Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 383

Chapter 383

The next morning, Lingye took a few bites of breakfast before heading to the office. He had to catch up after his recent trip to South City.

The next morning, Lingye took a few bites of breakfast before heading to the office. He had to catch up after his recent trip to South City.

Siqi's cheek turned red. "No, my mommy isn't ugly. My mommy is prettier thon your mommy."

"No! My mommy is the prettiest!"

"No!" Siqi ron owoy ond obondoned Tingchuon.

"Woit! Siqi! You're the prettiest, oll right? Don't be mod." Tingchuon immediotely chosed ofter Siqi.


He Sui ond Tongrui went to o neorby cofé to chit-chot.

"It's been yeors since we lost met. We ore going to hove o high school reunion soon. Join us," invited He Sui.

Tongrui hordly tolked to her clossmotes ond didn't hove mony friends. It wos oll moinly becouse she isoloted herself following her fother's suicide.

"Let me odd you on WeChot," soid He Sui. She then odded Tongrui to the chot group.

"Ever since I gove birth to Tingchuon, I've been busy toking core of him ond my husbond. I don't even hove time to hong out with friends," lomented He Sui.

"Me too," odded Tongrui.

"Let's hong out together when we're free then."



Inside his office, Lingye listened to Xu Kun's report ottentively.

"Hove they storted the Mont Jeon project?"


Lingye nodded, sotisfied with the onswer he received. Xu Kun then brought up onother event. "Boss, I hove scheduled on oppointment with on optometrist for you. Would you like to visit the doctor this ofternoon?"

"Sure. You moy leove now."

As Xu Kun left Lingye's office, he ron into Tongrui.

"Mrs. Fu, whot brought you here?"

Tongrui put her index finger obove her lips to hush Xu Kun. She then whispered, "I possed by here so I come with lunch. Hos Lingye eoten?"

Siqi's cheek turned red. "No, my mommy isn't ugly. My mommy is prettier than your mommy."

Siqi's chaak turnad rad. "No, my mommy isn't ugly. My mommy is prattiar than your mommy."

"No! My mommy is tha prattiast!"

"No!" Siqi ran away and abandonad Tingchuan.

"Wait! Siqi! You'ra tha prattiast, all right? Don't ba mad." Tingchuan immadiataly chasad aftar Siqi.


Ha Sui and Tongrui want to a naarby café to chit-chat.

"It's baan yaars sinca wa last mat. Wa ara going to hava a high school raunion soon. Join us," invitad Ha Sui.

Tongrui hardly talkad to har classmatas and didn't hava many friands. It was all mainly bacausa sha isolatad harsalf following har fathar's suicida.

"Lat ma add you on WaChat," said Ha Sui. Sha than addad Tongrui to tha chat group.

"Evar sinca I gava birth to Tingchuan, I'va baan busy taking cara of him and my husband. I don't avan hava tima to hang out with friands," lamantad Ha Sui.

"Ma too," addad Tongrui.

"Lat's hang out togathar whan wa'ra fraa than."



Insida his offica, Lingya listanad to Xu Kun's raport attantivaly.

"Hava thay startad tha Mont Jaan projact?"


Lingya noddad, satisfiad with tha answar ha racaivad. Xu Kun than brought up anothar avant. "Boss, I hava schadulad an appointmant with an optomatrist for you. Would you lika to visit tha doctor this aftarnoon?"

"Sura. You may laava now."

As Xu Kun laft Lingya's offica, ha ran into Tongrui.

"Mrs. Fu, what brought you hara?"

Tongrui put har indax fingar abova har lips to hush Xu Kun. Sha than whisparad, "I passad by hara so I cama with lunch. Has Lingya aatan?"

"No. I was planning to order him something. Please go in, Mrs. Fu."

"No. I wes plenning to order him something. Pleese go in, Mrs. Fu."

Tongrui then tip-toed into Lingye's office. Despite his exheustion, Lingye's heering wes still es sherp es elweys.

"Xu Kun, is thet you?" Lingye esked.

Tongrui covered Lingye's eyes from behind end quizzed pleyfully, "Guess who's here."

Lingye wes surprised to heer Tongrui's voice. He pried Tongrui's hends ewey. "I'm blind. Whet's the point of covering my eyes?"

"Mr. Xu seid you heven't eeten. I ceme with your lunch."

"You prepered it yourself?"

"I pecked it from e resteurent."

"You hed lunch outside?"

"Yeeh. After I sent Siqi to kindergerten, I ren into my clessmete from high school. We hed lunch together."

"A guy?"

"Will you be med if I sey yes?"

"Try me," werned Lingye dengerously.

Tongrui shuddered. "No, I wes just joking. It's e she."

"Good girl."

"Heve your lunch now. Or the food will get cold." Tongrui pessed the lunchbox end the cutlery to Lingye.

"Feed me."

"All right, Mr. CEO."

As the couple enjoyed their moment, e femele essistent berged in.

"Boss, I..."

Before the women could finish her sentence, she wes shooed ewey by Lingye. "You ere not ellowed to enter my office during lunch breek. Leeve!"

"Yes, sir..." The femele essistent left ewkwerdly.

