Chapter 54 


The act of embracing the truth. To look beyond the difficulties and the fear that comes with facing reality. To view the truth as a blessing. To find solace in the fact that the truth is a sparkling light even when the storm of darkness looms 

I’ve embraced the truth. 

The truth that I can no longer keep my children away from their heritage. The truth that whether I like it or not, my children will always have Matteo Denaro’s blood pumping through their veins. The truth that my little angels desperately crave their father’s love. 

But it hurts so bad. It hurts so bad that i have to let him into their lives except, I have no choice in the matter. 

They love him, they want him, they’re happy that he’s here and I’ll be the most selfish person on earth to take that away from them. 

I’ve never seen my children beam with joy the way they did last night whilst talking about their father and I cannot say for sure how they figured out that Matteo is their father but I guess blood is really as strong. And of course my children are way too smart for their own age. 

Breathing out a shuddered breath, I push open their door, walking in with hopes that the three of us are able to bond through breakfast but find that the room is empty, causing my brows to furrow. 

My kids have learnt not to step out of their room in the morning until I come in to get them, so why the hell is this room so empty? 

“Mariana?! Mariano?!” I push open the doors to both the closet and the washroom, screaming their names but all I get in return is the resounding echo of my voice

Fear creeps in, almost crippling me whilst my mind replays a thousand and one possible events that must’ve prompted the absence of my kids 


I take to my heels, running as fast as I can through the halls and down the stairs. 

“Ares! Zara!” I scream and it doesn’t take more than five seconds before they’re running towards me with their guns. 

“What’s going on?” Ares questions with choke and gasp for air. 

h concern in his eyes whilst I hyperventilate. I bend over, both my palms resting on my knees whilst 

“The kids are gone…” I whisper, feeling my eyes well up with tears. “They’re not in their rooms, Ares. Get the security footages! Now!” 

“Uhm ma’am…“I turn around with furrowed brows, staring blankly at the kid’s nanny. I restrain from snapping, instead, I quirk a brow at 

her, nudging her to speak. 

“They went to the other wing earlier this morning, I tried stopping them but they said you gave your permission.” 

The other wing? 

They’re so many other wings in this mansion but I think I have an idea what wing this foolish woman is talking about. 

My eyes 


Yes, I’ve concluded that I wouldn’t keep my kids away from their father, however, I haven’t given them my permission to get to know each other. He cannot just pop back into my life after five years and expect me to give him access to my children. Never. 


Chapter 54 

Less than five minutes and I’m banging on the Library’s door whilst screaming Matteo’s name: 

“Mirabella, please calm down. We don’t want your blood pressure peaking high.” Ares attempts soothing me but I’m too pissed to listen. 

“Don’t tell me to calm down, Ares! This fucker thinks that he can come back into my life after five years and take my children away from met I’m their mother and he couldn’t even ask my permission before bringing them here! Who the hell does he think he is?!“ 

I don’t know how but all I know is that I’m phased out to a point where I’m unable to register the words that are coming out of my mouth. I’m just going on and on, rambling whatever comes to mind but the moment the door is pulled open, my voice is immediately silenced 

I stare at Matteo in anger when he pulls the door completely open, leaving enough space for Mariana and Mariano to walk out from. The both of them have their heads lowered in shame with their fingers interlaced in front of them. 

“It’s not their fault, Mirabella” Matteo breathes out and I let out a chuckle, narrowing my eyes at him. “Of course it’s not. It has to be you, right? The one who ruins everything, the one who just appears and everything goes sour. It has to be you! How dare you come here and try to take my kids away from me?” 

“Need I remind you that it was you who brought me here?” Matteo roars. “If you so desperately wanted me to remain in the dark about my children then why did you bring me here?!” 

“They’re my children!” I scream, “Not yours, not anyone else’s! Minel” 

“They’re mine as well! We made them together!” 

A shuddered breath wracks through me and I throw my head back in laughter, anger coursing through my veins. Almost everyone in the house seems to be having a good time watching the show I and Matteo are displaying. 

I motion towards Matteo with my eyes darkening in rage. Standing toe to toe with him, I crane my neck back to look up at him, making sure my eyes are hard enough to drill holes into his skull. He returns the gesture. 

“You lost the right to call them yours the moment you forced me away from you. Stay away from my children.” 

“Stop it already mummy. We didn’t do anything except talk and play. What’s so wrong with that?” 

Mariana’s voice rings in my ears and I suck in a breath with a clenched jaw. “Don’t you fucking speak to me in that tone young lady!” I lose 

hand. control of my nerves and raise my 

Matteo screams. “Mirabella don’t… Don’t do it! Mirabella!” 

Too late. Before I’m able to stop myself, the sound of my palm crashing against her cheek–resonates and a loud gasp tears through my throat. I rip my gaze off Matteo, immediately looking down at them. 

I slapped Mariano. The slap was intended for Mariana but Mariano pushed her aside and took the hit in her place. Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

“Oh my God… I’m so sorry baby. I didn’t mean to. I’m so so sorry.” 

A sob wracks through both my kids and they hug each other tight, sobbing into each other’s shoulders. I move forward, attempting to touch them but they flinch away from me. 

“My angels, you know I’d never hurt you. I’m sorry. It was just a mistake. Please forgive me.” 

“But you hurt me! You promised never to let anyone hurt us but it’s you who’s hurting my brother and II” Mariana screams, both of them immediately turning on their heels. I go to run after them but Matteo’s hand encircles my forearm, pulling me back. 

His eyes are darkened with rage and the tip of his cars reddened as he glares at me. Through his grinding teeth, he grits, “give them space.” 

12:24 Sat, 22 Jun 

Chapter 54 

I gulp down harshly at the tone of his voice. This was the same tone he used the very day he killed Pablo. My fear threatens to creep out but force it back down and stand my ground. 

“This will be the last time you put your hands on my children Mirabella, do you understand?” His voice in a monotone and a chuckle escapes the back of my throat. 

My fist slams into the side of his face as 

I scream, “I’ve said a million times that they’re my children Min 

I’m still overtake by the need to be possessive of my children that I don’t realize the speed at which life is coming at me. Before I can manage two blinks, I’ve already been flung into the library and the door is been locked by none other than my husband. 

I can hear Ares screaming and banging on the door from the other side but Matteo doesn’t budge, instead, the corners of his lips tilts up into a smirk whilst he approaches me with calculated steps. 

“Up Mirabella.” He commands but I don’t care to listen. “Stand the fuck up, Mirabella!” This time, he’s at a very close proximity with me that if I were to stand up, our bodies would touch 

I don’t want that. 

Well, it seems as though I have no choice seeing that my husband’s hand is wrapped around my neck whilst he lifts me up so easily, pinning me against a wall with his angry breath fanning my face. 

“You and I have had our own share of abusive parents and grandparents and we wouldn’t want that for our kids now, would we?” Ho questions with his eyes boring into mine. 

“They’re my kids but yes I understand what you’re saying. It was a mistake and it wouldn’t repeat itself ever again.” I choke out 

“Good to know because the next time you put hands on those kids, I will not think twice about burying you alive.” 


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