Betrothed To The Cold Billionaire


Fear gripped me when I saw the intruder. Who was that?? Then I noticed the person turn to face me. I almost screamed out when I saw the horrific face of the person.

Then it hit me.. this was my husband!!!

His face was much worse than I had thought. I was lost, staring at his face when I noticed something. He was putting on a mask. I was able to notice because of the edges.

It might not be really obvious unless one looks closer. Why was he putting on a mask? Is it because his face was more disfigured than the mask was??

Even though he wanted to put on a mask to cover his hideous face, why couldn’t he have put on something better than this one he is wearing? This mask could give something an heart attack.

“I can see you aren’t really surprised by my face. I guess you must have heard the rumors.” His deep voice brought me out of my thoughts.

I don’t know if it was an illusion but I could sense disappointment laced in his voice. Why was he disappointed when the rumors are obviously true? I didn’t know what to tell him and kept staring at him trying to read his emotions but it was just too hard because of the darn mask that was covering his face.

I could only stare at his green orbs. They looked so much like that annoying guy’s own. It made me wonder if they were related.

“Good evening.” I decided to day something.

Instead of answering me, he kept staring at me deeply. Like he was trying to get some type of information from me.

“You are quite different from what I had expected.” He muttered without breaking off his eyes from my body. Different how??

He stares were so extreme that I realized that I was still semi naked in front of him. I started to get self conscious all of a sudden. Something that has never ever happened to me before.

“Eyes up here mister.” I said as I held the towel tightly against my body so it wouldn’t fall off.

His eyes met with mine and I swear I saw amusement and excitement flash through his eyes, but for just a split second though. It was quickly replaced with the cold and dead look from before.

“Don’t flatter yourself. Your body isn’t as enticing like you think it is.” He said coldly making my cheeks grow red with embarrassment.

Did he just insult my body?? I was about to snap back at him when he continued talking.

“I have some rules laid down and you need to obey them if you want to enjoy your stay in this house.”

“Though we are married, there will be no need for us to act like a couple unless we are in the midst of others. You can continue with however you have lived your life and that would be the same with me. You can even have a boyfriend if you want to, as long as it never gets out to the public.” Is he trying to say that he wants to have a girlfriend too??

“What a pervert.” I thought within me but thankfully, he didn’t notice my facial expression.

“Also, I wanted to let you know that my cousin, Oliver lives here with me. You might have met him already.” So that annoying dude is his cousin. Is that why their eyes looks alike??

“You can do anything or go anywhere you want to in this house except for my study and my room. I don’t want to ever see you in my territory.” He warned.

My heart lept in excitement when I heard that. The anger in me had vanished the moment he mentioned his room. That only means that he wasn’t going to stay in this room with me.

“As long as you don’t trespass into my territory too.” I bargained.

“You can’t tell me what to do because lest I remind you, this is my house.” His deep voice resounded, making me shiver in fear but I decided not to back down.

“And I’m your wife. You’ve been laying down rules since the moment you saw me but I can’t?” I asked but he remained silent.

“Besides, if you want the both of us to live in peace, you’ll have to give me the equal amount of respect that I’ll give to you. I’m sure you’re well aware that I never wanted this marriage in the first place.”

“Then why are you here?” He asked back.

Seriously?? Like he and his family would let my family go in peace if I broke the agreement.

“I changed my mind.” I answered instead and that made him scoff.

“You know you can still leave here while you can if you can’t cope with your reality.” My eyes brightened in happiness when he said that.

“Really?? I can?” I asked hopefully.

“Yes. But get ready to face the consequences.” My happiness immediately died down whem I heard that. What was I expecting??

“Do as I say and your stay here would be peaceful. Just know that any mistakes from you, the punishment would be on your family.” He warned before he wheeled himself out of my room without waiting for me to retort back at him.

What the hell!! Seriously, who does he think he is to boss me around and still threaten me?? Does he seriously think that I’ll hold back if he does anything to my family??

Even though his threats were scary, I wasn’t going to let anyone boss me around. I can’t be in a marriage and still be the only one suffering from it. If he wants me to stay away from his lane, I’ll do that as long as he stays away from mine.

And then, that annoying cousin of his. I just hope I don’t get to see him again. I’ll jsut do everything I can to avoid the both of them or I might do something that I’ll regret later. With that thought in mind, I went into the closet and picked out a night dress.

