Claimed By The Don

Chapter 22


Vincenzo sat on the head of the table with his men and employees, They were discussing about a new project. Vincenzo has many companies in different countries, but he still wants more, not to help himself. Yeah, he will benefit from it, but his main aim for building companies is to help the growing rate of unemployed youths.

It sour to the eyeswatching a learned person driving a cab or working as waiters in some hotel and restaurant, when they have to pass through great deal just to earn a degree but still end up with a shitty job. Vincenzo had went to college despite him been a Mafia leader and have his own company, he experience the hardship of graduating from a university.

So he knows not to just sit back and watch graduates suffering without doing anything, yet everyone just thought of him as a greedy and power seeking man when in fact he was just helping others. He let people judge and criticize him, calling him names but he didn’t react. They don’t understand him, no one has actually does, so he just does whatever comes to his mind.

They call themselves Government, Government for the people, by the people  but could not help their people, they embezzled the country money and living in luxury, yet the citizens are suffering. Vincenzo has been informed that over eight percent of youths in Nigeria and many other countries from Africa were jobless, but were is the government, were are the people in power.

The main power seeking and greedy men are walking freely without any names, all because they are the government. But Vincenzo want to change that, he wants his companies in Nigeria.

Vincenzo gaze at the projector not really seeing it, he was deep in thought, boiling with rage. Nobody noticed the rage in his eyes, he inwardly glare at the idiot that has the gut to sell him out.

There’s one thing Vincenzo can’t deal with, and that is betrayal. And that’s why he had trust issue, he rarely trust someone and when does, it’s genuine and betraying him is as good as death itself.

The fool sat beside Vincenzo pretending to be a saint, when actually he’s a traitor, a back stabber. Vincenzo had picked the traitor from the streets, and made him who he is today, but how did he pay back. By betraying Vincenzo.

Vincenzo has swore to protect Ava even if it cost his life, and he will not spare anyone that pose as threat to his Cara.

“Boss what do you say,” The secretary doing the presentation said, waiting eagerly for Vincenzo reply. Now all eyes rested on Vincenzo waiting for him to speak, His eyes swept the room scanning everyone until they stop on the traitor.

The man shifts uncomfortably in his seat as he felt the weight of Vincenzo eyes on him, Vincenzo smirk inwardly.

So the fool can get scared, but he wasn’t scared when betraying me. Vincenzo thought to himself.

“Christian.” The traitor, Christian jerk slightly hearing Vincenzo called him out. He sat stiffly, ready himself for what’s to come next. Vincenzo shook his head in amusement.

“What do you think.” Vincenzo ask, his narrowed eyes on Christian make him even more uncomfortable. He is a fool think Vincenzo won’t find out about what he’s doing immediately, he knew Vincenzo would find out later but not sooner.

What type of a Don would Vincenzo be if he couldn’t know when he had a rat in his house, Vincenzo knew from the very start that Christian isn’t just stealing money from him but was also giving out his security information to Russians, but he didn’t say a word nor act like he knew waiting if he would change.

What pissed him off was when The traitor had told the Russians about his Ava, he could tolerate anything but not a threat to his Angel. Vincenzo wanted to kill the idiot, he wanted to end him the minute he breath a word out about his woman, his anger only fueled up by each passing second.

“I think we should switch the projects,” Christian’s voice came out firm as he has summon so courage, he had thought Vincenzo has found out about his traitorous act but relaxed. “I mean there’s isn’t much shipping companies in Nigeria and take the cement factory to Uganda” He suggest.

Christian is good when it comes to planning businesses, that why Vincenzo took him. He saw a younger version of himself in Christian and decide to help, but now he took his kindness for simplicity.

“No, Not that one.” Everyone’s curious gazes lock on Vincenzo Wondering what their Don is talking about, the  people that understand what he’s saying, are his brothers.

Dante and Dario.

They smirk teasingly at Christian, they have been urging to end this mother fucker but Vincenzo was holding them back, giving Christian a chance to change. But everything in this life have a limit to it, and Christian just crossed his limit.

“What punishment do you think a traitor deserve.” Vincenzo tone has went extremely cold, His murderous mode is on. He is not the multi billionaire CEO, But the Don King of the underground, the one Everyone want to stay at least ten miles away from. The look on his face right now, is the one that had his enemies shivers in fear and run for their lives.

