Deserted But Not Alone

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Abby's POV

"I know, I can't come to the movies with you this Friday...yeah, unfortunately, if this takes long, looks like I'll be spending my birthday with them.....I understand that it must have been really hard to get those tickets and I really wish this wasn't happening right now...okay, I'll see you when we get back...I love you too."

I got off the phone with Tyler and slumped back on my bed staring at my ceiling fan. I kept my eyes on the blades as they kept spinning round and round without any other purpose. I began to wonder, is my life like that? Is that what Adam and I have become? Fan blades that only exist to do our relative's bidding? They only call us when they need us to do something that'll benefit them. Like two years ago when Adam and I were sixteen, they called us down to their place to sign some papers regarding our parents' assets. They wanted us to sign over some of the properties they had just found out about that were located on another continent entirely. From what I remember, my parents bought that land to build a cabin for us. It was supposed to be a place we could run to and hide when the rest of the world was being too loud. But that's gone now, isn't it? I wonder what they want us for now, or better still, what they want us to sign.

I can't wait for my birthday. Adam and I are turning 18 this year and we'll no longer need to have them as our legal guardians. We'll be free from their iron grip. I'm counting down the days until then.

"Abby?" Adam knocked on my door.

"Come in, the door's unlocked." I replied.

He opened my door and poked his head into my room, "Are you done packing? Our flight leaves in about an hour and half."

"Yeah, I'm done. I just need to grab my phone and charger, and I'll be good to go." I patted my already packed suitcase that was sitting on the floor beside my bed.

He nodded and came to sit beside me on the bed with a sigh. We both leaned back to lay down on the bed side by side, staring at my ceiling fan silently.

"You don't think they're calling us over to sign anything again do you?" Adam asked out of the blue.

I cracked my knuckles and replied, "I wouldn't put it past them to shove the documents in our face as soon as we arrive at their house. God knows what property they found now."

We sighed in unison.

Adam raised his hand to look at the time on his watch.

"We should probably leave now. There's no telling if there's going to be traffic on the way to the airport, and I don't want to be on the receiving end of their wrath if we miss the flight."

We both stood up from my bed and Adam left to get his suitcase while I got the rest of my stuff in order and went downstairs with my things. Once he came downstairs, we took our suitcases outside and locked the door to the house. We decided to take a cab to the airport, rather than walking in the cold to take the bus.

Luckily we found a cab in no time and we were well on our way to the airport. We got to the airport on time and settled in for our flight to Canada. After we landed and got through customs, we looked around for our uncle's driver, Mr. Bet. He had always been the one to pick us up from the airport, so we automatically knew to look for him when we arrived.

"There he is." Adam tapped my shoulder and pointed at a tall man with salt and pepper hair, dressed immaculately I'm a suit. He was holding up a sign with "ADAM AND ABIGAIL WEALTH" written on it.

I rolled my eyes as we approached him.

"What's the use of the sign when we already know who's picking us up?" I said once we stopped in front of him.

As usual, his blank face gave away no emotion. The man was like a walking, talking dead body. I had never seen him smile or frown. He always has that deadpan expression, like a permanent resting bitch face.

"The sign is not necessarily for you, but so that people won't approach me, thinking that I'm a public transportation driver." He replied.

I sensed that that was the end of that conversation, and nothing more was said.

He grabbed my suitcase and

wheeled it to the car, where he

stored both of our suitcases in the trunk. Without any further ado, we

were on our way to my uncle's

house. It's this part of the journeet

that seems to scare me to be honest because it feels all too real when the car starts moving in the direction of their house, and knowing the way to their house, made it all the more terrifying because I knew how far and how close we were from our destination.

And I was dreading every second of it.

I looked over at Adam sitting beside me, and I see him rubbing his wrists together. Something that he does when he's anxious or panicking. I gently pulled his hands away from each other to stop him from rubbing his wrists raw and interlocked my fingers with his. This action made him look up at me, and I gave him a smile that didn't quite meet my eyes. From the way he was panicking, I knew we were thinking the same thing.

What are we going to face when we get there?

We finally got to the house and got out of the car, leaving our things in the care of Mr. Bet.NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

We met Uncle Travis and Aunt Meghan standing at the front door waiting for us. Their cold stares and imposing figures drilled holes into my soul. I could feel Adam shaking beside me.

The reason why we're so scared of our uncle and Aunt isn't just because of all they've taken from us. It's the actuality of their entire being. Their imposing figure, cold stares, harsh words, and their authoritative aura My uncle Travis who stood at 6"3ft tall, was a man with cannon-like muscles. His blonde hair was long, just reaching his shoulders and tied up in a man bun at the back of his head. He had a permanent scowl etched on his face like he had been born with it. But one thing that made him particularly vicious were the scars on the right side of his face. It looked like someone had tried to claw his eye out, but was


Aunt Meghan on the other hand was just as terrifying. Her midnight back hair was cut short into a pixie cut and she also stood at a tall height of 5"10 next to her husband with the same permanent scowl on her face.

Walking towards them was like walking to a slaughterhouse. You know you won't be killed, but what you'll find there definitely won't be pretty.

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