Call me Alpha

Chapter 60: Traumatized

Chapter 60: Traumatized

Chapter 60

Ashira’s POV

“Just shift when the time has come… Please.”

My tears pooled down my cheek. I don’t want to show him that I feel pity for him, I know that’s the least

thing he needed to see. But its too painful for me to see him like this…

“B-But I want to be the first one to hold him…”

“You can still do that even on your wolf.” he responded, wiping the tears on my cheek.

“But its different.” I pushed him and he didn’t resist this time. I looked him in the eyes and noticed that

his eyes are red. He looked so soft, far from how he is and it pained me to know that I made him this

way. If it ain’t for me, he wouldn’t feel like this.

I tiptoed and pressed my forehead to his. Aiden’s hand easily guided me for support. With closed eyes,

I started praying that every pain that traumatize him up to now will begone.

“I can’t risk losing you again…” he whispered. Even with my eyes closed, I can still see his expression

in my head. The sound of his heart beating like crazy says how terrified he is.

His argument is understandable but I want his fear to fade and stop hunting him forever. He shouldn’t

leave like this, we can’t live like this.

“You won’t lose me. I’m here, Aiden. The universe let me come back to you, no one will take me away.”

I pulled away and look him in his bloodshot eyes. Oh, baby…

I kissed his eyes and smiling at him as I pulled away.

“I don’t want to see you like this anymore. Don’t let the past haunt you, baby. I will never leave you.

Give me this one last thing, Aiden. I will fight for my life, I will live for you and for Quillon. You won’t lose


He was silent for a while but took a deep breath later on. With his eyes closed, he shook his head but

then nodded after.

“Will you be happy with your choice?” he whispers in a soft melodic voice.

I pouted and nodded slowly. “Very.”

Aiden sighed then open his eyes, catching my gaze. Oh, how I love those golden-brown gem.

“Okay.” he leaned in to kiss my head. “Anything to make you happy…”

I smiled at him. There will be more to our life than what we have now and I hope time will heal the bad

memories he had…

“Thank you, Aiden.”

He looked at me and smiled. Its genuine, not the weak smile that he often gave me. “That’s not

enough.” he said in a hoarse voice.

In a swift movement, he lifted me up and made me sit on the table. My gasp was covered by his lip as

he kissed me hard yet gently.

“Aiden…” I moaned when his hand grabbed on my butt. “W-We can’t…” I don’t know if we can have

sex since my tummy is bulging like a balloon that will soon explore but fuck! I love how he feels. I miss


Though its scary to even think that his huge manhood will penetrate inside me right now.

“We can…” he continued kissing me and grabbing on the corners of my body that needed his touch so

bad. I kept moaning, feeling my body as my pregnancy intensified the sensitivity and libido.

Oh, damn.

“N-No. W-What if you bump o-on the baby’s head…”

Aiden stopped kissing on my neck. Does he share the same thought? Is that even possible?

“Pfft!” He is laughing!

Oh my God! Aiden is laughing while his head is buried on my neck! I feel like my face flushed in heat

from being embarrass.


“Sorry, baby.” but he is still laughing. “That’s an absurd idea but enough to kill the mood.” he laughed


I pouted and my cheeks felt hotter.

“Okay, we’ll wait until you give birth.” he grinned as he placed his hand on my belly. “Stop hiding in

there, Quillon.” he said to my belly.

“I still have a week before he comes out! Don’t urge him to go out early.”

Aiden laughed. “Yeah, yeah.”


I woke up the next day and there was a commotion just right outside our bedroom door. What is


Struggling to sat up, I saw Seth, Zynia and Ava standing outside my room’s open door. Their eyes are

wide open as they look to me and then to the whole room.

I look around and saw nothing different.

Frowning, I stood up. “What’s wrong?” No one dared to speak and I got curious even more. “Guys?”

Where is Aiden, by the way?

“G-Good morning, Luna Ashira…” Zynia greeted but she seems to be in shock, too. All three of them,


“Good morning. Where is Aiden?” they are still in daze. Okay, something is up. “Hey! Snap out of it!” I

shouted and the three of them blinked, then slowly walked inside the room.

I decided to sat back on the bed. My back is killing me. I feel like the child has gained weight again and

my belly felt heavier.

