Valerie’s POV

Life is about turning on different roads and choosing to either face the rock of reality or not.

This is reality.

That was the word I wrote down in the dressing room before coming out here to face my reality.

This isn’t what I have always dreamt of. This is the opposite of what I want for myself and my future.

I am a strong believer in love, probably because I have experienced love in beautiful souls. I never believed in getting married out of love but here I am doing that one thing I never believed in or never knew existed.

Dazed, I let the sound of applause get drowned in my head as I approach the arbor where the groom of the day is awaiting me.

His name is Ryan and I am going to be his bride today. Not because we love each other but for different reasons and goals.

I want my father to be back on his feet. I want him to return to that confident, strong man he used to be and I also want my revenge on Fred and Brenda.

I am not doing this because I want our financial status to go back to the way it used to be but I guess wanting to help my father recover his business will lead to that which is why my mother is all smiles.

I do not believe that money solves it all.

For Fred and Brenda, this is just the beginning. I am going to make sure that they come begging me with their knees, seeking my forgiveness.

What other life would a woman want other than being married to a billionaire? Not just a billionaire, but the youngest billionaire in the city?

This is my revenge tactic.

Fred would be shocked. Brenda would be caught unawares and I will make sure to make their life a living hell.

The thought of my revenge alone makes me giddy with excitement. It makes me happier than the fact that my father would be happy to have his business back and become partners with the Lorenzos.

I might be lost in my thoughts but I am alert. My eyes are interlocked with Ryan’s as I carefully step toward him.

Ever since the date, Ryan and I haven’t met and I am sure he will be so surprised to see my real face and that is if he hasn’t gone on social media out of curiosity to check me out.

I almost laugh out loud.

I might be getting married to him but I feel like a genius and a boss.

There are two bosses on a ship. I won’t let him order me around like some illiterate woman.

That was why I brought up the idea of a contract marriage which would be signed tonight after the wedding ceremony is over.

He might be making the rules but I have my plans for him too.

When I am close by, I flash him one of my cutest smiles but his face is hardened without a smile.

I raise the middle hem of my white wedding dress, the transparent veil still covering my face and my kinky hair with decorative braids and curls.

Careful not to step on the dress, I take one more step closer to him and face him squarely before dropping my dress.

The little bride beside me passes the wedding flower to me and I take it.

The applause dies down and everyone sits before the priest moves closer to us with a lingering smile on his face.

I have no bridesmaid and no maid of honor because Brenda is the only female friend I have while Fred is the only male friend that I have. They have other friends too and we hang out together but now that I am no longer friends with Brenda and Fred, then it means I am no longer friends with their friends and that means I have no friends.

I can’t spot Ryan’s best man either and I wonder if he is doing this because I have no maid of honor or it is because he doesn’t have a friend either.

“Dear beloved”, the priest begins, jerking me out of my reverie and making me fix my gaze on Ryan instead of glancing around.

“We are gathered here today to join Ryan Lorenzo and Valerie Adams in Holy matrimony before God and man. Marriage is a wonderful thing. It is a sacred vow to spend your life with one person for all eternity and to stick with each other through thick and thin”, he turns and takes the ring from the ring bearer who is also dressed like a priest.

Now I am more than sure that Ryan doesn’t have a friend either. Isn’t the ring bearer supposed to be his best man?

Stretching the first ring to Ryan, he demands. “You may now exchange the vows.”

Ryan takes the ring with confidence, as though he really wants this marriage and does not need it.

He turns back to face me after taking the ring from the priest and opens his left palm wide for me to place my fingers on while the other hand is holding the diamond ring.

I’m sure that costs a fortune. So much for getting married to a billionaire.

I am sure this is the time my mother’s breath will be on hold. She knows me so well and she knows how much she had tried to convince me to go ahead with the wedding.

She might think I agreed because I have plans to humiliate the two families by telling the whole audience that this is an arranged marriage and Ryan and I are not in love but I won’t do that because I have something to gain from this, really.

Slowly, I place my left hand on his open palms and he opens his mouth to voice out his vows in a loud tone.

“In the name of God, I, Ryan Lorenzo, take you, Valerie Adams, as my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.” He slips the diamond ring into my middle finger and I almost laugh.

Why did that vow sound emotional? Is this the time when I am supposed to cry?

I am making an effort to suck in my laughter and not let it out.

“Valerie”, his harsh tone pulls me out of my thoughts. This is when I realize that it is time for me to say my vows too.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

The priest is watching me intently with the second ring stretched at me.

Other than Ryan’s voice, the big hall filled with thousands of people is in complete silence and a pin drop can be heard. I don’t know if this is just from my imagination or if it is because everybody is anxious to see us both get married without any problem.

I take the ring from the priest and my hand shakes.

Then it dawns on me.

I am getting married. Whether the contract will be involved or not does not matter right now. I am truly getting married.

To Ryan Lorenzo.

A man I don’t love. A man I never thought I would cross paths with or share any ideas with.

This is not Fred.

I have always wanted Fred to propose marriage to me. I didn’t want to give him the idea that I want us to get married because I wanted him to think of it himself and propose without anyone’s interference.

Apart from the fact that I am still young, I wouldn’t have considered marrying anybody but Fred willingly at this age.

Getting married to Ryan at this age is because I have no choice.

I am truly getting married to someone who isn’t Fred, the man I have noved with everything in me since I was 20 years old.

He is my first love and I doubt if his betrayal will ever make me love another man.

When this marriage is over, I will try dating again, maybe I will find someone who is more honest and ready to give me what I want; a marriage filled with nothing but love and laughter.

By then, I will be old enough, no longer considered young.

“In the name of God, I, Valerie Adams take you, Ryan Lorenzo, as my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death does us part.” I slip the diamond ring into his middle finger just like he did to me a few minutes ago.

I hear a sigh of relief from Ryan and I stare up at him as he yanks his hand from my hold and another round of applause takes over.

There are screams of excitement from the crowd and I snap my head toward where my dad is sitting with my mother.

Mother is waving at me with pride while Father’s face is expressionless. He simply nods at me and smiles.

When the excitement dies down and I have my gaze fixed on the floor between Ryan and me, my thoughts all over the place, the priest clears his throat.

“With the power vested in me, I pronounce you, man and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

I didn’t remember this part of the wedding process and I lift my head with my eyes almost bulging out.

Ryan will kiss me?


Fred is the only man who has kissed me and I can’t kiss a man I don’t love.

The whiff of cologne from his tuxedo jerks me back to life as he lifts my veil to reveal my real face.

My jaws dropped and my heart is pounding hard, wondering if he is truly going to kiss me.

When he leans forward, I know I have to do something. I can’t let him kiss me. We aren’t in love. We are just married.

He wants to do this to make it real but I won’t allow that.

Before his lips will touch mine, the thought of pushing him away jumps into my head but I shake my head to wave it away.

Instead, I turn my face away, and the cheap kiss of his lands on my left cheek.

He pulls away almost immediately, surprised at my reaction as he throws me a cold glare.

And I grin with pride.

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