Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Chapter 97 Who is This? Michael was immediately attended to and seeing how he had blood all over his mouth, the chief of the police who had come asked him,” Mr. Michael, who did this to you?” “This Bastard of course,” he pointed to Broderick. The cheif of police immediately ordered his men to go ahead and arrest Broderick while he placed a call across to the ambulance team to immediately come and help Michael “No,” Amy tried to stop the police from arresting Broderick but they wouldn’t listen. “Please respect yourself, miss,” one of the cops said with a stern look because Amy had stood before Broderick, guarding them from reaching him. Broderick stepped away from her back and walked to them, his two hands was immediately shoved to the back and he was handcuffed then taken away. Tears rushed down Amy’s face. So a time will come when Broderick can get arrested by the cops? It’s true that people only respect you cause of the value you offer and not because of who you are. If Broderick was still the most powerful man in North Hill, will this people even dare to challenge him? Will they even think of making such an attempt as to arrest him? While Amy was standing still, the ambulance team came and immediately took Michael away for treatment. Whereas, Carlton had sat on the floor weakly out of fear, watching how the whole event was transpiring. He was so exhausted and smelly as a result of the fact that he had urinated reflexly on his body. With a teary face, Amy turned to her father and accused him angrily, “you caused all these!” Carlton ignored her and place a call across to the Owen’s family butler, once the man answered, he said to him, “send a car to pick me up from Amy’s apartment now.” “Alright, sir,” the butler responded and he hung the call up. “Let me tell you this, Mr. Carlton. You don’t have any right to ship me off however you want. Apart from the fact that I’m a mother of six kids, you don’t regard me as your daughter yet you think you can use me for your selfish desires,” Amy warned him squarely. “Won’t you pay back how I had helped you for many years of your life?”

“I have paid it back by marrying Broderick Alessandro in the past. What else do you have to say?” Amy asked and walked away painfully and angrily from him. When she was almost getting to the door of her room, Carlton spoke,” I think we should talk about getting Broderick out of the prison.” Amy paused and turned to him with a disdain look. “Michael is the most powerful man in North Hill and I’m the mayor of the city. More like, I’m the next most powerful man after him. It’s only Michael or I that can declare the release of Broderick,” Carlton said with a smirk Thinking about it, Amy thought that Carlton was definitely right. The Inspector General of police won’t just release Broderick out of bail, either of Michael or Carlton has to command him to release Broderick. But these people would never help Broderick. “So., I’m guessing you know what I’m thinking,” Carlton asked as he stood. He was now feeling victorious, it was as though he just find something new that he could leverage upon to force Amy into yielding to his request. “What?” Amy asked with a frown. A car suddenly pulled over and Carlton and Amy looked towards the direction of the car at once, the Owen family’s butler stepped out and quickly walked to Carlton, “sir, please come in.” Carlton nodded and looked away from him then set his gaze back at Amy,” Only 1 or Michael can declare the release of Broderick and that will even be one month after you have get wedded to Michael.” Carlton then followed the butler and walked away.

Amy smirked, “that’s not going to happen.” She assured herself and stormed inside. A brief knock landed on her door a few seconds later and then opened slowly. Joan had appeared with two ice creams and said, “I got caught up with something, sorry I came late.” “It’s okay.” Amy said with an heavy sigh. Joan noticed the expression on her face and then asked,” what’s wrong?” “Give me the ice cream?” Amy demanded and Joan handed over the ice cream to her. After she was done licking it aggressively she began to narrate everything that happened during Joan’s

absence. Joan was stupefied, “So Broderick has been arrested now? Oh my! This Michael is such a bastard. We need to get Broderick out as soon as we can.” “How is that possible? Only my father or Michael can save him,” Amy said. “I wished our company has really grown, we would have taken that position of the most powerful man from Michael,” Joan said and the two women fell into deep silence. Amy felt stuck and didn’t know what to do. A call came through on her phone and she immediately answered it seeing that it was her brother,” hey Irvin.” “The news of Broderick Alessandro arrest has reached everyone already. Do you have a plan of getting him out?” “No, Only Michael or my father can but they insist I must marry Michael before they can get Broderick out.” Amy said. Irvin was quiet for a while then he said,” there is only one person who can help.” “Who is that?” “Callan.” “My ex husband?” She asked in surprise. “Yes.” “He will be out of prison this night as his terms in prison are complete. You can meet with him and discuss,” Irvin said. “That jerk! I hate him with passion. I don’t want to have anything to do with him.” “Do you want to get Broderick out of prison or do you want him to rot in jail?” “I want him out of prison, big brother,” Amy broke down. “Then set aside your hate and do what I say. Just a tip, Callan, Michael and Broderick used to best of friends in their high school days. They know so much about themselves that no one else knows. Keep me updated” Irvin said.

