Clueless Love

Chapter 25

We are in Paris. I just finished praying Fajr (Morning prayer) not too long ago and am waiting for room service to bring my breakfast when there is a knock at the door. I open the door and ask for my breakfast to be placed on the table on the terrace.

I am about to start eating when I notice a letter and a box with a beautiful looking black rose, my favorite. ‘I wonder who sent it. I guess I should open the letter to find out’. I open the letter, and it reads:

As-salamu alaykum, my beautiful African queen. How was your night? I hope you slept as well as I did, and I hope you like the flower I bought for you. I know it’s your favorite. I also got you a few things I think would look lovely on you. Look inside the box and let me know if I am right.

I pick up the box and open it to see the finest bracelet I have ever seen. It is a rose petal diamond bracelet framed in rose gold. There are rose gold pave diamond knot earrings, and the necklace Ismail asked me about in the store. So, I am that someone special he was talking about. I never knew Ismail regarded me so dearly. Wow, I don’t know what to say or think. I am so confused because this could change a lot. I finish reading the letter.

I hope you like them because I would love to see you wear them. I am not going to tell you who I am, because I would like for you to figure that out yourself. But don’t forget our meeting this morning, DON’T BE LATE.

Yours amazingly

I. U

He has a funny way of staying unknown when he reminds me of the meeting we have this morning. But even if he hadn’t, I would have known it was from Ismail, as I chose the necklace with him.

While I am admiring the wonderful jewelry he got for me, there’s a knock at the door. I expect it to be Fatima, but when I open the door, it is someone I did not expect to see until our return to America. Emma is standing in front of me with a big grin on her face.

“HEY!” Emma yells pulling me into a bear hug.

“Hi, what are you doing here?” I ask surprised but pleased, hugging her back.

“I will explain, but I really missed you,” Emma says smiling while pulling away.

“I missed you too. Come in, I just ordered breakfast,” I say pulling her to the terrace.

“I know that face, Umit. I had the same one when she came to my door,” Fatima says appearing from behind her.

“So, how are you? What are you doing here?” I demand excitedly.

“I am fine, and I will explain everything. But first, who are those from?” Emma smirks while pointing to the letter, the flower, and the jewellery.

“They are from Ismail,” I reply smiling.

“Isn’t that your favorite flower?” Fatima asks smugly.

“I guess you are right Fatima, it is,” Emma says with the same sly smirk that Fatima has.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Why do I have a feeling that there is something you guys are not saying?” I ask looking at them trying to figure out what they are thinking.

“It’s obvious you guys are smitten with each other,” Emma states smiling.

“No, that’s not possible. I can’t like Ismail,” I say. But I wonder if that is possible. It would explain why I love his company so much these days. But I shake it off, ‘love’ is a big word and I doubt that is what I feel for him.

“Then why are you smiling so much your face must be hurting.” Fatima observes smiling.

“I am not,” I say trying my best not to roll my eyes.

“You can say whatever you want, but we can see it girl. And even if you don’t want to accept it, we all know he likes you,” Emma points out.

“And what makes you think that?” I say wondering deep down if it’s possible that Ismail likes me. He did say I was special the other day, and the other time he told Austin that I am a wonderful person. But he might be saying that because he thinks highly of me, not because he likes me.

“The way he treats you… he treats you like you are his queen,” Fatima says, “And he loves buying things for you because, Umit, let me tell you a guy only buys things for a lady without her asking for two reasons. One: He wants to sleep with you, and you are playing hard to get which is totally not the case here. Or two: Because he likes you and wants to make you happy, which is obviously the case here.”

“Are you sure? He might be nice to me because I am his sister-in-law,” I say totally confused, trying to explain to myself why else he would be buying me things and treating me so differently from before. And if Emma is right, I don’t know what is going to happen between Ismail and me. I never imagined something like this happening.

“I doubt that, but if it makes you feel better don’t stress over it. If he does have feelings for you, I know he will tell you when the time is right. And if he doesn’t, which I doubt, you will know with time,” Fatima says.

“I guess you are right, and enough talk about me. Emma what are you doing here, not that I am not happy to see you,” I say trying to change the topic, because it is really making me confused about how I feel about and see Ismail.

“It’s a long story, but I will keep it short. After you guys left for Greece, I was feeling very lonely, so I decided to go to a gala with my parents. While I was in the restroom, I heard Anna and her friends walk in and they were talking about me. Her friend asked her if she is ever going to allow me to find out. I was in a cubicle, so they didn’t know I was in there and continued talking. Anna said the only way she will ever allow me to find out that my boyfriend never cheated on me was over her dead body. That was when I realized that Austin never cheated on me. I felt like the biggest fool on earth for not believing him,” Emma tells us.

“Oh dear, I’m so sorry. But it’s good you know that Austin has been faithful all along, right?” I respond.

“Yes, it’s good to know he was framed because now you guys can be together. But that does not explain why you are in Paris right now,” Fatima says.

“You guys are right. And I was so happy that he never cheated, but I was also scared he wouldn’t be able to forgive me for not trusting him. He was in London for business, so I flew all the way to London to ask him to forgive me. Austin being the angel he is, forgave me and asked me never to believe pictures over his words again. Which I gladly said yes to. He finished with the business he had in London, and we heard you guys were in Paris. We decided to visit you before we go back to the US,” Emma says smiling.

“I am so happy for you guys,” I give her a hug.

“Me too,” Fatima says joining the hug.

“Thank you, also I wanted to tell you guys I am leaving the company. My father has asked me to join the family business,” Emma says happily.

“Wow that’s great.” Fatima says.

“I am going to miss you at the office,” I say while wiping fake tears from under my eyes.

“Me too,” Emma replies pulling a sad face.

While wiping my fake tears my phone starts ringing. I answer to a very peeved off Ismail.

“Umit, I can’t believe you forgot,” Ismail says through the phone trying his best not to sound angry.

“I am so sorry, I will be there in a minute.” I say and quickly walk into the living area to pick up my bag and all the necessary files.

“Be fast if you don’t want us to be late.”

“I am on my way,” I say hanging up.

“I am so sorry, Emma, but I have to get going. Ismail and I have a meeting this morning and we are running late.”

“It’s fine. I will see you later in the day, just let me know when you are free,” Emma says waving me goodbye.

“I will.” I say rushing out the door.

“I will help her eat your breakfast before I leave,” Fatima grins.

“I know you would,” I chuckle before closing the door.

“Bye,” Fatima shouts.

“Bye,” I reply closing the door.

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