
Chapter 39

Candela breath so hard. Her heard how her heart thumping bad as she stared on the door leaf of Blade’s room. She’s in the fourth floor, standing right outside her mate’s room. Just like what Primo told her, she must talk to Blade and to tell him that Lord Magnus wants to talk to him, urgent.

At first, she hesitate to follow Primo’s condition but since the kid keeps on asking het about this earlier… she came into this choice. And that is to talk to Blade… personally, all by herself.

“Holy Molly! This isn’t right, Can,” she mumbled. “You know that you should avoid him from this time but here you are, you will going to see him. Darn it!”

She left with no choice. She must do it or else, Primo will be mad at her. Just in her thoughts, Candela can’t take it if Primo got mad at her. Definitely not.

“Come on, you have to make this up to Primo. Remember that, Can.” She hold the door knob and slowly twisted it. The click sound from the knob says that Blade’s room wasn’t lock.

Candela pushed the door slowly to open. She peeked slightly before deciding to step inside. This is not her first time to enter on Blade’s room. She once been here before… when they were still okay.

She felt the bitterness splashed through her. It’s been a days since she stick om her decision that she won’t going to talk to him. She’s eager to stick on that… to totally ignored her mate even if it’s so hard. The mate bond between them is so powerful. To the point that even though she didn’t see him with those days passed, she could still feel him. The connection between them. The string that connects the two of them even if she’s trying hard to ignore the bond.

But who the hell is she fooling to? Maybe herself.

It is a foolish act to battled against the powerful bond, to battle with that sacred bond that is given by their God. Who is she, for she thinks? She’s just a normal vampire. She’s nothing compared to their God, even if compare to Blade.

Yes, she has her vampire ability. The speed, the keen senses. And oh, her special ability which is mimickry. She could mimicked someone’s own ability by just touching them. Just a kiss of her fingertips on her target, then she can easily mimick his ability and fight him using his own power.

For Owen, it is cool. That her ability is cool and powerful. But for Candela, her ability is a cursed. She could felt it, she could felt how her pwn ability is affecting her. In fact, she can’t even use her ability properly. Everytime she tried to, she failed. Everytime she tried to mimic someone’s ability, her own power sent her to nowhere but into the darkness.

Into the darkness where she couldn’t see anything but the painful past of her life. To her painful memory that she tried so hard to forget. Just like the painful death of her parents.

It was very long time ago since she last tried to ysed her ability. Maybe, that was when she was still full of hatred on Lord Magnus. She tried to develop her power all by herself, without someone’s knowledge and it only lead her to her failure. She almost lost her right hand that time.

Candela bitterly looked down on her right hand. A small smile crept on her lips.

She could still remember how dark flames eat her hand that time. How she screamed in pain in the middle of the forest because of the unbearable pain she felt as the dark flames continue to eat her hand. Candela thought that it would be her last stay on their world. That it would be the last breath she will let out. Fortunately, someone came into the picture and hurriedly rescue her.

A lady in gold dress, with a cloth covering her whole face, exposing only her gold eyes. That lady save her and healed her wounds. She even got scolded by that stranger in the forest and strictly prohibited her not to use her ability again. So, she did. Right after that incident, Candela didn’t use her ability again. She forget that ability as far as she can as she is afraid that the same incident might happen again and there is no lady in gold that would save her life again from the danger.

She only depends on her vampire ability right after she got healed. But it doesn’t change the fact that she is still felt curious about her gifted ability. Or could it be really a gift or a curse? For her, it is really a curse.

“What brings you here?” Candela jolted in place when a deep, masculine voice boomed her sense of hearing causing her to dragged back in senses.

She lifted her eyes only to see her topless mate, just few meters away from her. Candela’s throat instantly went dry as she looked at the view.

Blade is still wet, perhaps… he just took his bath. A white cotton towel is wrapped around his waist. Exposing his upper body and his mouthwatering v-line.

She felt rigid as she trailed her eyes on him. Darn her for making her feel so hungry suddenly. She just eat her snacks for pete’s sake but here she is, craving like a hungry wolf in the thick forest.

“Loving the view, Rabbit?” Candela bite her lips, inside. She avoided his teasing eyes and focused her eyes on something.

