Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

Gate Of Hell

Michael sat before Callan at the prisoner‘s visitor’s arena, “Michael, such a long time. When did you come back to NorthHill?“.

“Six weeks ago. How many months left do you have left to spend in jail?” Michael asked.

“Just three months but the three months looks like forever. I can’t wait to get out of this fucking place,” Callan shook his head,” prison is not a nice experience at all.” “Callan, so many things has happened in NorthHill since your absense. Are you family feeding you of the news?“.

“No. I told them to stop coming to visit me ever since I was informed of how Broderick beat the hell out of the man I sent to Amy to give her a letter. When I come out of prison, I‘ll come and claim her,” Callan said with all sense of seriousness,” Broderick will never be able to stop


Michael smirked and kept quiet, when Callan saw that he wasn‘t saying any word, he asked,” why are you quiet?” “I‘m getting married to Amy in two days time,” Michael said. Callan felt as if he didn‘t hear the right word, “what did you say?” “You heard what I said perfectly. I already planted a seed of discord between them. As I speak to you, they are beginning to hate eachother with passion. As a long time friend, I‘ll advise you give up on Amy. As a matter of fact, I will be taking her away with me out of NorthHill three days after our wedding,” Michael said. “Michael, how could you do this to me? You know Amy is my wife.” “Your wife?” Michael smirked,” Amy left you a long time ago after she caught you cheating on her. See, even if you get back together with her, that trust can never be there again. What‘s a relationship without trust? Amy is mine now.” Michael said.

Callan hummed angrily, drumming his fingers on the table between them,” you betrayed me, bro.”

“That‘s not called betrayal. Amy and I were actually childhood lovers. I loved and met her before you even do,” Michael said.

“Before I leave, I‘ll like to tell you that you should be expecting a new friend soon,” Michael said.

“What are you talking about?” “I have put plan in place to set Broderick up. He will soon be arrested and sent to jail. He will be your new friend,” Michael smirked wickedly.

“These two information I have told you are not my main reason for coming here...” Michael brought out a document from his suitcase and placed it on the table.

He made the document face Callan and he said,” the Alessandro‘s family– my family, the Owen‘s family– the mayor‘s family and your family are partnering together to build a company that will surpass that of Ba’ the new most powerful man in NorthHill. However, seeing that you are the heir to your family‘s company, your signature is required.”

Gate nt Heli

Callan glanced at the document and then faced Michael,” Who is Ba?”

“The new most powerful man in NorthHill. He is about building the largest and biggest company ever built in the history of North Hill. We can‘t watch and let him monopolize the economy of NorthHill.” Michael said.

“So Broderick has fallen, hahaha... interesting! i have missed so much indeed. No wonder you can easily come between Amy and Broderick and even have Amy for yourself,” Callan said.

“Sign the document, Callan,” Michael said. © 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

Callan smirked,” why does this sound like a command. Michael, you aren‘t even acting like we are friends anymore. Is it because I‘m in prison now? Anyways, I‘ll be out in three months. As for this

document, I won‘t sign it.”


“When I come out of prison, I will come to review the project myself and see if it‘s most likely to be profitable and see if it can withstand and overpower Ba‘s company,” Callan said.

“We can‘t wait for you, Ba has already started giving out project to many clans and they will all commence work next month. Callan, trust me, I know more about business than you do. Those days in college, isn‘t it Broderick and I who always lead the class? You are not even always among the top ten people leading the class, so think of it, you are not as intelligent as me.” Michael said.

“I graduated with distinction in the university, and I was the best graduating student in my faculty. This is why our clan made me the heir to the family‘s company. So don‘t think I‘m still as dull as college days,” Callan said.

Michael coughed briefly and gestured for the cop standing a distance away to come closer, the man walked quickly towards him, “this man, ” Michael pointed to Callan,” I need you to make his life hell in prison. Cause him so much pain.” Michael then brought out a cheque and scribbled the amount– ten thousand dollar there.‘ He stretched the cheque to the cop and when the cop saw the amount written there, he collected it quickly.