After I had put it on, I went back to my bed and laid on it tiredly. It didn’t take that long for me to drift into a very deep slumber.

**********************************All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Bianca stared in anger as Lucas kept trying to call Ariel. When she couldn’t bare the jealousy she was feeling anymore, she snatched the phone from his hands.

“What are you doing Bianca??” He asked as he tried to collect the phone back from her but she moved her hand.

“I should be asking you that. She already broke off her relationship with you. Why do you keep trying to get her back??” Bianca complained bitterly.

“I already told you why I was dating her. She broke up with me before I could even get what I wanted. It’s really annoying because it seems like all the days I had spent with her was all a waste.” He answered.

“Is that why you had to bow down to her and plead like a cowardfor her to take you back?? What the hell as gotten into you??” Bianca asked in spite.

“I’m that desperate. I need whatever I can get from her. No matter how little it is.”

“You don’t actually need it. Your family is very loaded and powerful. Besides, dating me would add to your status.”

“I know that but it won’t be like dating Ariel. You know how wealthy and connected that family is.”

“Really?? Or are just doing that because you are in love with Ariel. Are you just using her family status as a cover up?” Bian asked as she raised her brows.

“How many times do I have to explain to you that I don’t love Ariel. You’re the only one that I love. The only one that is in my heart.” He said as he moved to touch her but she was quick to slap his hands off.

“Really?? You say you love me but I can’t even feel your love. For the past few days, you have been obsessing over a girl that obviously doesn’t want you. You can’t even show off to others that I am your girlfriend even though we started dating way before you knew Ariel. You know how much I love you but Ariel’s the only one you ever think about. You don’t even bother about how I feel when you start acting like this.” Bianca screamed as pool of tears rolled down her eyes. It was really heart wrenching for her.

Seeing her in such state, Lucas frigid expression melted immediately. He pulled her close to him and embraced her tightly.

“I’m so sorry. I never knew my actions made you feel unloved.” He muttered as he patted her head slowly as a way to console her.

“You do it everytime. You know how much I love and adore you but your eyes are always on her.” Buanca added as she hipcupped slowly.

“I’m so sorry. I was just so desperate to get what I wanted from her that I made you feel like I never loved you. You know that you are the only one in my heart.”

“Really??” Bianca asked as she pulled away from the hug to stare at him.

“Yes. I love you so much.” He added.

“Why don’t you prove it then.”

“How?” Lucas asked eagerly.

“Show me off to the whole world that you are mine alone and not Ariel’s.” Lucas pulled away from her the moment she said that.

“You can’t do that??” She asked angrily when she noticed the way his expression changed.

“I want to.”

“Then just do it!!” The anger Bianca was feeling before was already returning.

“You know why I can’t. Ariel can’t find out that we are together. My plans would be ruined.” He explained.

“What makes you think that she hasn’t found out yet??” Bianca asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Why else would she break up with you?? Without any explanation at that!!”

“Did you tell her??” Lucas asked as fear flashed through his eyes.


“Then there’s no way she would ever find out. I need my plan to work out first before we can finally be able to showcase our love to everyone.” Lucas said and moved to kiss her on the lips but Bianca turned her face to the other side.

He was angry at her reaction but held himself back. He sighed and pecked her cheeks instead.

“Just be patient and soon, I’ll be all yours.” Lucas muttered before he left her alone in the room.

“Arghhh!!!” Buanca screamed angrily as she threw the pillow on the bed against the wall.

She was one hundred percent sure that Lucas was still in love with Ariel and that made her very angry. She loved Lucas first. They were dating first until he met with Ariel.

If she had known, she wouldn’t have let him go ahead with his plan. She wanted Ariel to suffer. To fall in love with someone and then find out that he was just using her and sleeping with her enemy but now, it seems like Lucas has already fallen in love with her.

“Why does Ariel always get everything she wants without doing anything at all? The popularity, love, power and now, my boyfriend?!?” She asked in anger and jealousy.

Oh, how she wished she could just strangle Ariel to death. She wished Ariel never existed. Everything that Ariel had, she wanted it all.

“I need to do something now. I really need to stop Lucas from continuing with his plan ot things between them might get worse. The only way to do that is to make him hate Ariel but how do I go about it??” She asked herself.

She was still deep in her thought when she got a text from one of her minions. Her eyes glittered in excitement when she saw the message. She couldn’t help but laugh out in excitement like she had won a lottery.

“Lucas is mine Ariel. Mine forever!!”

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