“I just came here to tell you something,” she started her agenda.

“And what is it?” She heard Blade’s footsteps coming in her direction so she instantly stepped back, still not looking on him.

Oh, God! She doesn’t want to break her own walls. She must stay collected and rationale. Yeah, she must think rational at this time. Not because Blade is in front of her, showcasing his damn sexy body… she will clung her hands on his nape and fell into seduction easily. No. No. No. She won’t going to step up on her limits. She is still mad at him. Damn mad, for goodness’ sake!

“Primo told me to deliver a message from your father, King Magnus. He said that your father wanted to talk to you, urgent.” She gulped hard.

She’s still deserving for an around of applause right? Around of applause for not stuttering in front of Blade even if she feels how her heart goes wild inside her chest?

“Primo, huh…”

She was forced to met his eyes. “Yes, Primo… yoir brother. He ask me to tell you about your father’s message to you.”

“And why would he? Why not tell it to me all by himself? Why does he need to ask for your help?”

Her brows flick. “Because your brother doesn’t want to draw near you, that is why. So, since I delivered the message to you… I’ll go ahead–”

“No! Stay, Rabbit.” Candela’s feet nailed on the floor as Blade voice stop her from leaving. She drew hard breath before facing the man again.

“This is ridiculous, Can! You should stay away from him now!” she silently scolded herself.

“What else do you need? Do you also have a message to deliver to Primo? C’mon, tell me–”

“None!” Blade shout making her stopped and felt the irritation eating her slowly. “I need to talk to you, that’s why… I’m telling you to stay.”

Candela’s lips parted but then again, she pressed back her lips together. She wanted to laugh at him. She wanted to laugh in mockery but the eagerness to get away from Blade is the only thought that is reigning her mind.

“Are you still mad at me? You’re already avoiding me for heaven’s sake, Candela. Do you really think that I cheat on you, huh?” Blade tried to reach for her hands but she moved back and lurk it behind.

Blade’s eyes are telling her how he longed for her but still, it won’t make her madness melt away. She love Blade, yeah… that’s it. She is madly in love with him but not because of that, she would get down and bring down her pride as a woman. He cheated on her behind her back. What else Blade would expect to her?

“Do you really think that I can cheat on you, huh? F*ck! Candela, you are my mate! Isn’t that enough for you to trust me. Where’s your faith on me, your faitfulness on your mate? Why can’t you trust me–”

“Because I saw it with my two eyes!” she boomed in anger. “I can’t trust you nor believe you because I saw it. I saw how Curly look at you. I saw that the relationship between you and her wasn’t just for friendship, Blade.”

“I told you, Curly and I were just friends. Everyone in this damn castle knew about it. Primo knows it. Liam knew it. Even the King and Queen knew that me and Curly were just friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Yes, Curly maybe act like we are far from being friends but I don’t care. I don’t care on what she feels because I only care for you.”

“Liar!” Her right hand automatically give Blade a hard slap making his head turned into left. “You’re a one whole damn liar, Blade! I don’t believe you!” Because of anger, she beat his uncovered chest. She punch him hard using her clenched fists.

“Liar! Do you really think that I’ll believe you and forgive you just because of yoir excuses? Well, to tell you… I won’t!”

“Stop, Candela! Don’t hurt yourself!” Blade caught her both hands and caged it inside his hands. That makes her stop and stared on him. “Stop this, Candela… stop hurting yourself. You know that I could take countless beats from you if that’s what makes you happy and relief. But, please baby… stop. Your hands will get hurt.”

The next thing Blade did is not in her expectations. Blade lifted her hands and leveled it to his lips then, the next thing she knew… he already kissing her on her hands.

“Stop,” she said. “Stop doing this, Blade. I don’t want to give you a chance to repeat what you’ve did to me. I am hurt! You hurt me, Blade.”

“Sorry,” he breath. “Forgive me my mate for hurting you. Forgive me baby for hurting you, I didn’t mean to.” Then Blade cages her on his arms.

It was just a simple hug but for Candela, she can’t see it as simple. Because for her, it was like that she didn’t hug him for too long.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I miss you,” finally, she spoke what her heart been shouting for. She finally uttered those words telling how she missed her mate so damn hard.

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