“Where is Aiden?” I asked again. This is the first time that I woke up without Aiden beside me.

“He was needed in the Hall a-and will be back before breakfast…” Seth answered but he kept looking

around the room which made me arched my brows. I look around too but still, I saw nothing different.

Ignoring him, I spoke. “Is everything all right?”

Seth cleared his throat and look back to me. “An old oak tree fell on the electric wires and the whole

pack lost connection with the main energy tower.”

Oh. That’s a lot of work.

Looking around the room, I sighed. “So it means it was fixed now? The lights and air-condition of the

room is working just fine.”

And why every light in our room is open? Did Aiden switched everything on?

“T-That’s the thing…” Ava said in a confused expression. Whats the thing?

“The wires are not fix yet…” Seth swallowed. “ and your room is the only one that has electricity.”

My jaw dropped. What?

I look around my room and realize that every appliance is indeed working in good condition. If the

whole pack lose its connection with the energy tower, then how come my room is…

“Now that I remember, Alpha Aiden once said during the time you were abducted by Elon that you

electrocuted him.”

I don’t really remember how I did that but it did happen. “Y-Yes…”

“Then maybe your gift is electricity, Luna Ashira. Mine was speed but it seems the Moon Goddess

vested you a blessing close to our nature.”

“Is it not because of the child inside her?” Seth asked.

If my gift is electricity then…

Oh, God! How will I control this? Is there no such thing as manual for stealer gifts so I can get to know

more about this?

“That’s impossible to happen. The child’s power will only come when necessary. Like when the mother

is in danger. This one is definitely a gift.”

“I-I don’t know how I did this, though…”

Zynia walked closer to me and tap my shoulder. “Don’t worry, Luna. You will know more about this


I can feel my adrenaline gushing to my veins from this discovery. I never thought my wolf’s abnormality

will reach this extent. There is one thing my mind is thinking about: If I can do study more about my

newfound ability, then maybe I can help the pack with this power.

“But its safe to explore your gift once the baby is born, Ash.” Ava smiled at me.

Oh, right. This could wait-

“No, this gift will be passed down to my child.” I remember Z said it before.

Zynia smiled. “Some will be left for you. You may still wander your ability even if the power is

transmitted to the pup.”

‘Let’s hope your pup won’t roast anyone with that ability given that he is so grumpy.’ my wolf said to

me. I laughed from her humor. Oh my!

I guess my baby is giving my pup a hard time.

‘Are you awake, my love?’ it was Aiden.


‘I’m on my way back…’

I can’t help but smile with the thought of seeing Aiden. Daaamn! How bent will I be over him? I’m still

not used with the feeling and I’m being overwhelmed.

“The problem has been solved. Aiden and Nick will come over for breakfast.” Seth informed us. Ava

and Zynia excused themselves to prepare the meals and I was left alone with Seth.

I smiled awkwardly and raised my brows at Seth when I noticed that he kept watching me. “What now?”

He chuckled. “I haven’t talk to you since…” Oh, now that I think about it, Aiden hasn’t left my side but

now and I didn’t got the chance to interact with everyone up to now. “Well, I just want to say that I’m

glad you are back.”

I smiled.

Seth is the only person I really got closed with in this pack. I know I become his duty, a Luna he swore

to protect, but I saw him as a brother. He supported and guided me beyond his obligations.

Even Luce’s gamma didn’t treat her the way Seth did to me.

“Thank you, Seth.” I said. He was taken aback from my sudden appreciation and that made me smile.

“You treat me not just the Luna of this pack. I found a family in you and I’m grateful for what you’ve

done for me.”

Seth diverted his gaze away from me and I saw his face turning red. Awwww! He liked being

appreciated, huh.

“Aw! Are you blushing?” I laughed when he flushed more! He looked so cute!


I laughed hard that my baby-belly hardened. Oh my! I never thought he will get shy once his hard work This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

is gratified!

“Am I interrupting something?”

I stopped laughing as I saw Aiden leaning on the door frame and looking at us. Oh, he’s here!

My brow arched when I saw his serious, dark expression. It seems like he will punch someone anytime

soon with those jaw clenching.


