Bullied By My Alpha Stepbrother

Drive you


I had no idea why I felt like Hardin had casted all his hatred on me with that single stare. He was angry, and it was obvious on his face, however I was unaware of the wrong that I had done to receive such a threatening glare from him.

He had no idea that I was there to support him, so I couldn’t really blame him. After I had overheard his discussion with Sandro and Alex, I had been worried sick for him. I knew his love for lacrosse, though his performance had not been really great at recent times from what I heard

I had gained information from my eavesdropping that the captain of the lacrosse team would be selected through the feats and performances on the field, as well as academic performance too. It was obvious lacrosse practice wasn’t going entirely well for Hardin, and with the decline in his academics, there was no way he was going to make captain.

After I had finished eavesdropping on his conversation that day, I had rushed towards the cafeteria to have a chat with Lorenzo. He was Hardin’s competitor, and I had intended to convince him into leaving the spot for Hardin. My expectations hadn’t gone as planned, Lorenzo seemed like an entirely different person during our conversation. He was nonchalant about my request, and wasn’t even considering it at all.

He had said to me, “let the best man win,” and honestly I had no idea about how to feel with those words. I was aware of the fact that Lorenzo and Hardin weren’t the best of friends, they barely walked the same path. But Lorenzo’s reply had been a bit absurd. I had thought he might consider my request after I had informed him or Hardin’s academic situation, and the stress that was being imposed on him by our father.

Lorenzo was unwavering even after my words. He was adamant about being captain, and I realized soon enough that there was nothing my words could do to change his mind.

Throughout the rest of class I was completely drowned in my thoughts. I was thinking of a way to help Hardin, but there was nothing I could think of. My distracting thoughts had earned me two apprehensions from the teacher, and I was lucky to have escaped a third which would have inevitably warranted detention.

After classes, I had snuck into the training ground where the lacrosse game was currently being held. I wanted to see how well Hardin was fairing, and to offer my best supports. But my efforts had been neglected, and had even earned me a stern threatening stare. At that moment , I was just confused on what to do.

After the stare Hardin had given me, I was unsure if I should even offer my help to him anymore. He wasn’t the kind that liked people meddling in his business, and I guessed he wouldn’t take it lightly if I did everything for him.

I hung my head in disappointment and turned to leave the stadium, however a familiar voice called me back. It was Lorenzo.

“Came to watch me practice?” He asked with a confident smile on his face.

“Yeah, nice play out there” I commended with a fake smile on my face. I obviously couldn’t tell him I had been here for Hardin and not him. I didn’t want to stir up any sort of conflict between us, or him and Hardin.

I was already beginning to lose a bit of my trust and companionship with Lorenzo after our discussion at the cafeteria the other day. His reaction and replies were just things I wouldn’t expect from someone like him, especially not to me.

“You seem to be leaving already, are you going somewhere?” Lorenzo inquired with an arched brow.

“Yeah, I got a lot of homework to take care of. I need to get home as soon as possible so I can get everything finished on time. You know me, straight A’s or nothing” I said with a light chuckle, which Lorenzo returned.

“That’s unfortunate, I was about to ask you to have lunch with me. But I guess another time” He revealed and I nodded in concurrence.

“See you later Lorenzo” I said my goodbyes and turned to leave, but he stopped me.

“About that afternoon, I’m sorry about how I reacted. I really don’t want this issue to come in between our friendship” His words sounded genuine, but why did I find it so difficult to trust them. Perhaps I was still in shock from the afternoon’s encounter. A part of me was telling me that the other side of him was the real Lorenzo, while a bigger part of me just wanted to forgive him and move on with life.

“Yeah, it’s no problem. I totally understand” I replied before turning to leave. But once again Lorenzo had stopped me with an offer.

“Do you need a ride home? I could drive you.”

“Don’t you have practice right now?” I returned but he brushed my question away with a nonchalant gesture of his hand.

“I think I’ve had enough practice for the day, might as well just go home and get some rest myself” He replied before pulling out his car keys from one of his pockets.

I couldn’t deny a free ride offer, I had no strength to walk to the bus stop. Declining this free ride would just be sheer stupidity.

The drive from the school to my residence couldn’t be more than twenty minutes. He dropped me in front of the gate before driving off. I had no idea if it had been a coincidence, or a schemed encounter. But Hardin had also walked out of the gate the same moment Lorenzo had dropped me, and the look on his face was even scarier than before.

He didn’t say a word to me, and neither did I say a word to him. We just passed by each other and went our opposite ways.

I reached my room and collapsed on the bed. I was honestly exhausted, and my incessant thoughts on how to help the uncaring Hardin was draining me of my strength. I was aware that he had missed his history project and it was a core assignment that made up over thirty percent of the total score.

I wanted to help him, but I wasn’t going to let him know about it. I closed my eyes and drifted into unconsciousness, after concluding that I would carry out any plan I had tomorrow at school.


I walked straight to the history teacher’s office immediately I was aware that he was around. I had no idea how I mustered the courage to do so, but I was in his office before I could realize, and I was pouring out my heart to him to grant Hardin a little more time, preferably an hour.

I ended up having to tell him about the lacrosse situation, and the problems at home before he could agree. I didn’t really care about what he would think of me or Hardin, or even our family after the information I had just given him, I just wanted to save my brother from losing both his academics and captain at the same time.

All I needed was an hour, and I was glad Mr. Mert had granted me an extra thirty minutes. It wasn’t long before I was done with the assignment and immediately submitted on his behalf.

My mind was racing, and my heart was pounding more than it should. I had no idea why I was so scared of what Hardin would think, or how he would react when he finds out about this.

I had assured myself I won’t speak a word to him about this, but there was the possibility of him meeting the teacher and inquiring of the origin of his score. And that would lead to Mr Mert revealing everything to him.

I calmed myself down as I strode down to class. I shouldn’t worry too much, it wasn’t as if Hardin was going to kill me if he found out about it. We were siblings after all, and no matter how much he despised that fact, there was no changing reality.

I reached class and settled quietly on my seat. Lorenzo had walked in moments after me, and we had exchanged greetings and pleasantries for the morning. I had thanked him once again for the ride yesterday. Our discussion had only ended when the history teacher made his appearance in the class.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Good morning class” He greeted, and without waiting for a response, he went straight to the day’s business “As you all know the project on the origin and relations will serve as thirty percent of your total score. I have finished with the grading, and now I shall call out the scores of every individual. It is crucial you know your performances, and know where to add in extra effort”. Mr. Mert informed before calling out the scores.

I glanced around the class, but found no traces of Hardin, he wasn’t in school yet. The teacher had called out my name, and just like I expected it was a perfect score. I however wasn’t interested in my score at the moment. I was only waiting to hear Hardin’s.

Just then, he stepped in through the door, and at the same moment, Mr Mert had pronounced his name out loud.

“Hardin Morales, score twenty six.”

Hardin’s face was filled with shock. I guess he was well aware that he did not deserve any score for the test. The only reason I had to go that extra was because I understood the pressure he was going through at that moment, though if I was judging from how heartless that he was to me, he did not deserve any of that care.

Instinctively, his eyes narrowed towards me, and we locked eyes. I had no idea the emotions that were written behind those eyes of his, but I knew they weren’t something I had expected, they were complex, and almost unreadable.

Just what on earth would he do to me?

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