Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Chapter 62 A Ghost Broderick saw a strange woman standing before her, the woman looked fearless and had a different skin color implying that she was a foreigner. “Who are you?” Broderick asked. “I’m Dr. Charlotte, I have just moved in to this neighborhood, is there a way I can help you, sir?” The woman asked politely. “Did you have an idea who was living here before?” Broderick asked and the woman shook her head in response. Judging from the woman’s look, Broderick assumed the woman was innocent. He turned from her and sighed in frustration. He promised himself not to rest until he finds Amy’s dead body. He, at the very least have to give Amy a proper burial. A few minutes before Broderick arrived at Amy’s apartment, Michael placed a call across to Amy telling her to evacuate the building as Broderick was coming there then he sent someone to occupy the place in her absense. Amy was the first to call him telling him to ensure that she would not be exposed tomorrow when meeting with her children. Michael walked back to his living room where Amy sat and said,” Broderick had left your apartment, you can leave now. I’m sure he would not see any reason to come back to your apartment.” “Thank you, Mr. Michael,” Amy walked out and took a cab home. Before she arrived home, the woman that Michael sent to occupy Amy’s mansion had already left. Once Broderick arrived at his mansion, one of the guards present at home informed him about the presence of Nell. Why would Nell come over to his mansiom unannounced? He walked inside nevertheless and once Nell saw him walked in, she stood and greeted with a smile,” son, how are you coping?” “I’m trying to be fine. But mother, why are you here without informing me?” He asked. “Can’t I come to visit my son anytime I like?” Nell asked jokingly and quickly added,” I’m sorry, son. I just

have something pressing to discuss with you and I don’t want to bother you by telling you to come over.” Broderick sighed and went to sit after which Nell sat. Truth was, he didn’t like how Nell appeared unannounced. She could have just called him to come over. “What’s the matter?” He asked coldly. “It’s about Theresa. She told me you haven’t even come to check on her ever since she came back home. Are you aware that her sickness is getting worse?” Nell asked. *I’m disturbed cause I can’t find Amy’s dead body. As for Theresa, she will be fine over time. And mother, don’t worry about her, okay? She’s my wife afterall so it’s my sole responsibility to ensure she’s fine,” he said.

“You haven’t even formalized your marriage yet, I think you should and also organize a grand wedding with her,” Nell said. Nell had reasoned that eventhough Broderick is identifying himself publicly with Theresa, he can still dismiss her anytime but once they get married legally, it will take Theresa to sign a divorce agreement before he can dismiss her as his wife and organizing a grand wedding with her will seal their marriage publicly. “It’s 100 early for that,” Broderick said. “Broderick!” A soft and weak voice sounded and as Broderick raised his head up towards the direction of the voice, he saw Theresa walking weakly towards him. She looked sick and then sat on the chair slowly. “My life is miserable.” She added pityfully. Broderick maintained his straight gaze and observed Theresa keenly. “When would you ever love me back? You haven’t even fulfilled your promise of marrying me, for all I know, I am just a shadow of your wife at the moment. Broderick, did you still doubt me or did you think we can’t get along anymore?” Theresa began to cry. Broderick turned to Nell who also had a pityful look on her face,” she had been waiting for you all her life and now that she’s with you, is this all she will get?” Nell asked. Broderick stilled his mind, although he had made a promise when he was naive, he wouldn’t rush to fulfilContent is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

such promise. Its too dangerous. It was enough that he brought her into his house. Broderick suddenly saw a figure appeared and walking behind the couch that Nell and Theresa both sat. How did this person even get access into his room. The shape and figure of the person looked like that of Amy. The figure covered her face with a veil so it was impossible to see her face. He stood immediately and walked towards her but the figure soon faded into the hallway. He ran after her but suddenly couldn’t find her anymore. He searched all the available rooms but couldn’t find her. He placed a call across to the head of guards and commanded him to fish out whoever has entered after which he returned back to the living room. “What’s wrong, Broderick?” Nell asked. “Someone suspicious entered. Don’t worry mother, I’ll fish the person out,” Broderick said confidently. He was so certain that his men will fish out whoever it was. But he was more disturbed as to why the person looked like Amy. “If you can help me find Amy’s dead body, I’ll consider having a public wedding with Theresa,” Broderick declared. “Oh! That… I’ll immediately begin to make findings,” Nell said. Broderick stood and excused himself from the two women in the living room then walked outside. “Mother, how do we find Amy’s dead body?” Theresa immediately asked. “The main question should be, who kidnapped her body? And for what reason? Your mother and I are the only persons who hate Amy and we didn’t even kidnap her dead body. Her dead body is useless to us. We are more satisfied that she’s dead.” Nell said. “I may be dead but can you also kill my ghost?” A voice suddenly sounded behind Theresa and Nell and they suddenly jerked back in fear. Seeing a human whose face was covered with a veil, their heart skipped and they watch as the woman unveiled her face, seeing Amy, they both screamed as if seeing a ghost and ran out of the house, wounding themselves mercilessly in the process.