Don’t tell me he is jealous? This side of him didn’t fades and I guess it won’t forever, huh? I laughed


“What is so funny?” even his voice sounds scary! If only I don’t know what he is thinking, I might

cringed! Seth looked like he wanted to escape so bad and Aiden is blocking his only exit made him


Watching Seth trying to hide his panicking self made me laugh even more.

‘Do you want me dead, woman? Stop laughing! Each time you do, Aiden’s face get darker! Oh, you’re

killing me!’

I stopped laughing as I heard Seth inside my head. I turned to look at Aiden and Seth was right.

Ohkay. That is jealousy right there.

Grinning awkwardly, I started walking towards Aiden who don’t even move where he stand. I can’t

believe this man. My belly is bulged because of the child he gave me and yet, he can still get jealous

over this. Seth have Ava as his mate, too.

“What’s with that foul mood, so early in the morning?” I said, trying to be sweet and lighten up his

mood. Shooing away the imaginary dark smoke aura surrounding him.

His jaw tightened but his arms reached to hold my waist. His eyes are glued at my face and I can’t read

what he was thinking. I’m sure Aiden is not angry but he is releasing some kind of scary pheromones,

not affecting me though I’m sure Seth does.

Slowly, my playful grin faded and I bite my lower lip. Am I just assuming that he is jealous? Is there

something else going on in his head?

He is still my mate, the Aiden I knew but it seems like there’s something bothering him every second. I

was thinking that it may be a trauma of losing me again, but these days I can’t prevent having a thought

that he is hiding something to me.

“Dude, chill. Are you still doubting my intentions with Ash?” Seth even chuckled but in an awkward way.

Maybe he realize it so he cleared his throat. “Oh, she discovered her gift!”

I wanted to laugh from how Seth yearned to divert the conversation and cut the tension but since Aiden

still hasn’t left his eyes on me, I just grinned.

“You did, huh…” at last he spoke. “What is it?” his fingers on my back started drawing circles and I

almost yelped when I felt how arousing his movement are.

“E-Electricity…” Fuck.

“Hmm… that’s awesome.” he smiled though its a playful one. I know he loved teasing me like this and

with an audience! This sly! “Well, next time that dog came in your room, make sure you roast him

alive.” he even gave Seth a deadly glare.

Ohh! He is mad about it!

I laughed as I see Seth scratching the back of his head, uneasy with the situation.

“I will when I learned more about it, I promise.” I laughed and Aiden patted my head like a good girl.


“Hey!” Seth complained and I laughed more, he kept whining about me not standing on his side but I’m

already drowned with my mate’s gaze.

Aiden smiled and planted a kiss on my cheek.

‘I missed you…’ he said through our mind-link. Frowning, I looked at him with questioning eyes. He

only went to sort a pack problem and now he looked like he haven’t seen me in years.

‘Aren’t you a clingy mate.’ I laughed when he groaned and rolled his eyes.

‘So?’ he answered snobbishly that I blushed. He doesn’t care to be showy now, huh?

“Hey! Come downstairs! Breakfast is ready!” Nick shouted from the ground floor.

We headed to the kitchen while Aiden and Seth keep arguing on the way. I only laughed from how

childish these guys can be despite their position in life.

“So when’s your due, Ash?” Ava asked while we are in the middle of eating, Nick, Seth, Zynia, Aiden

and me are around the table, having a fill for the morning. “I’m really amazed with how fast your

pregnancy is. Normal she-wolves take three months to give birth but looking at your belly right now, are

you near?”

I chuckled. “Yeah. Z told me I have a week or less.”

“Whoa. That’s so near! And you still look fresh despite being pregnant. Maybe its a boy.”

“It is a boy.” Aiden joined the conversation.

“You sounds so sure.” Nick laughed as he stuff his mouth with some pancakes.

“Because I am.” Aiden seriously responded. Ohhkay. I know he believed the pup will be a boy but for

me, I’m still not sure. I tried asking my wolf but she just told me how grumpy and snob my child is.

Maybe Aiden was just hopeful since Alpha mostly have a son as first child. He can’t be too sure about

the gender. Duh.

Nobody dared to oppose Aiden’s assumption for my child’s gender though I can see in their faces that

they don’t believe him fully. I just chuckled.

Ahh! I can wake up to this every morning.

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