“Don‘t worry, Mr. Michael. I‘ll make him beg for death,” the cop said.

“You!” Callan pointed at the cop angrily.

“When you are ready to sign the papers, tell this cop, he will reach out to me then I will come over. After you have signed it, I‘ll tell him to stop punishing you,” Michael said and stood.

“Hold on!” Callan said and stood. “I need you pass a message across to Amy, can you do that?

“Depends on the content of the message,” Michael said. Callan can‘t beleive that Michael can act this cruel to him. Those days in college, Broderick, Michael and Callan were the flower boys that gets the attention of all the girls in school. They walk together and do things together, neither of them had an idea they will grow to become the an enemy to each other.

“Tell Amy to find C50 and open it,” Callan said.

“What does C50 mean?” Michael asked. . “She will understand, but Michael, when I‘m out, I‘ll come for you,” Callan said and the cop

immediately slapped Callan. “You fucking prisoner! How dare you talk to Mr. Michael that way?” The cop shouted on him.

Callan wanted to slap the cop back but about five cops ran towards the scene and began to beat the hell out of Callan.

Michael inserted the document back inside the suitcase and ignored Callan that was being beaten mercilessly. He then walked out majestically.

He drove straight to Amy‘s house and once he parked before her apartment, he stepped out of his car and walked towards her door. He planted a knock on it severally but got no response. It soon dawned on him that the door wasn‘t even fully locked.

He opened the door gently and walked inside carefully, he sighted Amy seated on the chair but she had fallen asleep. Her head was resting on the headrest of the chair.


Michael wondered why she fell asleep this way. She could at least gone to her room. Michael then thought of carrying her to her room, he dropped his suitcase on the table and went to her to carry her, as soon as his hand touched her hand, she flinched as if scared and fluttered her eyes opened. Michael took steps back and Amy quickly stood, “Mr. Michael, what are you doing here?” She asked, wondering how he got inside her room.

“I knocked severally but the door wasn‘t opening then I realized that the door was opened, on stepping in, I realized that you were sleeping in an uncomfortable position so I decided to help you to your bedroom,” Michael said.

Amy hated Michael to the extent that she doesn‘t ever want him to step his foot inside her room but here was he, in her living room. She was feeling grossly uncomfortable with his presence.

“What are you here for?” Amy asked.

“Ouch! That‘s harsh! We are getting married in three days time, remember?” Michael asked.

“I know....” Amy sighed and walked to the exit of the door,” please come outside.”

Michael walked towards her wondering why she told him to come outside, “Amy, are you alright? You didn‘t sound fine at all?”

Of course, Amy wasn‘t fine at all. After Broderick saw the message of her hugging Michael and resting comfortably on him, he shouted on her to get out. Amy didn‘t even know what he saw on his phone that made him react in such an aggresive manner. While she was trying to find a reason behind his action, Broderick placed a call across to his head of guards to chase her out.

Amy couldn‘t beleive Broderick could do that to her but before she could challenge him for acting in such way towards her, the head of guard appeared and escorted her out. If not that the head of guard respected her, he would have thrown her out of the mansion harshly.

Amy felt terribly sad and confused that when she arrived home, she forgot to lock her door. She just slump to her seat and didn‘t know when she slept off.

Amy sighed, “We can talk here.” The both of them were now outside.

“What! Amy, you don‘t want me to stay inside your house. Why? You slept in my room three

days ago and I never touched you. Did you think that I will rape you just because it’s the both

Date Of Hell

of us in the room. Did you seriously think I‘m that kind of man?” Michael asked as if hurt.

“I don‘t just feel comfortable with you in my room,” Amy said and looked away, not wanting to look at his face that depicts that he was deeply hurt.

“After we get married, we would be staying under the same roof and even be living in the same room,” Michael told her.

“I know that, but until then. Mr. Michael, why are you here please? As you can sense, I‘m not fine at all. At all, I need to be alone.”