“Miss Amy, are you done?” The head of guards asked. “Yes, lead me out,” Amy commanded and the head of guard ordered the two men that were with him to lead Amy out of the house through the backdoor. The head of guard was once in dire need of money, his mother was sick and he needed money so badly, the money for her treatment was huge and it was Michael Alessandro who helped him then. Ever since then, he had always wish to pay his debt through any means he can. He was the one always giving Michael Alessandro all information about Broderick’s movement, then Michael would in turn communicate it to Amy. This was how Michael was able to tell Amy to evacuate her apartment at a time when Broderick and his men were coming to visit. Once Ary got lead out of the house through the backdoor, the head of guard began to walk outside. Whereas, Theresa and Nell stumbled outside and even fell to the floor, Theresa scratched her knees to the floor while Nell used her forehead to hit the ground. Broderick who was standing and waiting for the head of guard to appear with the suspicious woman who entered his house was stunned to see his godmother and Theresa stumbling out of the house in utmost fear. “What’s wrong?” He asked concernedly, “Inside inside a ghost,” Nell said, her head bleeding. “A ghost?’ Broderick asked. “We saw Amy yes, Amy, she’s inside.” Theresa said, panting heavily, Does a ghost exist? Broderick never beleived In fairy tales, he only beleived what he sees. But then, he also saw a woman whose shape looked like that of Amy. The head of guard appeared at that moment and said, panting heavily as if he had done a thorough search,” sir, we can’t find anyone.” “Did you search every where? Broderick asked. “We searched every single space in the mansion but could not find anyone,” the head of guard said. This was the second time in all of Broderick’s entire life that he would be confused,” take my mother and

my wife to the hospital.” He commanded and walked back inside. He went ahead and search himself but couldn’t find anyone. Theresa and Nell were in the VIP ward of the hospital, they were both on different bed but in the same ward. Once the guards by the door of the ward let Edith inside the ward, she barged inside the ward and ran towards Theresa,” Martha, oh my gosh! What happened.” She then turned to Nell and asked,” mother, what happened?” Nell sat upright and spoke with anger,” did you beleive Amy is dead?” “Of course she is, mother. I watched her eat the poisoned food and saw her when she began to foam.” Theresa sat upright and answered. “Mum, we saw Amy’s ghost,” Theresa answered her mother. Edith furrowed her brow,” that’s not happening. The drug I told you to put inside that food can kill anyone in just three minutes after getting to the stomach, there is no way Amy can survive that and does ghost really exist?” Edith became very troubled. “I think she survived it. First her dead body was missing, secondly, she appeared to us… I don’t think she’s dead,” Nell said. Nell had thought deeply about it and come to the conclusion, though not absolutely sure yet. “But how could she survive such?” Martha asked no one in particular then faced Theresa,” Theresa, is it the exact drug that you put in Amy’s food?” “Yes, of course. I don’t have any other drug that can kill,” Theresa responded. The three women in the room were totally devoid of peace and were in confusion. “If Amy is truly alive, she will expose us all to Broderick. If that happens, Broderick will let us all die a painful death,” Nell said. Her heart beating. Theresa was very restless too that she almost couldn’t breath anymore. Her phone chirped all of a

sudden and she picked it up. Seeing that a message entered her phone, she quickly checked and saw an unknown number sent a video. Before she checked the video, she raised her face up and looked at Edith and Nell, “an anonymous somebody sent me a video.” Nell collected the phone from her and Theresa and Edith quickly came around her, ready to watch the video together. Once Nell pressed the play button on the video, they all watched as Theresa posioned Amy’s food in the video. “What!” Edith screamed. Theresa pulled back slowly and stood, her two hands on her hair,” mum , we are doomed.” Nell dialed that number that sent the video severally but it wasn’t responding. “Mum, what do we do? Someone has the evidence that I poisoned Amy?” Theresa asked, almost crying. “Mother Nell, what do we do? You were the one who came to us to enter this deal, now it seems we are in trouble,” Edith herself was now helpless. “You people should shut up and let me think,” Nell scolded and began to think. “Apart from Amy, Broderick and the kids, who else was in the house?” Nell asked. “Just the maid, but I don’t think she suspect anything,” Theresa answered. “I’ll get to the root of this matter, you all should just be calm for now,” Nell said, eventhough her mind was far from being calm herself. Theresa and Edith were scared, very scared. Whereas, Amy was in her house eating happily after sending the video to Theresa. She chuckled as she remembered how those evil women stumbled away from her and even get themselves wounded while thinking she was a ghost. “Hahaha,” Amy chuckled then a knock sounded on her door, before she could even stand from where she sat, she received a text. “It’s me- Michael, you can open the door,” the text reads and Amy stood and walked up to the door. Once she opened it, she saw Michael standing with an averagely tall man. Once Michael saw the look of

confusion on his face, he said,” this man here was the gigolo that lied to your father that your mother always sleep with him and that he was your father.” –

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