” Wait,” I shouted while scratching the back of my head because someone was knocking on my door loudly like she wanted to break it already.

I looked at the clock on my side table. I became more irritated when I saw that it was still seven in the morning. Who could be knocking on my door at this time? I told our maids not to wake me up to have breakfast with my parents because I slept late last night since Cassie and I talked about many things.

” Who would it be?” I complained while my right hand was wiping my eyes. My left arm, on the other hand, opened my door.

” Hey, Alexandra Lim Alcantara! What time is it already, and why are you still in your pajama?” I think my spirit became awake after hearing her loud voice.

” You are too early to lecture me,” I commented and walked back to my bed to lie down.

” Psh, if James did not mention to me that you already here, I would not know. Did you really replace me?” She complains.

” Did you go to their house?” I huskily asked and closed my eyes.

” Of course. Stand up there,” Rhea stated and pulled my hand.

” Beshy, I stayed up late last night,” I explained. I could not do anything but properly sat down on my bed.

” Look at you, you are so gross!” She disgustingly commented. I rolled my eyes.

” Who did tell you to visit me during this early morning?” I asked and stood up. I walked towards my comfort room to wash my face.

” Well, I have a lot of things to do, so I decided to pass by early,” I heard her reply.

I did not reply instantly since I was brushing my teeth. Afterward, I simply washed my face using water since I forgot to get my skincare to my luggage. I frowned when I went out to my comfort room. I am still too sleepy.

” And in the midst of your many to-do lists today, you really had the time to visit me,” I complained and sat down on the sofa.

” Well, I thought that maybe my maid of honor will help me on my wedding preparation,”

” D-Did I hear you right?” I shockingly asked to confirm what I heard.

” Yes,” Rhea happily replied and showed me her left hand with a ring on it.

” O-em-gee!” I excitedly shouted. Rhea instantly put her two hands to her ears.

” Aish, can you please calm down?” She said. I closed my lips and showed a peace sign to her.

” So? Is it okay to you that you are my maid of honor?” She asked, confirming it for me.

” Of course! I will be angry to you if I am not your maid of honor,” I replied.

” Psh, you are the one who replaced me,” Rhea protested.

” Psh, you are too jealous. Of course, you are my girl bestfriend and James is my boy bestfriend,” I explained.

” Psh, he did not get my blessing when he courted you. Then, when I went to him to interview about your relationship, he threw me out of his house,” Rhea seemed like a child complaining to her mother. The thought made me laugh.

” Aish, he would really kick you out. You were intriguing him in our past,” I explained.

” Past?” She asked while frowning. I closed my eyes when I realized I had not told Rhea about my breakup with James.

” Well,” I said while scratching my head because I knew she would be angry hearing the news.

” Well?” Rhea imitated me.

” We broke up,” I said and closed my eyes again.

” What?!” She exclaimed, so I put my hand to my ears.

” Ssh, you are too loud,” I said.

” What do you mean you broke up? You really had no time to tell me what was happening in your life for the past six years!” She complained. I know she is sulking right now.

” I apologize. I was just busy on my clothing line, so I forget to mention it to you,” I coax her and put my arms around her arms.

” Hmp! Be thankful that I am happy today,” Rhea said. I smiled upon hearing those words because I knew she could not resist my charm.

” So, when is the wedding?” I asked to change our conversation.

” Next month,” She simply replied.

” It seemed too fast,” I commented after removing my arms from her arms.

” Well, Caleb said that since we were sure that we will getting married, then there is no reason to delay it, especially you are here now,” She explained. I nodded.

” Well, he is right and almost eight years had passed since you know each other. Who would have thought really?” I stated.

” You are too much about who would have thought. So, what? Are you okay to be my maid of honor?” She asked again.

” Of course! Why are you hesitating?” I asked in confusion about her behavior.

” Well, you know, I mean,” Rhea hesitantly remarked, which made me frown even more.

” Beshy, what?” I intrigued her.

” Well, Caleb’s best man will be Ken,” She straightforwardly said and looked at me. I became silent when I understood her hesitation. It had been six years, Alexa.

” Oh,” I said.

” But you will not decline because of that, right?” She asked for my assurance.

” O-of course,” I replied and faked a smile.

” Good then. By the way, we will have a batch reunion on weekend, you should come, all right? You can ask Cassie to accompany you,” Rhea instantly changed our conversation.