“The usual sir.” Christian gulped down the lump that as formed in his throat, he swallowed a few times trying to wet his dried throat. He watched terrified as Vincenzo brought a gun out, toying with it.

Vincenzo toyed with the gun for a minute, he point it at Christian who had closed his eyes in fright, preparing himself for the impact of the bullet. Vincenzo pulled the trigger and the bullet went flying to the man beside Christian, the force of the bullet left a hole in his forehead. His eyes wide open with terror and his mouth open about the yell, he went limp in his seat not moving.

Before anyone could recover from the death of the man, Vincenzo put a bullet in between the eyes of the man on his left hand side. Yes that’s how good he is with guns, and ever better with his knives, he could stand a mile away and threw his knife and still hit his target.

Christian open his closed eyes to see his accomplice dead, He became scared, not for himself but for his family. He knew Vincenzo won’t only take his life as a price but of those he loved as well.

“Why did you do it.” Vincenzo ask barely holding up his anger.

“I’m sorry, please spare them. My kid is just three, please.” Christian plead.

Vincenzo stood up and walk out of the room, he sat on the his throne like chair in the shop. His men dragged Christian and made him knee before Vincenzo, he continues to beg for his child but Vincenzo is already made up his mind and it’s not going to change.

Vincenzo eyes wandered around the place, he noticed the only people left were his men. He squint at a figure that is all too familiar to him, why is she here.

Thought I left her at home, how come she’s here. He groan deeply.

“Cara Mia.”  She must have heard the gun shots, because she looks shaken up. Vincenzo grunt under his breath, almost hating himself for scary her. His heartbeat paused for a second, would she refuse to marry him now, that thought alone made him tense.

He felt fear, fear of rejection.

“come here cara mia,” Vincenzo pulled her on him lap when she came to hand length, he embrace her attempting to calm her. But in actually fact, he was just reassuring himself that she’s still here.

Why on Earth was she here in the first place.

He squeeze her soft delicate body to his, and inhaled her fresh watering chocolate scent. She’s not one of those girls would used vanilla or strawberry flavored body wash, shampoo or perfume, she smell of chocolate and Vincenzo love it.

It suddenly became his favorite flavor.

“Why are you here,” He felt her shiver from his touch, he felt his heart swell with pride. Only him get to touch her like this, him only get to make her feel things she hasn’t felt before and he was overjoyed.

“I came to hang out with Kara.” He groan under his breath, Everytime she spoke his little man down south would harden. To make it worse, she sat directly on top of his dick, it doesn’t just get harder, he felt this urge to be buried deep inside her to claim her completely as his.

He didn’t ever want to do this in front of his Angel but he had no a choice, he asked Christian why he betray him one last time but all he did was begging for mercy. Vincenzo pulled the trigger and Christian’s body hits the floor, he’s dead.

“At least leave the child please.” Vincenzo gaze glue to her face, he had ordered for his men to kill everyone in Christian’s home. All for her safety, but she wants to spare the child.

“What do you want with the child.” he hissed a bit harsher than intended to, his confusion was something new to his men. They stare at their Don with their jaw in the floor, what’s even more surprising was the petite girl on his laps asking to spare the child. The Don they knew would have put in bullet between the person’s head that dare tell him what to do, but now all he seems to be doing was to wear a confused expression.

“can you bring me the child?”

“You aren’t planning on raising the child”

Of course she wasn’t, she already has a step son to worry about she was not going to add to it. She just wants to find someone to take care of the child.

“No, I want to find someone to take care of the kid”

Vincenzo order his men to carry on the task, and to bring the child unharmed.


The car ride was silent as Ava don’t feel like saying anything, she stare out the window many thoughts flooded her mind. She knew Vincenzo is a dangerous man but never expected him to be this cruel, he killed a man without fear and even wants to kill his family as well and a child too.

She is too shaken up to even dare to look him in the eyes, she wants to run away but her family will be on the line because of her. She let out frightened sigh, she won’t ever get use to Vincenzo dangerous life style, what if one day someone wanted her dead for crime Vincenzo committed.

Vincenzo sighed when he took a glance at Ava again, he didn’t know how to start a conversation. And she isn’t saying anything, he knows women her complicated and they think alot, he bet a million of things must be going through her mind.

“What’s wrong.” If he wasn’t driving, he would have held her against himself.

“Nothing just take me to my house”NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

“No” He snapped irritated that she wants to get away from him.

Ava let go knowing it’s useless to agrue because he never listen to her, She him let do as he please.

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