Falling In Love With The Billionaire Twins


The past few days had been a whirlwind of luxury and unexpected experiences, as Alex and Ace seemed determined to spoil me in every possible way. Dinners at upscale restaurants, movie nights that stretched into the early hours, and a shared laughter that seemed to break down the barriers between us. And yet, amidst the indulgence, there was a deliberate restraint-an unspoken agreement that we were taking our time, letting this new dynamic unfold organically.From NôvelDrama.Org.

I was pleasantly surprised by their approach, their consideration in not rushing into anything physical. It was a thoughtful gesture, one that allowed me to acclimate to the idea of being shared between two people, to become comfortable in the new world they were inviting me into. And as the days went by, I found myself growing less shy and more talkative, more eager to engage with them on a deeper level.

One morning, as the sun’s rays peeked through my window, Ace’s voice disrupted my half-asleep state. “We’re going on a hike today,” he declared, his tone brimming with excitement. I groaned, burrowing deeper into the covers in an attempt to shield myself from the impending activity. “I don’t like hikes.”

Ace’s response was swift, the pillow that I had buried my face in being ripped away as his lips descended upon mine in a gentle kiss. “You’ll love it,” he insisted, his voice dripping with optimism. “Alex has this cute picnic planned.”

I rolled my eyes, a mixture of amusement and exasperation welling up within me. “I hate hikes,” I muttered, my protest lost amidst their shared enthusiasm.

At that very moment, the door creaked open, revealing Alex’s presence. His voice carried a chuckle as he joined the conversation. “Wear something comfortable, princess. And don’t forget to wear this.” With a swift motion, he tossed a box onto my bed, the sudden appearance leaving me both surprised and curious.

I eyed the box with skepticism, wondering what it could possibly contain. “What is that?” I asked, my gaze shifting between the box and Alex.

He grinned mischievously, a glint of excitement dancing in his eyes. “Open it and find out.”

With a mix of curiosity and trepidation, I reached for the box, my fingers tracing the edges before I carefully lifted the lid. Inside, I discovered a pair of vibrating panties. They were not serious.

“I’m not going to wear it,” I asserted, holding the delicate pair of panties in my hand. Their intricate lace and satin fabric were undoubtedly beautiful, but the idea of wearing them on a hike seemed utterly incongruous.

Alex’s voice carried a hint of amusement as he responded, “I didn’t ask you to wear it, princess. I told you to.”

I lifted an eyebrow, incredulous at the suggestion. “On a hike?” The notion struck me as absurd, a wardrobe choice that clashed with the practicality of the activity we were about to undertake.

Beside me, Ace’s nod confirmed that this was indeed their intention. “And what do we do when she doesn’t obey, Alex?” Ace chimed in, his tone teasing and mischievous.

Alex’s lips curled into a knowing smile, his eyes twinkling with a playful gleam. “It starts with a ‘P’ and ends in ‘unishment,'” he responded, his voice carrying a note of playful warning.

I rolled my eyes at their antics, a mixture of exasperation and fond amusement bubbling within me. These two were a handful, a whirlwind of unpredictability that I was slowly learning to navigate.

With a huff, I relented. “Fine,” I grumbled, a begrudging surrender to their whims. Their laughter echoed through the room, a testament to their enjoyment of this light-hearted power struggle.

“We’ll see you down in a few minutes,” Ace announced, his smile lingering as he and Alex made their exit. “Don’t forget to wear something comfortable. It’s going to be quite the hike.”

I watched them go, their camaraderie and shared jokes leaving a sense of warmth in their wake. Left to my own devices, I hurried to the bathroom to take a quick shower, the anticipation of the hike propelling me forward.

After a refreshing shower, I tended to my skincare routine and pulled my hair up into a messy bun. As I stood before the mirror, the vibrating panties still in my hand, I hesitated. With a mix of curiosity and apprehension, I decided to see how they felt. To my surprise, as I slipped them on, I found them surprisingly comfortable, their intricate design not impeding my movements as I had expected.

Dressed in the lace panties, along with a pair of shorts and a comfortable tank top, I headed downstairs. My steps were accompanied by a mix of nervous excitement and a tinge of anticipation, wondering what Alex and Ace had in store for this unique hike.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I was met with a scene that left me momentarily speechless. Alex stood before me, holding a charming picnic basket, its woven structure hinting at the treats it contained. Beside him, Ace wore a backpack, a symbol of the adventure that awaited us.

“Are you ready?” they asked in unison, their smiles warm and infectious. Their enthusiasm was contagious, filling the room with a palpable sense of anticipation.

I nodded, my heart beating a little faster at the prospect of the day ahead. Their efforts to make this experience comfortable and enjoyable were evident, from the thoughtful outfits they had chosen to the picnic that awaited us.

Without further ado, we set off, walking together towards the awaiting car.

As we drove to the hike, the anticipation of the day ahead filled the car. The atmosphere was light, a mixture of excitement and camaraderie threading through our conversations. My heart raced, the prospect of spending the day with Alex and Ace creating a flutter of nervous energy within me.

Just as I was beginning to lose myself in their banter, I felt a subtle vibration between my legs. My eyes widened in surprise, a sudden realization dawning upon me. Oh no, it had started already

I shifted in my seat, trying to discreetly get rid of the feeling. A quick glance to my left revealed Alex with an enigmatic grin playing on his lips. My heart raced even faster, a mixture of embarrassment and intrigue washing over me.

With a knowing chuckle, Ace’s voice cut through the air. “Let the games begin.”

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