” Will Ken and Caleb be there too?” I asked.

” Of course, batch reunion, right?” She sarcastically replied.

” I will check my schedule first,” I said because I thought I was not ready to face Ken.

” I already asked Cassie to check it for you. Guess what, you are free, so you could not escape.” I was not shocked that she said it because I knew how this girl wanted to make sure of everything before she made a move.

” Beside, it will be a good way so that you and Ken will not be awkward on the practice of my wedding,” She added. I understand her point, but am I ready to see him again?

” Let’s see,” I said.

” Nope, you will come. Cassie and James will be there too,” Rhea said seriously.

” Bu—”

” Hey, it had been six years. Until when will you hide from him?” She asked.

” Maybe as long as I can,” I quickly responded. Rhea sighed because of my answer.

” Please do me a favor. If you could not bring back your closeness with Ken, maybe you guys can be civil even for my wedding day only,” Rhea requested and held my hand.

” Fine, I will go.” I could not do anything but agree with her because I knew she would not stop until I said yes. Another thing, I do not want to ruin her special day just because of my unresolved past with Ken.

” Good then. I’ll get going. Caleb and I still have a meeting to our wedding organizer,” Rhea happily stated and stood up.

” Take care,” I said and hugged her.

” I will see you on the weekend,” Rhea reminded me again, then kissed me on my cheeks.

I nodded, so she left my room. I could not send her to her car because my knees were trembling, even only thinking about the idea of me meeting Ken again. It was because, after the incident in the café six years ago, I did not have any news about him. Since I asked Cassie and Rhea to never mentioned him in our past conversations.


” Ready?”

I stopped staring blankly when I saw Cassie’s reflection in the mirror. I let out a heavy sigh, so she came closer to me.

” Hey, you seemed like you will be killed. If you are not ready to talk to him, then don’t,” Cassie advised.

I smiled at her and stood up. It has been three days since Rhea visited me, and today is the batch reunion. And, just like what I had expected, I am not really sure if this is a good idea to attend today’s event.

” Do not think too much. Enjoy this day and let things happen, okay?” She assuredly said and smiled at me.

” Thank you, Cassie.” I smiled and faced her.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

” Let’s go. Smile. Your beautiful outfit will be wasted if you kept on frowning,” She jokingly stated, which made me laugh.

” See, much better,” Cassie stated, then she pulled me towards the living room.

When we went downstairs, James was already there. We only said goodbyes to mommy and daddy before we left. After fifteen minutes, we already arrived where things started. I did not know what I should feel when we entered our school. I felt so nostalgic when we were walking in the hallway. I could also not help but smile when some memories started to run through my mind.

” Beshy!!”

All of the attention shifted from where I was because of the loud shout Rhea made when we entered the classroom that became the venue of the reunion.

” You are really noisy,” I told her after we came closer to where she was.

” I am sorry. I was halfway surprised seeing you since I did not have high hopes that you will come,” She explained.

” Did I have a choice?” I sarcastically stated, which made her laugh.

” Well, you did not.” She said while laughing.

” Well, look who is here. The one and only successful fashion designer,” I looked back when I heard someone speak. I smiled, seeing Caleb.

” Caleb,” I happily called him. He immediately hugged me.

” You did not change a bit. You are still pretty,” Caleb commented while laughing after he let go of me.

” And you are still a joker,” I replied.

” Well,” He shrugged his shoulder and then put his arm around Rhea’s waist.

Rhea, Caleb, Cassie, James, and I talked about a lot of things, but my eyes were busy roaming around the area because I was looking for someone I could not see.

” Ken, here,”

I almost jumped off from where I was standing when I heard Caleb exclaim. I immediately looked at the person he had called. I secretly gulped when I saw the one I had kept looking for earlier. His build became more masculine, but just like before, he was still handsome.

” I am sorry. I am a bit late. I just fixed some things,” He apologized to us when he finally approached us.

” Hi,” He greeted me and smiled when he saw me.

” Hi,” I hesitantly greeted him back. He was about to say something when the emcee suddenly showed up.

” Ladies and gentlemen, its look like we are finally completed, so let this reunion begin. We hope that you enjoyed the food in the buffet area because we are now going to the event hall. We will witness a melodrama that current students in our school chose to perform based on gossips we gathered or true story of our batch. The title of this melodrama is Blind Date,”


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