“Sure, brother,” Amy said, hung the call and dropped the phone. “Is that your brother?” Joan asked. “Yes. He told me to meet with Callan that he can help us get Broderick out of prison,” Amy said. Joan sighed” let’s hope it works out.” When it was the following day, Amy sat at the prisoner visitor’s room. And in a jiffy, Broderick was brought in with handcuff in both his hands and his legs. Amy felt very bad seeing Broderick this way, Broderick sat and smiled,” hey, Amy, how are you?” “I’m fine. I can already see that you are not fine even if you try to cover it up with a smile. Broderick, how can I get you out of here?” “Don’t worry about me, just live your life,” Broderick said casually. As if it wasn’t a big deal that he was arrested. “Have you ever been arrested?” “This is my first time and it’s so humiliating. But I guess life has so many unexpected things in turn for us,” Broderick said and quickly added,” Amy, if you get disturbed too much, I’m afraid you will loose your beauty. You are such a beautiful woman and having lesser or no worry will make you glow beautifully even more. So don’t worry about me, okay?” Amy smirked, ‘did this idiot knows that she loves him? Did he know that he is the father of her six kids?’ “I don’t care about my beauty. All i care about is you. And please stop telling me to stop worrying about you You get into this mess because you were trying to defend me yet you are telling me not to worry.” “Oh!” “Tell me your plan, how do you want to get out of here?” Amy asked. “I don’t have a plan sincerely. As you can see, I don’t have any power anymore. I don’t have a company neither am I the most powerful man in North Hill. Everyone in my clan hates me and infact, since I got here yesterday, my wife has not come to visit me. So when you really think of it, you will realize that no one really cares about me, why should I bother about leaving this place?” “I care for you.”

“You do?” “So much. Did you know anyone by the name Irvin?” “Not at all. Who is he?” Amy sighed, ‘he doesn’t even remember Irvin anymore,’ what a life, Amy thought about it as she looked away. She turned back to him and said, “Did you know Callan?” “Callan? Yes. He was the prisoner that got his freedom yesterday night.” “You guys saw eachother at the prison, huh?” Amy asked. “Yes, we actually ate dinner together. When some prison bad boys were trying to bully me, he stopped them and offered that we eat together. He was good to me until he left,” Broderick said. That’s strange! Why would Callan be good to Broderick? “Well, I was told by someone powerful that only Callan can help you out of prison and that I should meet with him,” Amy said. Broderick thought blankly about it and said,” well, I think you can.” “You don’t have any problem with meeting with him, right?” Amy asked. “Of course not, he’s such a nice man,” Broderick said. “I’ll miss you and I promise to get you out of here soon,” Amy stood and Broderick also stood. Looking at Broderick in this state saddens her heart so much, when she was almost crying, she quickly turned away from him and went to one of the cops standing and watching the prisoners and their visitors. “How much do I need to pay you to ensure he’s being treated well over here?” Amy asked. “Two thousand dollar, ma,” the guard replied shamelessly and greedily. Amy nodded and handed over three thousand dollars to him, the guard was stupefied and he quickly kept the money in his pocket so that his bosses or colleagues won’t see it and collect a share from it. “I am the captain here, I assure you that he won’t get bullied at all,” the cop said and Amy left. Once she got inside the car, Joan who had been waiting for her and was seated at the driver’s seat noticed that she had cried and then said, “I’m so sorry, Amy. We will get Broderick out.” More tears gushed from Amy’s face and she cleaned it quickly. “Drive over to Callan’s house.” “Got it,” Joan started the ignition of the car and began to drive. A couple of minutes later, their car parked

before Callan’s house. “Should I follow you in or shall I wait here?” “Wait here. I’ll keep you updated.” “Got it.” Amy stepped down from the car and walked straight to the entrance of the house. She looked around the house and she almost find it incredible that she lived here with Callan for three years. She rang the doorbell and the door was soon opened. She didn’t know whether the person who would appear will be Callan or his mother, Wilma. Fortunately for her, it was Callan. Callan was dressed in a white silky shirt and a black jean trouser, he looked very handsome and cute. It will be hard to believe that he just came out of prison yesterday night. “Amy!” Callan called surprisingly. He wasn’t expecting to ever see Amy at his doorstep. “please come in.” Amy walked inside in silence, “please sit.” Before Amy would sit, a tall and skinny lady appeared.” Callan, who is this?” She had a malicious look ok her face.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

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