“Okay, I‘m so sorry for how you are feeling. Firstly, I will like to tell you that your family and the Alessandro‘s family which is my family together with Callan‘s family are coming together to build what will be the biggest company in North Hill. We want our families to be the most powerful families in North Hill. That way, we can dethrone Ba. Ba is a threat to all powerful. families in North Hill. If he can successfully build his mega company, he will monopolize and be the absolute controller of our economy,” Michael said.

“My family and I are not in good terms, you know that? I don‘t have a say in the agreement, you can speak to my father about it,” Amy said. “I spoke to your father already. Works have started between the

three families, what we need you for is your skill. You are very skilled in Design and Decorations. I read about how you and Callan were always leading in the university in your faculty. I can already tell that you are skilled. We need you. We are trying to gather skillful hands in these joint corporation,” Michael said.

“You want me to join you people?”

“Yes. Afterall, you are the mayor‘s daughter and you should support your family in their endeavour,” Michael said.

“Same family that never supported my brother and I?” Amy asked angrily.

“It was your father who sponsored you to the college and to the university. How else do you define support?” Michael asked.

Amy looked away and thought quickly then he faced Michael,” sorry, Mr. Michael, I‘m not interested. I already get a contract with Ba‘s company and I‘ll be working for them.” “What! How much did you want to profit from there? If you join us now, you will be among the next Billioniare. Would you rather support someone else and ignore your father‘s effort to build the biggest company in our city?” Michael asked.

“I‘m not interested. I need to go back to my room now ,please,” Amy said, showing readiness to go back inside. Michael deliberated on whether to tell Amy what Callan said or not.

“Bye, Mr. Michael,” Amy opened the door of her room then Michael quickly spoke,“hold on, please.”

Amy turned back to him then Michael spoke, “Callan has a message for you.”

“I‘m not interested in whatever he has to say.”

“He said you should find C50 and open it,” Michael said, studying her reaction to see how much it means to her.

“Fuck C50. Bye, Mr. Michael,” Amy walked inside her room and closed the door. C50? Callan had once told her about the place when they were married but also told her about how dangerous the place is. Callan had also promised to take her there someday to show her some secrete things about some powerful men in North Hill but Amy have not really been interested.

Once she heard Michael‘s car drove away, she opened the door and walked out, since she was already dressed in a black jean trouser and a jean jacket, she hopped inside her car and drove towards the area where she can find C50.

She drove inside the bush and eventually got before a large gate. She packed and walked towards it, she realized that one needs code to open the gate, she punched in many codes but none worked.

She looked around the very quiet place in fear. What if someone appeared now, won‘t they hurt her? She suddenly thought about Callan‘s birth date and then entered it. Then the gate slide opened.

She walked inside and appeared in a large land, she saw a decently built flat there but her heart almost fall off when she saw blood dripping from the pavement of the house. She sighted many used and damaged harmful materials, like guns, knifes, e.t.c She quickly find somewhere to hide and looked around for where C50 was. She suddenly sighted 05C on a roughly painted wall. She decoded it to be C50. There was a damaged car right beside it. She ran towards there and hid behind the car.

How does she open C50 when C50 actually looked like a wall? But seeing that these place was a secrete place where many secrete things are done by powerful men of the city. One has to think smart to decide things here. She pucnhed the wall and realized that it wasn‘t even a wall.

She looked around to be sure no one was looking at her, then she pushed the object that looked like a wall to a side, as soon as she stepped in, the object closed back by itself.

She suddenly sighted someone‘s leg stretched, she couldn‘t see the person‘s body. She ran towards the place and peeped and her eyes almost burst when she eventually saw the person seated weakly with

eyes closed.

“Irvin!” She screamed and Irvin opened his eyes at once. He was so lean has he had not tasted neither food nor water ever since he came here. Expect for the fact that the bullet was taking away from his back, no other treatment was given to him.

Irvin was very shocked to see Amy, with a dried throat, he called weakly,” Amy...what… are you...doing here?” He was scared, thinking that the bastard Michael had probably kidnapped his sister too.

Whereas, Michael had just parked his car before the gate of hell. That is what this place was actually called. When he stepped down from the car, he wasn‘t surprised when he saw Amy‘s car. It was because he had finally decoded what Callan meant by C50.

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