have a meeting with all his warriors.

“Marco after the party tomorrow as soon as possible I want a meeting with all the warriors and all the

one’s sent by the King. I will not be caught with our pants down.”

“Yes, Alpha, it is good to have you home again. Now I can get some sleep.”

He was going to see about expanding his territory a little bit, there were no other packs near, him

except for Jacks. With all these extra’s, he could have a guard every ten feet on all his borders and still

have plenty left over.

The very next day Jack was home, one of his border guards informed him of some unusual tracks, they

didn’t go far into their territory but they did get inside it. Jack went with his second in command to


Once they got there, Jack could smell the faint scent in the air and looking at the tracks he knew

instantly that it wasn’t good.

His second was right there with him, knowing also what they were dealing with as he let out a sigh.

“Great, things just get settled down and now we have to deal with fucking werecats. Not sure which

type we are dealing with, the scent is too faint. It doesn’t matter though, they are all tree climbing,

asshole jerks with a superiority complex.”

Jack nodded his head in agreement, he met a few werecats in his time and he even had one that was a

good friend of his, to be honest

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though most werecats were assholes and bastards to deal with. So what is this one up to.

That Rising Moon crap is still floating around even after they burned it to the ground. That pack wasn’t

werewolves it was werecockroaches. Wolves would of died by now. Not these nasty bastards, they just

keep popping up like daisies.

Jack was tired of this crap, it was time to call in his friend the werecat and his pride, to see if they can

nip this in the bud. The time for having fun with your enemy is over. It is time to get serious no more

playing. Time to bring the pain.

He also made a mental note to call Duncan to be on the lookout for sneeky kitty cats.

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