Beyond the Pack’s Law: My stepsister or nobody else

Chapter 15

Hayley’s POVThis belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

The assembled werewolves-because that’s clearly what they were-turned towards Aiden and me with a series of low, rumbling growls. I shrank back against the table I was still bound to, my heart pounding wildly. One wolf in particular, larger than the others with a grizzled gray pelt, stepped forward and seemed to shift forms in a supernatural rippling of flesh and bone. “Well, nephew,” the newly humanoid figure said in a gruff baritone. “You’ve gotten yourself in quite the predicament this time, haven’t you?” Aiden, now fully reverted to his human form as well, straightened and met the elder wolf’s steely gaze steadily. “I did what I had to in order to protect Hailey,” he said, a note of challenge in his voice. “I won’t apologize for that, Zoran.” My breath caught in my throat as realization washed over me. That deeper, graying wolf man was clearly the Alpha-and seemingly Aiden’s uncle or other male relative. Zoran arched one bushy eyebrow. “To protect your mate? From your own blood kin?” He shook his head slowly. “You’ve brought great scandal and danger upon our pack, whelp.” “Is that why you’ve come?” Aiden shot back, hackles raised. “To pass judgment on me for loving Hailey?” “Loving her?” Zoran snorted derisively. “Don’t be daft, boy. She doesn’t belong here. Your… dalliance… with her is at best a grievous lapse in control, and at worst an utter perversion that-” “That’s enough, Zoran.” A new voice, feminine but ringing with authority, cut him off sharply. I craned my neck to see another figure enter-this one a striking woman with ageless beauty and long raven hair. She fixed Zoran with a stern look. “You will not speak of his mate in such a way,” she said in a tone that brooked no argument. “Especially after she has clearly been marked by he who shall not be named.” Marked? I thought with a shudder, remembering Jada’s cruel words about the Embrace. What did that even mean for me now? The alpha wolf inclined his head stiffly. “Of course, Inna. My apologies.” He turned his attention back to Aiden. “Regardless, you know our laws as well as mine. To choose someone like her. It is the highest offense that cannot be overlooked or excused.” My heart plummeted at the implacable declaration. If being with me was so unforgivable for Aiden, did that mean he would be cast out? Forced to leave his family and kind forever? Aiden seemed to wrestle with indecision for a long moment before squaring his shoulders resolutely. “I’m aware of the punishments for my crime, Uncle. But nothing will make me forsake Hailey or the choice I’ve made.” I felt tears prick my eyes and a lump form in my throat at his staunch words, my love for him swelling almost painfully in my chest. Zoran scowled deeply, but the woman, Inna, held up a placating hand before striding over to me. I shrank away instinctively, but she just tutted sympathetically as she examined the thick iron shackles binding me. “Don’t you think he’s scared?” she murmured in a soothing voice, reaching out with one hand that elongated into razor talons. With two deft slices, my bonds were severed and fell away! I gasped in shock and relief, rubbing my chafed wrists gingerly as Inna stepped back with an enigmatic look. “No matter his reasoning, my grandson has made his choice. And we of the pack honor the sovereignty of the wolf’s mate bond above all else.” The assembled wolves shifted and grumbled at her words, seeming dissatisfied. But none dared raise an outright objection. Zoran, however, scowled fiercely. “You cannot be seriously entertaining this madness, Inna! Binding himself to a mere human-” “It’s well within Aiden’s rights,” Inna said firmly, silencing him with a look. “We will adjourn to the grand grove to sort out the full ramifications, as is traditional. For now…” She turned to pin me with her mesmerizing gaze. “Tell me, child, what is your name?” I swallowed hard, completely in awe and confused by the situation. “H-Hailey. Hailey.” The barest hint of a smile curled Inna’s lips. “Hailey. Do you love my grandson and accept the consequences of being his eternal mate? No matter how arduous or dangerous the path ahead may be.” Aiden shot me a searching look, letting me see the vulnerability shining through. This was my choice now, it seemed. To commit myself to him and this pack-or to forsake him forever. As if there were ever a choice. I pushed off from the table and went to stand at Aiden’s side, slipping my hand into his. “I love your grandson with everything I am,” I said firmly, gazing up at him with all the ferocity and adoration I felt burning in my heart. “And I’ll be by his side through whatever insanity the universe seems to want to throw at us.” The quiet conviction in my tone seemed to take Inna aback slightly. But then her expression melted into one of warm approval. “A beautiful mate’s oath, well said,” she replied with a regal nod. “Then it’s decided: Hailey shall be initiated into our pack as Aiden’s mate and extended the corresponding rights and protections.” A chorus of growls, both approving and disgruntled, rumbled through the wolves at this declaration. Inna, however, simply turned and swept from the chamber, tossing one last commanding look over her shoulder. “We make for the Blood Moon vale at once. Gather your things and possessions of value, grandson. For after tonight’s ritual under the full moon, your life will change forever.” As the pack filed out, leaving just Aiden and me alone, a long silence stretched between us. So much had happened in such a whirlwind that I could scarcely process the enormity of the transformation my life seemed to be hurtling towards. Finally, Aiden broke the silence by pulling me tight against him and cupping my face tenderly. I saw the gleam of unshed tears in his eyes. “Oh Hailey,” he rasped brokenly, his voice thick with emotion. “You don’t have to do this, you know. I never wanted to trap you in this dangerous, monstrous world.” I cut him off with a fierce, searing kiss, not caring about the blood and grime coating both of us. “I meant every word of that oath,” I said fiercely when I finally pulled back, just far enough for our foreheads to rest together. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily, Wolfboy. We’re in this together, no matter how crazy and hazardous it gets. Deal with it.” Despite the tears now streaking his filthy cheeks, Aiden managed a watery chuckle and tightened his embrace until I could feel the steady thrum of his powerfully beating heart against mine. “Together forever then, my fierce mate,” he murmured, the oath vow carrying all the weight and solemnity of a sacred pact. “Even if it means bathing in the fires of hell itself.” I simply nodded, not an ounce of doubt lingering in my soul. And in its place, an unbreakable certainty rose up-that whatever this new primordial existence as Aiden’s eternal werewolf mate entailed, we would face it head-on with feral defiance. No matter what supernatural terrors or threats awaited in the shadows, I was done being a victim of forces beyond my control. From here until the end of eternity itself, I would meet it all as an apex predator-teeth bared, unafraid, and poised to tear out the throat of anything that dared cross my path. The blood moon had risen. And with it, the birth of a new, unstoppable huntress joined in feral, undying union with her werewolf mate. Our very existence would become a force of nature that the supernatural world had never seen the likes of…

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