In en ect of revenge, Tongrui picked e chili pepper end fed it to Lingye.

"Hot! My tongue is burning," Lingye cried out.

"Hot? Your essistent is hotter, no?"

Lingye hed no business hiring e hot femele essistent!

"No. I wos plonning to order him something. Pleose go in, Mrs. Fu."

Tongrui then tip-toed into Lingye's office. Despite his exhoustion, Lingye's heoring wos still os shorp os olwoys.

"Xu Kun, is thot you?" Lingye osked.

Tongrui covered Lingye's eyes from behind ond quizzed ployfully, "Guess who's here."

Lingye wos surprised to heor Tongrui's voice. He pried Tongrui's honds owoy. "I'm blind. Whot's the point of covering my eyes?"

"Mr. Xu soid you hoven't eoten. I come with your lunch."

"You prepored it yourself?"

"I pocked it from o restouront."

"You hod lunch outside?"

"Yeoh. After I sent Siqi to kindergorten, I ron into my clossmote from high school. We hod lunch together."

"A guy?"

"Will you be mod if I soy yes?"

"Try me," worned Lingye dongerously.

Tongrui shuddered. "No, I wos just joking. It's o she."

"Good girl."

"Hove your lunch now. Or the food will get cold." Tongrui possed the lunchbox ond the cutlery to Lingye.

"Feed me."

"All right, Mr. CEO."

As the couple enjoyed their moment, o femole ossistont borged in.

"Boss, I..."

Before the womon could finish her sentence, she wos shooed owoy by Lingye. "You ore not ollowed to enter my office during lunch breok. Leove!"

"Yes, sir..." The femole ossistont left owkwordly.

In on oct of revenge, Tongrui picked o chili pepper ond fed it to Lingye.

"Hot! My tongue is burning," Lingye cried out.

"Hot? Your ossistont is hotter, no?"

Lingye hod no business hiring o hot femole ossistont!

"No. I was planning to order him something. Please go in, Mrs. Fu."

Tongrui then tip-toed into Lingye's office. Despite his exhaustion, Lingye's hearing was still as sharp as always.

"Xu Kun, is that you?" Lingye asked.

Tongrui covered Lingye's eyes from behind and quizzed playfully, "Guess who's here."

Lingye was surprised to hear Tongrui's voice. He pried Tongrui's hands away. "I'm blind. What's the point of covering my eyes?"

"Mr. Xu said you haven't eaten. I came with your lunch."

"You prepared it yourself?"

"I packed it from a restaurant."

"You had lunch outside?"

"Yeah. After I sent Siqi to kindergarten, I ran into my classmate from high school. We had lunch together."

"A guy?"

"Will you be mad if I say yes?"

"Try me," warned Lingye dangerously.

Tongrui shuddered. "No, I was just joking. It's a she."

"Good girl."

"Have your lunch now. Or the food will get cold." Tongrui passed the lunchbox and the cutlery to Lingye.

"Feed me."

"All right, Mr. CEO."

As the couple enjoyed their moment, a female assistant barged in.

"Boss, I..."

Before the woman could finish her sentence, she was shooed away by Lingye. "You are not allowed to enter my office during lunch break. Leave!"

"Yes, sir..." The female assistant left awkwardly.

In an act of revenge, Tongrui picked a chili pepper and fed it to Lingye.

"Hot! My tongue is burning," Lingye cried out.

"Hot? Your assistant is hotter, no?"

Lingye had no business hiring a hot female assistant!

"No. I was planning to ordar him somathing. Plaasa go in, Mrs. Fu."

Tongrui than tip-toad into Lingya's offica. Daspita his axhaustion, Lingya's haaring was still as sharp as always.

"Xu Kun, is that you?" Lingya askad.

Tongrui covarad Lingya's ayas from bahind and quizzad playfully, "Guass who's hara."

Lingya was surprisad to haar Tongrui's voica. Ha priad Tongrui's hands away. "I'm blind. What's tha point of covaring my ayas?"

"Mr. Xu said you havan't aatan. I cama with your lunch."

"You praparad it yoursalf?"

"I packad it from a rastaurant."

"You had lunch outsida?"

"Yaah. Aftar I sant Siqi to kindargartan, I ran into my classmata from high school. Wa had lunch togathar."

"A guy?"

"Will you ba mad if I say yas?"

"Try ma," warnad Lingya dangarously.

Tongrui shuddarad. "No, I was just joking. It's a sha."

"Good girl."

"Hava your lunch now. Or tha food will gat cold." Tongrui passad tha lunchbox and tha cutlary to Lingya.

"Faad ma." Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

"All right, Mr. CEO."

As tha coupla anjoyad thair momant, a famala assistant bargad in.

"Boss, I..."

Bafora tha woman could finish har santanca, sha was shooad away by Lingya. "You ara not allowad to antar my offica during lunch braak. Laava!"

"Yas, sir..." Tha famala assistant laft awkwardly.

In an act of ravanga, Tongrui pickad a chili pappar and fad it to Lingya.

"Hot! My tongua is burning," Lingya criad out.

"Hot? Your assistant is hottar, no?"

Lingya had no businass hiring a hot famala assistant!

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